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CRYP - BetaShares Crypto Innovators ETF

This one seems to have snuck past me. Going up and weekly turnover > 2M. Nice BO >2.95. Note the rising volume with lots of HVBBs.

I'm aware of Blackrock's current push to list crypto ETFs. This ETF didn't appear in my scans at the right time. Fixed this oversight.

Bitcoin rallying again within it's recent trading range. I'm hoping it makes another high because I'm holding some CRYP.

If BTC pauses or reverses then I'm selling asap.

This speculative position has finally started to move up.
Probably should have added when the meme stocks (GME, AMC) pumped last week. It seemed to be an indication that the highly speculative retail buyers were looking for action. I'm reluctant to add to a losing position more than once in any spec idea. CRYP could never be considered a security that is highly probable to go higher like most commodities.

I'll sell half at the old high target price.

BTW: Buying on the way down is a really dumb idea, but it is addictive. It's so much easier to manage risk when prices have started to go up.
Interesting. I can't understand what's happening.

I closed this position as price was near the target and the BTC price had started to fall.

But this CRYP ETF is not falling as the underlying is. I thought it might be due to the AUDUSD but no.
BTCUSD is 10% below it's recent high but this ETF remains just below it's high. Interesting.
I played a little bit with this one in the last 6 months..
It is actually worrying if it does not follow BTC, but if you dig a bit , it should not :
CRYPT is to :I quote:
" track the performance of an index (before fees and expenses) that provides exposure to global companies at the forefront of the dynamic crypto economy." so not BTC, ethernum, etc but a set of companies
from their website:
Note I did the same mistake as I went in out based on crypto currencies move...usually parallel....
But does not have to.
Hope it helps, it helps me for sure
Thanks @qldfrog I must have looked at another crypto ETF, as the holding were 100% BTC futures.

It now makes sense why CRYP is stronger then BTC as it holds BTC miners, many of whom are transitioning to data-centres with NVDA GPUs. Had I realised this then I might have held on for longer as many of these stocks are charging higher along with NVDA.
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