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CTP - Central Petroleum

this is correct ... you are getting a free option not a free share ...
I dont qualify as I am only holding options at the moment ... Cant wait for drilling to get back underway .. good to see JH out in the media trying to create some interest and still talking in the trillions !
ok thanks for the clarification, however I missed the record date so i can't take up the rights anyway.

I'm also keen for this drilling to commence, i'll certainly keep subscribed!

CTP have released a very informative exploration time table today.. I will try to attach however if not check the announcements


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CTP talking up some action to capitalise on the helium potential which is great to see.. they need to prove there is some around but helium should definetly get market interest .. A change in CTP direction and some upwards movement continues to pend on them getting some results..
CTP when up 0.08cents today to 0.085 glad too see that
seem to be due to the helium find. hope if continues on a upward trend



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its got a bit of a move on today .. ye hhaaa . !!
I dont think they have actually found any hellium yet they have just said if they do find some they could sell... people want results before we see this run hard... but great to see some positive interest .. either theres a leak or alot of people watch the ffn tv newtork JH did the interview with !
does anybody have any advice for me as to what i should do with a pre-market bid.

I do want to invest into ctp, although am not quite sure whether to bid at the current sp, slightly higher or slightly lower.

It is a tough call to make imo, as the only big market activity in ctp has been the 1 day spike on friday, and my inexperience as an investor doesn't help the situation!

p.s. does asking a question such as this go against forum rules?

If so then I apologize and the comment can be edited by a moderator.
CTP still getting strong interest today ... I know nothing ! so I wonder whats up ? The talk of helium perhaps getting the market to take some notice ..

Sharejon.. nobody can tell you to buy or not to buy .. You are going to have to make this decision yourself.. If you look at the highs then you could think its great value but there is no guarantees it will be this high again.. and if you look at the lows you could think its a high entry point but again it may never be this low again..

I am sitting on 1m options at average.. I am not selling but keeping them as i have faith and dont want to miss out as i have done in the past with stocks like fmg where i sold out at 20c and waited and waited for a re-entry !

best of luck with your decision ..
Adobee I'm well aware of that. I stated that I am keen to buy, but am curious if anybody had any estimates on what they might see as a possible low for tomorrow (as we don't want to buy at the highest price do we!).

And I agree, it's very hard to find a suitable re-entry point, and it isn't a great feeling when you've potentially missed one!

Thanks anyway, let's hope the future for CTP is a bright one!
Well it's fair to say that CTP has copped an absolute hammering in the last few days, nothing has gone it's way. The super tax, rights dumping and overseas financial issues all have seemed to hamper the market price.

One feels that the rot wont end quickly. Is there any chance of a sudden change in fortunes for CTP or will holders just have to brave the storm and hope to come out of the otherside in one piece?

On another note, I see they hit some coal seam in there project that was cut short prior to the rain. Perhaps this is the only light to come out of a fairly dark week.

looks like a pretty good entry point today i would say..
unless the whole market continues to get hammered all week ..

That's a fair comment - it has been a woeful few days - but really for what? The super profits tax is most likely to be watered down so that it doesn't impact smaller players so much, they continue to find more coal, the funding for a go it alone program looks to be largely in place. The only thing that could be takingit's toll is that they aven't yet come out with a onfirmed Coal seam gas discovery - but as far as I can tell they haven't tested for it either - but I may be wrong there (comments?). Half tempted to top up at this price...... oh that's right I have no money left - buggar.
I think a lot of the success in Phase 2 will bank on the Oil and Gas discoveries from Johnstone and Ooraminna. If they can crack into what they estimated was there, 500 million barrels of oil and 2 Trillion Cubic Feet of lng is a great find.

The coal seam findings really hasn't affected the market at all and this is reflective of the bigger picture for CTP's year.

Towards the close of today, some more buyer's were jumping on board around the 6.8 to 7 cent price so provided we dont have another catastrophe in the US tonight, it would be fair to say that CTP should hover around its closing price in early trading.

Ofcourse I am happy to be proven wrong if it takes a step in the right direction

EDIT: I have been following these forums for a while but hadn't bothered to register until today. Let's try and spark abit of constructive discussion about the year ahead for CTP. While the last 5 or so business days have been far from great, if all goes to plan it should be a successful couple of months for this company. Fingers crossed for a bit of luck overseas tonight so sellers dont go on another panic attack tomorrow morning.
... so provided we dont have another catastrophe in the US tonight, it would be fair to say that CTP should hover around its closing price in early trading ...

Hmmmm. Does some numbnuts trader in the US entering the wrong number on his P&G trade count as a catastrophe?
GUYs! I have just received a letter of "CHESS Allotment Confirmation Notice as at 3 May 2010, Security class: ORDINARY FULLY PAID SHARES"
and "CHESS Allotment Confirmation Notice as at 3 May 2010, Security class: LISTED OPTIONS EXPIRING ON 31 MARCH 2014 @ $0.16"
there is also a form: "Application Form on Exercise of Options Expiring 31 March 2014"

What is this? should I fill the form and send out? is this something about the "ctpra"?

Luke, those are options to buy shares at 16c at anytime (regardless of market price) prior to March 2014. It is up to you whether you would like to bid on/use these options.
Well after a torrid week or so, CTP looks like building some momentum coming up to the first announcements about O2. Buyers are lining up this morning well above (0.6c) the market price at close last night. Should be a relatively cracking day for CTP if market depth is anything to go by.
Well my prediction earlier this week fell in a heap, buyers ended up playing the conservative game.

Price sensitive announcement out today...however it was after market close so we won't see the market's reaction until Monday. Long story short, the Ooraminna rig is being mobilised and the latest day to begin spudding according to their contract is the 31st of May 2010. This is a short delay as they planned to kick things off tomorrow however some small issues has pushed them back a bit in the past few weeks. Nothing to be concerned about however, we've waiting this long, the gas will still be there in a week or so. Fingers are well and truely crossed
Great news that we are driling this month and targeting a big target... bit concerned that we keep hyping that we are targeting 2Trillion CFG .. if we dont hit the target it could lead to some disappointment ..
I agree Adobee.

However im confident that if CTP even gets near the target the share price should go up significantly, as it means the gas reserves have actually been accessed (and proven that they hold gas).

Exciting times ahead when results from the drilling are released. Hopefully the results come out nicely.
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