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Cramer's Worst Stock Pick - BSC


9 July 2004

Note the speaker mentions the elephant in the room- JP Morgan part owns the Federal reserve - BABOOM

Required viewing!! This guy is kewel!

Re: Cramer's Worst Stock Pick-BSC

Thanks for that wayne, Cramer is an absolute muppet as he continues to demonstrate with advice like that. How he is able to stay on the air boggles the mind.
Joe, can we look at extending the amount of space that signatures are allowed to take. I suspect Wayne is going to need it that way things are shaping up
Joe, can we look at extending the amount of space that signatures are allowed to take. I suspect Wayne is going to need it that way things are shaping up

Can I have, like... 10,000 characters please?
Best mad money EVAR! Going on right now...

Squirm squirm squirm.
I just watched that in its entirety. Never seen him before, but it was brilliant. Makes me thankful for the Internet.

Thanks for sharing Wayne.
1) If your watching CNBC for your stock pick's, that's not really smart, is it?

2) If you watching Cramer for your stock pick's, that's not really smart is it?

3) Does anyone know how to get that green screen saver that is in the background, seems kinda cool?

4) Throwing money at the problem isn't going to fix everything. Kind of like a small hole in a bursting dam...

Cramer defending himself;

"People who banked with Bear Stearns – hedge funds, prime brokerage clients – haven’t suffered despite the company’s need for a Federal Reserve bailout.

So CNBC stock guru Jim Cramer was right on the money."
Interesting spin.


  • Cramer was right.GIF
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Interesting spin.

Adam Warner parses the spin:



  • bsc.gif
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Great Link Wayne, I'll bookmark that guy's site(, I like his style.

You have to feel sorry for the average people invested in that company.
Don Harold exposes the Cramer subterfuge subsequent to his BSC call.

Cramer's BSC call part II

I had no idea the Fed was a privately held corporation... its insane that JPM own a % of the Fed and the Fed decides to "bail out" BS with 30Bn and then let JPM buy them for a pittance.

Surely the RBA is gov't owned.
I had no idea the Fed was a privately held corporation... its insane that JPM own a % of the Fed and the Fed decides to "bail out" BS with 30Bn and then let JPM buy them for a pittance.

Surely the RBA is gov't owned.

If your interested here is the link to the Federal Reserve

It was John Pierpont Morgan who was the catalyst for the Fed's establishment when the US Government turned to him when banks were going down the gurgler. The fed system is established by an Act of Congress. Fascinating stuff.

As for the RBA, which is a statutory authority, the link is


burglar believes JFK tried to back USDollar with silver.
Conspiracy theorists would have us believe that this would have finished off the Federal Reserve, so JFK was assasinated.

Just a theory, DYOR
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