Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Costa Concordia disaster

21 December 2008
Here's some raw that may be of interest regarding the Costa Concordia disaster.

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Last year 12 of us from Perth took a boat up the inside passage to Alaska, 3,200 people all up, now our bus was held up at the border and arrived just b4 the boat set sale, as we got on the boat they was finishing the life boat drill, people every place with life jackets on, our whole bus load was taken to our cabins, I said to the rest of our group we will get a life boat drill as soon as we get under way.
We got NO drill, as we got on the boat the gang plank to the boat is about 250Mts long, that was still full of people boarding, had that boat gone down, they would had at least 100 people that never had a clue what to do.
I think they think it willl never happen to us.
Hoons always get their comeuppance. Hooning on a 114,500 ton ship is ridiculous... just to give the locals a thrill.