That sounds great... but perhaps a long time ago ? I'm not totally disparaging of TAFE. I'd be delighted to hear of /see some high quality/highly demanding teachers and courses. Just not sure that is what is happening in 2023.
TAFE is like most of our education systems and actually like most service providers, they have been changed from being based on outcomes to being based on profit.
That profit doesn't have to be reflected in how much money the service makes as an end product, it can also be reflected in how much money is being paid along the way to achieve the end product and that no longer is being measured against the outcome.
Since teaching was removed from teacher training colleges and made a degree the cost of teachers has accelerated, yet the standard of student educational outcomes has dropped.
Similar has happened with nursing.
With TAFE the system has changed considerably and the standard has dropped, also the amount of children doing trades has dropped and the amount of children going to uni has increased by similar amounts.
But no one is prepared to wind back the clock, because many vested interests aren't interested, because there would be loss of money making options.
How many Unis would have to close if we went back to only 5% of students going to uni.
Then the Unis that dropped their creditation to say a certificate, or a diploma, would not be able to charge the same for the course.
The Govt's would have to re start providing services, to give employment to those kids that actually chose to leave school and do an apprenticeship, then all the contractors would spit the chewy because of loss of work, then the media would lose advertising dollars for loss of contractors advertising because they aren't making as much money.
All unintended, or intended consequences, depending on the motive.
As the old saying goes, money and sex that's what makes the world go round and the more we develop the bigger influence they have.