What is your view on the market? This is crucial to your gearing decision. I have the exact numbers around somewhere but I'm too lazy/busy to fish them out. Roughly (and from memory) speaking therefore...
If you are geared at 75% ($25,000 of your own money in a $100,000 portfolio). The Market (or more correctly the value of your shares held in the margin loan) needs to fall between 6 and 10% before you are in a margin call.
If you are geared at 50% ($50k of your own money in a $100K portfolio), the market needs to fall between 32 to 36% before you are in margin call.
If you are geared at 25% ($75k of your own money in a $100K portfolio), the market needs to fall 75 - 79% before you are in margin call.
Given that our market has seen some substantial rises from it's bottom are we more or less likely to have a corrective pattern in the near term?
Is it therefore in your best interest to gear heavily (yes I consider a 60% gearing to be aggressive), at this time?
Sir O