Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Company Directors data stolen

21 June 2009
Australian company directors personal data stolen

Some 66,000 Australian Institute of Company Directors members and clients had their information stolen after a computer was stolen with their personal information stored inside.

The theft of the computer last weekend included personal information of members such as names, addresses, phone numbers and the members numbers. Police are investigating the theft which occurred during a power outage. AICD chief executive John Colvin reassured members in a letter that the stolen computer did not contain data about credit cards, e-mail addresses or passwords or banking details.

Seems kind of odd to me that during a "power outage" that a random person walks into their HQ and makes off with a computer? No security? No-one notices? Very odd indeed.
Re: Company Diretors data stolen

Seems kind of odd to me that during a "power outage" that a random person walks into their HQ and makes off with a computer? No security? No-one notices? Very odd indeed.

There are 66,000 of us asking the same question and we are more than just a little annoyed. We probably all make sure that our offices have battery backup for the security system yet it appears our peak body didn't consider this in their risk mitigation. Or is there some other explanation? The coincidence of power outage and theft is not a good look.

Country Lad
Re: Company Diretors data stolen

There are 66,000 of us asking the same question and we are more than just a little annoyed. We probably all make sure that our offices have battery backup for the security system yet it appears our peak body didn't consider this in their risk mitigation. Or is there some other explanation? The coincidence of power outage and theft is not a good look.

Country Lad
Did the thief know that the power was about to go out? Did the thief cause the power outage to facilitate the robbery?

It would seem somewhat unlikely that this was pure chance.

Could the power outage have simply been used as a convenient excuse to cover for ineptitude and/or the embarrassment following discovery of an "inside job"?