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Compulsory voting

Should we be forced to VOTE?

  • NO

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • YES

    Votes: 48 52.7%

  • Total voters
Lurker 123
You are being unfair about USA the dept of home land security has ordered 450Million bullets enough to kill every one 1.5 times, bullet proof booths,FEMA has ordered a large supply of canned and dried food and in the process of setting up Re Education camps to house 28 million Blacks and any other American citizen who has a sticker on the car or anti USA or any sort of activist type paraphernalia so they can send in the CIA, FBI or any dept they chose to check out your house.

They have over ridden the constitution to take control of any thing they like.
The media is not running any thing about Ron Paul in case he gets elected and 28% think Gold is the safest bet for the future.
So the voters will one day wake up to whats going on maybe too late and as you say be another 3 rd world country just like OZ will be in another 8 yrs or so.

Mechanical engineers build weapons civil engineers build targets.

As long as voters are being spoon fed there is no need for them to think.

I appreciate the effort you have given to your reply, and the size of your ego! It is a shame that you didn't nominate mathematics as the example, since you are preaching to an audience whose members normally involve themselves in numbers!
Lurker 123, if you continue with interesting and valid comments such as your latest post I shall even have to consider agreeing with you.
Thanks for a logical and articulate argument which - when expanded on as you have above - makes considerable sense.
Great find Dannyboy, and confirms my initial thoughts on compulsory voting.

Looks like the big loser on the day was compulsory voting. There's probably more merit in compulsory voting at the state and federal level (although personally I disagree with all forms of compulsory voting) but do we really need to be forced to chose who will decide what night garbage night is?

I see in my area, Woollahra, turnout was 57%.
I am in favour of compulsory voting, I believe it lends credence to the decision of a poll, and stops small interest groups and nutters from skewing a result.

The paper from the Queensland LNP is just that a discussion paper. It does no harm to revisit these issues. Many Liberals and National Party members believe in compulsory voting.

The only problem at the moment is that Ma Gillard will use this discussion paper to scare voters.

More negativity from Labor.

I don't go on twitter but I'd bet London to a brick that twits like Craig Emerson are milking it for all it's worth with the other luvvies on Twitter.

It's a non issue.

A scare campaign, more negative stuff from the ALP with no policies and a bad history of managing Australia's money and borders.

The only problem at the moment is that Ma Gillard will use this discussion paper to scare voters.

More negativity from

I don't see why it should scare voters. It would be the best thing since sliced bread. Anything that the evil dwarf Wayne Swan sees as a threat to democracy must be a good thing. It would be a threat to Labor though as the electors who vote, only because they have to, probably vote Labor. Any electoral system that forces people to vote is not democratic.

It won't happen though.

On the basis of Swan saying that, I have polled for non-compulsory
If they remove compulsory voting then we will move straight to a US style extreme left and right kind of political system. You have to go extreme to get people to make the effort to vote as the center tend to be less inclined to get out of the house and into a voting booth.
On what do you base this generalisation?
New Zealand has never had compulsory voting and always has a turnout of between 75% and 80%. In all my years there I never saw the political system aligned to the extreme right or left.
Effectively, what voluntary voting offers is the opportunity for those who are informed and interested to make an educated vote, rather than the compulsory system where people who couldn't give a stuff will just follow whatever How to Vote form is thrust into their hands on the way into the voting chamber.

I agree with this too.

On another issue, why can't we vote online yet in this country? That would solve a lot problems with voters not voting. The biggest hassle is turning up at you local school hall, finding parking, dodging all the pamplet pushers and then queuing up for half an hour to get your name ruled off and the paperwork? What are the bureaucrats afraid of? Oh before anyone says fraud please don't, if we have secure internet banking I can't see why we can't have secure online voting.

I wouldn't be too sure.

ALP is now in spin mode, Craig Emerson on Twitter, Wayne Swan in the Courier Mail.

Ma Gillard has a pom called McTernan, heading her Office, who used work for Tony Blair and kept that piece of crap in power long past his use by date.

McTernan can manipulate the press and the agenda par excellence, and may actually get the ALP back in to government this year.

He thought up the misogyny debate, although my contacts in Sussex St., (who hate his guts), tell me he now regrets it, as it will play against the ALP.

Ever read 1984?

This guy is a 2013.

Weren't there problems with electronic voting in the US a few elections back, might have been in G.Bush time. I have a long way to go before I'd trust an electronic system for polling. Hacked into by foreign nationals, just imagine it.

This will seem partisan, but it's no surprise to me that leading ALP figures are speaking against voluntary voting. It speaks to their present style of politics. In 2013 expect (ad nauseam) 'Abbott is a misogynist', and 'climate change' (the CSIRO scientists said so, or they're sacked).
We don't have compulsory voting. We have compulsory getting your name signed off the register.
And I can't believe that that anyone would want to use the USA as an example of a successful voting system. It has been corrupted so badly that the middle class has been destroyed by corporate interests.

Don't worry. It's not going to happen. It was just an idea thrown into the pot on electoral reform. We will still be compelled to front up to the polling booth whether we want to or not.


If Anonymous/LulzSec can hack into the Pentagon, CIA, and DOD (etc etc....), then tampering with the AEC would be a cake walk.

If Anonymous/LulzSec can hack into the Pentagon, CIA, and DOD (etc etc....), then tampering with the AEC would be a cake walk.

I think a serious government would figure out a way around it, although i agree the hackers would probably be able to crash it if so desired.

I think we should be able to vote online and use our tax file number or passport or medicare number, or even some other sort of government card just for elections in order to reduce fraud

Maybe that's an idea to put to the Green rep in your area Imagine the saving of paper, fuel, carbon emissions etc Will have to happen one day you'd expect.
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