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Commsec stock screener not working with Internet Explorer 11

29 December 2010
Hi all,

Anyone using internet explorer 11 with comsec's stock screener? Work ok?

I'm having trouble. I'm using the default ie browser settings. The list of screened stocks does not update when I change my search filter criteria, be it a custom screen or a predefined screen. I also cannot select any of the stock checkboxes in the stock list.

I believe the javascript is not running for whatever reason. If I reduce my browser security settings enough so the script runs, I actually get a run-time error with the script. eg I set up a custom screen, then modify the criteria by adjusting the slider bar for EPS for example, and the script bombs out. (error message seen in debug mode, like you'd get with faulty software during development)

I've contacted comsec via email and will post the remedy should I get one. Strange how it doesn't work, I actually don't have much regard for comsec's technical developments of late, mainly due to their mobile app not working with my Samsung S4 mini. For a multi-million dollar company, I don't see any reason their app shouldn't be continually upgraded to work with the latest android version. Furthermore, their main site gets flashier and flashier and less and less usable. Very poor management and oversight of web/app development. Traders want things that work, not things that look flashy.
I've had a reply from comsec. They've advised to use a different browser due to the problems with ie 11. Can you believe it.

I'm switching to bell direct. Here is their reply:

"We are currently aware that Internet Explorer is problematic when it comes to the CommSec stock screener. I understand that you may not currently have another browser on your computer; however my technical department have requested that you attempt to open the same section via another browser. Others appear to work just fine, however we will continue to investigate issues with the Internet Explorer issues.

I am happy to confirm that we are using what we have learnt from the iPhone CommSec App to investigate the development of an Android and Windows compatible version. At this stage, however, I am unfortunately unable to provide a time frame for such compatible versions.

Note: The CommSec app is optimised for the following devices:
- Samsung Galaxy S2, S3, S4 and S5.

Android Tablets are currently not supported.

Our development team can certainly understand the necessity for such an App to be developed for most devices and I will ensure this feedback is passed through to our Management and Development teams to reiterate the strong customer demand. In the meantime, you can still access the CommSec website through the phones' web browser"

Comsec: fire the clowns running your technical/web development. <Insert circus music here>.
Edit: Opened an account with Bell Direct. Found out their stock screener is only available if you do >5 trades per month (average). In general, not happy.

There are other resources to do the job of a stock screener (for fundamentals that is), which, I wouldn't need to pursue if some of these aussie brokers had reasonable all inclusive prices. I don't mind paying high commissions when it's bundled with other good resources used to trade. However I mind getting slugged for both.

I'm switching to IB. Yes I've seen the light. Getting out of the amateur game. I wouldn't mind if IB sinks some of these rip-off unusable aussie brokers.
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