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Compulsory voting

Should we be forced to VOTE?

  • NO

    Votes: 43 47.3%
  • YES

    Votes: 48 52.7%

  • Total voters
rederob said:
Apologies to Julia who I confused with Wayne in earlier post.
So sorry Julia - was thinking about something else at the time!

Oh, I'm relieved I haven't said anything offensive after all! I was puzzling over this. No problems, Rederob - thanks for the correction.


Hello Websman

Obviously you have a responsible attitude towards voting, but isn't the usual turnout of the general population very low in US elections?

Thanks to Smurf for balanced and sensible comments, as usual.

I really value the right to vote and took out Australian Citizenship for just that purpose.

Julia said:
I really value the right to vote and took out Australian Citizenship for just that purpose.
Wouldn't you prefer to take out the Minister for Foreign Affairs?

Hi rederob

rederob said:
Wouldn't you prefer to take out the Minister for Foreign Affairs?

are you suggesting julia goes after married men after her bypothetical scenario of being stuck down a mine shaft with me the other day



(just joshing julia)
gosh Julia,looks like you are getting a reputation,better stop going down those mine shafts with married man,
Julia said:
Hello Websman

Obviously you have a responsible attitude towards voting, but isn't the usual turnout of the general population very low in US elections?


Yes it is low, but my point is that we have a choice. We can either show up and vote or we can stay at home. I'm not trying to stir up a controversy here or make it sound like I live in a better country, but I feel that it is important to retain my freedom to decide if I want to show up or not.

The U.S. does have it's share of problems, but most Americans are very independent and don't like of the thought of being required to do anything. If I was told that we had to show up to vote, I would probably get ticked off and tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. But because I am given a choice...I chose to vote.

It would be like President Bush ordering that all Americans must turn their guns. It wouldn't work, because most Americans feel that it's their right to own a gun and nobody is going to take them away.

But...Like I said, I don't consider the U.S. to be any better than Australia, just different. As a matter of fact, I think Australia is a very cool country. I guess it all depends on how you were raised and what you are used to. I have Australian friends and I'm sure we wouldn't agree on this issue, but we are still friends. Hey...if we were all the same and agreed on everything the world wouldn't be very interesting would it?

Take care!
bullmarket said:
...are you suggesting julia goes after married men after her bypothetical scenario of being stuck down a mine shaft with me the other day
I think the Minister should be "taken out".
Our use of language hides a lot!
websman said:
.............Hey...if we were all the same and agreed on everything the world wouldn't be very interesting would it?

Take care!

yep agree but it sure would be much safer with no-one trying to blow someone else up


to treasure the freedom that you obviously enjoy is great,but by not voting arent you letting your fellow Americans defend those freedoms for you.What happens if one day they let you down and vote for someone who will drastically change your way of life.E.g in our last election a person who in the end turned out to be mentally unstable was presented by his collegues and sections of the media as an acceptable alternative to lead Australia,althought people had the usual whinche about voting he didnt get in,sometimes if you have a choice it becomes very easy to become despondent and say ,well whats the point my vote isnt really going to make a difference,when in fact it does.
Just a thought,
By the way Mark Latham hasnt been cerified yet ,but lets see how long it takes him to write the next book where he discusses how he overcame ,this and that blah blah blah
visual said:
gosh Julia,looks like you are getting a reputation,better stop going down those mine shafts with married man,

Visual and Bullmarket,

As soon as I'd posted that hypothetical scenario the other day I knew I'd be in trouble!

Only thing I'm still nervous about is the possibility of Mrs Bullmarket getting mad at me if she thinks I'm trying to make off down a mine shaft with her dearly beloved!

Hi Julia

and believe me - she's not the person you want to get on the wrong side of ......I've got the lumps and bruises to prove it.. :twak:

thanks for the laugh, really needed that
For those who have posted/read this post,

There was a by-election in my "area" despite it being several suburbs away that in all honest truth I did not know I had to vote in. Now both myself and my wife have coped a fine - unless we can provide a valid reason.

I don't think they are going to accept a "we didn't know" and while I am hesitant to lie I aint going to pay a fine for something so ridiculous.

Also I am not sure what time the booths would have closed.

Any thoughts appreciated.


You say " all honest truth I did not know I had to vote in."

So if your defence is that you didn't know, how is that a lie?

I would definitely say you simply didn't know you were required to vote.
A fine is petty and stupid. Stick up for yourselves.

Julia, the truth is that i did not know, but I feel they will not deem that as a valid reason and am therefore contemplating a more elaborate tale.

I agree it is petty and stupid but I feel it will be a case of sticking up for oneself, as you put it will simply find me in court. While I despise the Idea of paying the fine (mostly on principle) I would rather pay $40 now than end up in court with $100's plus fees.

I once (when I was inclined to vote) was a few minutes late arriving at the polling station and they wouldn't let me vote. The reason was that I went to the place where the previous election was held. It wasn't there, so drove around til I found it, but it was past the closing time.

I detailed that to the electoral commision when they sent out their petty and ridiculous fine and they decided to wave the fine.

Give it a go.

I did my best until my ex wife got a job with the electoral office and just kept hounding me other than that i got away with it since i was 19

I was thinking of a similar reply, flat tyre or engine trouble though. Does it matter that I do not know what time the poll's shut?
You weren't available. You were called away on a family emergency.
You were on holiday in another state or `roughing` it in the bush.

I've been pinged twice. They won't investigate over a 50 dollar fine.
They're just after the people who don't respond to the letter...
easy money.
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