Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Corrupt QLD Police

2 July 2008

Police corruption could run deeper as report slams force

The report released by Crime and Misconduct Commission chairman Robert Needham yesterday implicated 25 officers ranging from constables to an inspector in multiple allegations of police misconduct.

The allegations relate to the use and management of police informants, who were given benefits, including cash, unsupervised leave from jail and phone calls in return for confessions and evidence.

Mr Needham said he decided to make the report public because he did not have faith in the police service to accurately inform the officers of the findings.
Of the 25 officers implicated in the report, three have been charged with offences, including perjury and giving false evidence, one was dismissed, six resigned or retired, and 11 were given "managerial guidance".

The inept, bothered, and bewildered Police Chief when interviewed by Madonna King on ABC this morning presented the figure of a nice guy who was way out of his depth.
Of the 25 cops that were charged, those who retired or resigned will not have the charges pursued. The will also be allowed to collect their superannuation payments. It doesn't send a very good message to the honest cops.
Of the 25 cops that were charged, those who retired or resigned will not have the charges pursued. The will also be allowed to collect their superannuation payments. It doesn't send a very good message to the honest cops.

Anyone else who commits a criminal offence at their place of employment would be charged whether they had resigned, retired or been sacked. These people are the scum of the earth. Hiding behind a uniform while committing crimes is about as low as one can go.
I know a fair few police in Queensland, and the job they have to do dealing with, scum, politicians, lawyers, judges and the CMC is not an enviable one.

I know a fair few police in Queensland, and the job they have to do dealing with, scum, politicians, lawyers, judges and the CMC is not an enviable one.


Yes gg, the few that do wrong are less as a percentage than crime in the general community. There will always be some bad apples, thats life, at least it has comne to notice by the judicial process.

My brother was locked up at Longreach Queesnland in 1987 for no more than being asleep in his car, on a Friday night was held till Court on the Monday, and as an ex cop have seen it from all angles.

90% plus of cops make it safe for all to sleep at night.
Doesn't this thing happen every couple of years or so? Not necessarily in QLD but also other states. Roger Rogerson ex NSW detective and many of his cohorts (Ray Kelly and Fred Krahe) were caught red handed.

The thin blue line is getting thinner at an alarming rate.

Corruption used to be far worse across the country in earlier years. Just look at the shenanigans of the 1970s. I'd say there's far less of it today than there has been in the past.
I think more we get aligned with corrupt behaviours with overseas countries the flavour of corruption has to hit us as well.

Qld is always advanced on sudden rich schemes so police taking a slice of it - all fare in the world of corruption

See what happens in Victoria police and in WA Police corruption too.

Looks like we are in now third world country
I know a fair few police in Queensland, and the job they have to do dealing with, scum, politicians, lawyers, judges and the CMC is not an enviable one.


Too shay double g, definitely the lawyers & judges, they are the root of all evil & the police are just doing their bidding;)


90% plus of cops make it safe for all to sleep at night.

I totally agree here, also this type of corruption should be legal.

Outcrooking the crooks? Brilliant idea.

For me doing somewhat illegal things to smash the criminal gang should be commendable and can greatly reduce resources necessary to collect enough evidence for successful prosecution.

Main game is to catch them!
Qld police corruption should be stamped out immediately, and put back where it belongs - at the political level!

Goodness gracious me - don't you worry about that ....and ...uhh you can lead a horse to drink but you cannot make it water.

Sometimes I miss the 80's ;)
Qld police corruption should be stamped out immediately, and put back where it belongs - at the political level!

Goodness gracious me - don't you worry about that ....and ...uhh you can lead a horse to drink but you cannot make it water.

Sometimes I miss the 80's ;)

I agree with you Bowman. The trouble with our our present small crop of bad apples in Qld is that they are only amateurs. In the days of Bjelke Petersen, the politicians and the top cops were clever. They ran crime in the State in a professional. manner. Nobody stepped out of line.

There were benefits for the general public. Small time crooks were locked up. the streets were safe, old ladies could use public transport at night, and we all slept safe in bed. Any crooks that stepped out of line lost their protection.

They were indeed the good old days
LMAO Calliope ....... aaaaaaaah the good old days eh ! Big Russ Hinze was up to his armpits in graft and corruption. He presided over an era of controversy that included the setting up of the Racing Development Fund, ministerial rezonings and the licensing of Jupiters Casino. One of Hinze's favourite sayings was "Never hold an inquiry unless you know what the outcome will be"

Kristy Hinze (his daughter) is marrying that old billionaire geezer who founded Netscape. Hinze is 28 and her fiancee, Jim Clark, is 64 but apparently the 36-year age difference is of no consequence. "I love him for his brains" she has been quoted a s saying.

ROFL ... Daddy taught her well !
Corruption by the cops and media and gov is wide spread they back each other blindly and will kill anyone how gets in there road of what they are after . If u have ever been a victim of police corruptions u will find out just how dirty they are still there is some good ones but I would not trust any of them unless u know them :xyxthumbs