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Hi there. I got conned too. Did as much backgound checking as I could on Commercial Securities, even called the Qland department of fair trade and they hadn't been flagged by them. Been following this thread for a while now. Happy to join any class action if it helps. Just got a phone call and an email from a new one that sounds similar but sports betting. apgsorts ...
Anyone heard of these guys?

Peterdm. This forum is not just talk. If this forum was around earlier, you and I probably wouldn't be posting here. This would have warned us off. We don't have any idea how many people have read this forum and decided against handing over their money, unless they post and tell us.

The reason these schemes flourish, is because, like us, people are duped into believing the claims made to them and there wasn't a lot to diswade them. Now there is.

At this stage, trying to get your money back, would only line the pockets of lawyers. Although it was a lot of money to us, chasing it would cost more.
We can only hope, we are doing something to break the cycle of ignorance, that sucked all of us in.
Thanks Zanne but it shouln't be the case should it. That we just accept it and then sit back and hope people read it and don't get involved. We were treated in a criminal manner and deserve to be able to fight back.This is Australia not Nigeria. There are forces about that can take up the challenge and do what is needed. A class action would be possible with sufficient people and the costs would be shared.
I have been reading back over emails,at the time of the emergence of Paul Ellis. I have kept a lot of files, in case needed in the future. Although I am not quoting the emails, I have them to back up my claims.

In line with Fair dealing clauses, I think it is in the public interest. I am aware, that some of you also received some or all of the emails.

Farren went to great lengths, to distance himself and RASPC, from Commercial Securities.

Paul talks about his head trader setting up their new Racing and sports punters club. That was the same head trader, that lost all our money. The "Rescue Package" that Farren offered, was offered by Paul, word for word.

Much of the other spin, is pretty much the same as that told to us by Farren.
Farren says it was he who came up with the rescue package, but it was on the table before he appeared.

Farren has changed his address in ASIC, and the other director, who has never been mentioned by Farren, no longer appears as a director, but still a shareholder. Another shareholder has the same address as Paul Ellis. (Farrens previous stated address.)

None of the team mentioned by Farren, appear in the records. Not sure what to make of all this yet. We'll have to wait and see if this high profile team makes the real media and not just the online news flashes that are reported by Farren. Anyone may submit to them sites. They don't have any credibility and have disclaimers, as to the content.
well a bit seems to have been said while I have been away on holidays.

Its been a few weeks now, so how is the new company going Paul opps I mean Farren. I never got the chance to take you up on your offer of a rescue package, how did it all go / is going, would love to hear from you again on this site. when replying please refrain from using your caps lock as this is considered yelling and there is no need for it.
Has anyone actually approached ASIC or the Federal Police to have this investigated?

One of you who have some facts really need to do something about it, or close the issue, imho.
Kennas. All these scammers stay in business, because the laws allow them to and are able to suck people in, because the information of the dangers, was not out there. Just the way they wanted it. When I got caught, googling Commercial Securities, brought up their website. Since this thread started, now people google Commercial securities or RASPC and up comes this forum. That is why we had Farren so rattled and he is so clever, he helped our cause, by posting here.

We have very little chance of getting our money back. No matter what they call it, it is gambling. We killed Comercial Securities, but we only killed a name. I am 99% sure, that "Paul Ellis" was a fabrication. It was the same people, just changing director names, which they can do online, so ASIC doesn't have to see a real person. When Farren became the director of the "New" RASPC, he made the mistake of using the same address as "Paul Ellis". He has since changed it, after I brought it to his attention. He blamed it on others, but he used that address, because it was his.

There is a gentleman, of Italian decent, at Surfers, who untill recently, was also a director. He remains a shareholder. In all Farrens rantings, he never mentioned this person, an I suspect that he may have more interest in this venture, than Farren. I am also sure that he will be reading this.

Queenbury Investments, Red Underline, Suretrack Technologes, all operate under the same format and have all left casualties in their wake. Check out their lifestyles and you find them all living pretty well.

We cannot expose them using the media. Channel 9 and 7 aren't interested as yet. They will be if a story breaks. News papers are out. This forum and a few other less read sites, are the only way to fight them.

Kennas, if you feel this is all a waste of time, that is your right. The only way we keep pressure on these lowlife, is to keep this forum alive.

We know already, that them and their bookies monitor this site. It is also interesting that some of the so called, unrelated companies, us the same bookie. Just imagine how much Over the Odds is making, when all the bets are placed to lose.

People, like the ACCC, will be keeping an eye on developements here. I do know that they are keeping an eye on these schemes, but we need the government to outlaw them.

Farren old buddy. I have been scanning the net for the Melbourne cup reports. Only thing that appears, is stuff posted by you. To date you haven't shown much credibility. Hope business ain't going too well. Cheers
Hi All, I wish I knew about this forum months ago when my husband and I were suckered into joining Commercial Securities. I asked the sales man if I could speak to someone who was currently trading and he happily gave me a number which I called! I jokingly said to the young man, I hope you haven't given me the number of your parents - little did I know that was probably exactly what he had done! Well you all know how this story ends. We were then approached by Paul Ellis who was supposedly buying this Company as the previous head trader had "died" and he was going to come in and save the business and all it's poor members. All we had to do was give him another $5000 and he would help us to recoup our losses. Well I am embarrassed to say, we did, and guess what, we promptly lost that in about 1 week! Now we are being bombarded by calls from Farren's group with another rescue package! Finally, we have learn't our lesson! Keep at it folks, if this forum can prevent more innocent people losing their hard earned money it is definitely worth it!
Thanks for your post Hound1. You have proven what we all knew would happen. These lowlife are ruthless and care nothing about "clients" losses.
This Farren character, belongs in gaol, but they know how to stay within the laws. Our lawmakers are too busy making useless laws about spitting in public etc.

When it gets too hot in the kitchen, Farren will disappear and a new name will pop up with a new company name, but the same person or persons, behind the scam, will still be there, filling a bank account.

I think this bookmaker, who all the different scams seem to use, needs some investigation by authorities. He is adamant that his only involement, is taking bets from the scammers, so why don't they use other bookies. And why did he try to give the impression that RASPC, was using a different bookie. Think about it. RASPC gets the licence money. Over the Odds gets the 10 grand. The punter gets screwed.

Any readers of this forum, who have decided after reading the posts, not to hand over any money. We would like to hear from you. I would hope that there are quite a few of you out there.

Also like to hear from people in the same position as Hound1, who believed "Ellis" or Farren and lost more money.

We miss you here Farren. The foot in mouth was quite entertaining. I guess that your minders finally worked out that you were adding fuel to the forum. If they thought that shutting you up, would let the forum fade away. Not going to happen. We'll keep after you and those that follow.
Have a nice day.
TODAY MY HUSBAND AND I COMPLETED AND POSTED OFF THE ASIC COMPLAINT FORMS WITH COPIES OF THE CONTRACTS, SOME EMAILS AND OTHER INFO. Please do the same! Let's make an attempt to re-coup our losses, or at least have Commercial Securities stopped!
I need to add my info to the evergrowing list of unwitting people 'sucked in' by this mob. My husband and I joined CS by paying the licence fee of $5,800 then invested $10,000 in April this year and in 3 weeks had lost $3,000. After emails and phone calls to 'Kate Poppy' I was assured everything was OK ' they were just going through a bad patch'.. It wasn't until the end of May and down by over $5,000 that the alarm bells had well and truly rung and we froze our a/c with Over the Odds and withdrew the balance. In June I emailed the ACCC, ASIC and then the Office of Fair Trading, to whom I submitted a complaint form with all the details. They were of no help, and so I left it there knowing that we had probably lost our fee of $5,800 plus the $5,000 as well. As you can imagine, we had no intention of being sucked in again (sorry Sedergal) and have just let things go. I recently came across this forum as I googled Commercial Securities to see how their website was going (of course it wasn't!). Those mongrels should be stopped...surely there are laws that can do this!! From now on I am going to stick to the saying "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is"! Its just a pity we had to lose our savings to find out.
Has anyone approached a lawyer or solicitor? May be we should do this to hear their legal view on this and whether it can be brought to court. I am sure most of us would accept to share the cost of a lawyer if it deems to be a successful case.
I don't see any use engaging Lawyers to try and get our money back. We could probably use the false advertising line, but even if that were proved, it would not get our money back. Farren and all his cowboys know this.
Collectively, we have lost a lot of money, but individually, the money is hardly worth chasing through our court system. It's only for the lawyers , high flyers and asylum seekers. It's not designed for the likes of us.

The only reason I keep posting is to keep this thread alive. Pissing Farren and his like off, is a consollation for the money they have pilferred from me. It's akin to fighting terrorists. If you back away, they win and flourish.

Scammers are on the increase in Australia and they flourish because unless the media gets involved, people don't know about them. The internet is the only way we have.

Commercial Securities, RASPC, Suretrack Technologies, Red Underline are the front runners, but others will get on board, because of the easy money and the unaccountability. They virtually have no overheads and just rake in our money.

Still like to hear from someone who took up Farrens offer and actually made some money.

Still having a browse Farren? I would lay money on that. Hope busines is crap mate. You deserve to be immersed in it. The crap I mean.

The ASIC can't help us. To quote; "ASIC does not recognise sports arbitrage schemes as financial products or services".

They suggested I try the QLD Office of Fair Trading. I'll keep you posted.

Any other developments anyone?
Come on Farren its Christmas, at least you could wish us all a merry Christmas with a quick update on racing and sports punters club / commercial securities. or have you heard of queensberry investments which run the same setup, but you wouldn't be associated with them at all would you, just like you are not part of commercial securities and don't live at the same house as Paul Ellis. Sorry to report that there is no further update of any developments into getting some money back, but seems things (& farren) have gone quiet.

Have a Merry Christmas all ( except those at commercial securities, hope your xmas lunch is burnt)
Maybe you guys could start a site dedicated to former victims, like this one I was directed to after someone viewed the bill stacy thread.


p.s. That's Henry Kaye he's photo'd with...Wonder If I could find one also including Andrew & Bill, as they were also associated.
Hello 308cc. All seems to have gone a bit quiet. Even Farren has stopped issuing all his online propaganda on the websites. Nothing new comming up on google. He was sprooking off about big things happening at the Melbourne cup and after it, but nothing has come of it. Really surprising, as we all believed him.

I've recently received crap from Suretrack Technologies, so they're still at it, trying to recruit suckers.

Thanks for your post Vicki. Love to splatter these mobs all over the internet, but as they know, we have to be carefull till they're proved guilty of something.
What goes round comes round, so their day will come. Scammers have a history of comming unstuck.

Only thing we can do at the moment, is annoy the crap out of all these scum and hope that we have filled their lives with Xmas gloom. They really deserve it! I could afford to lose 18,000 to these lowlife, but for a lot of people, it was life savings.

Looks like only a few of us posting now, but thats ok. We are still keeping the thread up in Google and hopefully persuading a few people to hold onto their money and not make the mistake we did.

For those who have Googled this forum, these scamsters operate under a lot of different names, but all try to sell you the same thing. The models are all the same, as are the disastrous results.

COMMERCIAL SECURITIES ; RASPC or RACINGANDSPORTS.NET ; QUEENSBURY INVESTMENTS ; SURETRACK TECHNOLOGIES ; RED UNDERLINE and probably a few more are emerging. Anything connected to betting needs scrutiny.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all. (except the above mentioned scum)
I have been away for a while and arrived back recently hoping to find you guys were a force of hundreds and were close to a Class Action. What happened? You're not going to let these scum get away with it are you?
Yes guys. Looks like the thread has gone dead. The scamsters will be really glad about that. Anyway, I like to think we made things hard for them and at least saved a few people, from getting sucked into their ripoff schemes.
RASPC doesn't have any new propaganda comming up on Google, so I take that as a good sign that business ain't too great. Still keeping an eye on things though. The Italian dude up in Surfers, who seemed to be silently steering the pirate ship, won't want to lose the treasure. I think maybe he thought bringing Farren Hotham in, might have given the scam some credibility. All Farren Hotham got was an addition to his resume. "CEO of a Racing Scam".
I have no doubt that they will surface under different names and change directors as it suits. Can't rely on our politicians to legislate them out of business. They have major problems trying to run the country. Maybe Farren Hotham should run for prime minister.
I think he'd fit in well with the bunch of losers we have there.
Anyway guys. Looks like we've come to an end.
I have no doubt that they will surface under different names and change directors as it suits.
Keep a look out Zanne...would be good to get an update now and then. It would be very interesting to see if your investigative powers lead to them being unveiled again.
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