Kennas. All these scammers stay in business, because the laws allow them to and are able to suck people in, because the information of the dangers, was not out there. Just the way they wanted it. When I got caught, googling Commercial Securities, brought up their website. Since this thread started, now people google Commercial securities or RASPC and up comes this forum. That is why we had Farren so rattled and he is so clever, he helped our cause, by posting here.
We have very little chance of getting our money back. No matter what they call it, it is gambling. We killed Comercial Securities, but we only killed a name. I am 99% sure, that "Paul Ellis" was a fabrication. It was the same people, just changing director names, which they can do online, so ASIC doesn't have to see a real person. When Farren became the director of the "New" RASPC, he made the mistake of using the same address as "Paul Ellis". He has since changed it, after I brought it to his attention. He blamed it on others, but he used that address, because it was his.
There is a gentleman, of Italian decent, at Surfers, who untill recently, was also a director. He remains a shareholder. In all Farrens rantings, he never mentioned this person, an I suspect that he may have more interest in this venture, than Farren. I am also sure that he will be reading this.
Queenbury Investments, Red Underline, Suretrack Technologes, all operate under the same format and have all left casualties in their wake. Check out their lifestyles and you find them all living pretty well.
We cannot expose them using the media. Channel 9 and 7 aren't interested as yet. They will be if a story breaks. News papers are out. This forum and a few other less read sites, are the only way to fight them.
Kennas, if you feel this is all a waste of time, that is your right. The only way we keep pressure on these lowlife, is to keep this forum alive.
We know already, that them and their bookies monitor this site. It is also interesting that some of the so called, unrelated companies, us the same bookie. Just imagine how much Over the Odds is making, when all the bets are placed to lose.
People, like the ACCC, will be keeping an eye on developements here. I do know that they are keeping an eye on these schemes, but we need the government to outlaw them.
Farren old buddy. I have been scanning the net for the Melbourne cup reports. Only thing that appears, is stuff posted by you. To date you haven't shown much credibility. Hope business ain't going too well. Cheers