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Maybe if you had been straight up with us, we would have more trust in what you say. Telling porkies, seems to become a habit.
Fact; Commercial Securities is still a Registered company.
Fact; "Paul Ellis" is still the director of Commercial Securities.
Fact; "Paul Ellis" resides very close to you. Very very close.
Fact; "Paul Ellis" made the connection with RASPC, not us.
Fact; You weren't truthfull about the directors of Racing &
Fact; "Over the odds" has the same webpage. Just a name change.
Fact; "TopTote" is not a registered company and also an unlisted trading name.
Fact; None of the people in your team, except you, have a shareholding in Racing &
Fact; We in the forum, along with many others, lost many thousands of dollars.
Fact; We will not get it back, even with a "rescue package".
Fact; We now know the danger in dealling with $2 companies.
Fact; We will do our best, as is our duty, to stop others from falling into a financial catastrohpie. Although they should, the authorities don't have the laws, to stop this sort of thing.

We do hope that people in power, read this forum and get off their backsides and do something about it. The average Aussie, works to hard for his money, to have it taken as ours was. We are not slandering anyone. We are bringing the facts to the people. The public has a right to know, so they can make an informed decision.
Maybe if you had been straight up with us, we would have more trust in what you say. Telling porkies, seems to become a habit.

Fact; Commercial Securities is still a Registered company.

Yes it is and PAUL contacted us to help him that's how we got the idea of a rescue package

Fact; "Paul Ellis" is still the director of Commercial Securities.

Yes he is

Fact; "Paul Ellis" resides very close to you. Very very close.

I live in Surfers Paradise Sunset Blv no where near him

Fact; "Paul Ellis" made the connection with RASPC, not us.

Yes he did we said we would do a rescue package for all members of all people who could prove they were scammed not just com sec

Fact; You weren't truthfull about the directors of Racing &

I am a director and 1 other person all others are shareholders not directors

Fact; "Over the odds" has the same webpage. Just a name change.

They are a white label of the biggest bookmaker in Australia that holds a major share of the market that's like saying a bank robber drives a Holden
they are only a bookmaker that takes bets nothing more.

Fact; "TopTote" is not a registered company and also an unlisted trading name.


Fact; None of the people in your team, except you, have a shareholding in Racing &

They do but have not yet signed the documentation as they have agreements and as we have known each other for a long time that's enough we are all meeting in Melbourne for the Cup and all will be sorted then documents signed etc ps all our members are welcome to come and meet them

Fact; We in the forum, along with many others, lost many thousands of dollars.

And we feel very sorry that the people who sold this to you did that but why attack us we did not sell it to you all our members are MORE THAN HAPPY we are already showing 40% return this month DOCUMENTED and i am happy to prove this please send me your contact details

Fact; We will not get it back, even with a "rescue package".

There is no guarantee EVER in racing and all our documentation tells you this what we do is tip the odds in your favor there is no worry now as we have decided against doing them anymore i just thought i owed it to you guys to have 1 last post to answer all your facts for you

Fact; We now know the danger in dealling with $2 companies.

Yes i agree i got this today from aussie stock forums maybe they can make you money from them lol and your data is sold by them to these companies so my suggestion is WORK HARD AND SAVE forget about getting rich


content was in here same old rubbish that you were sold

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Fact; We will do our best, as is our duty, to stop others from falling into a financial catastrohpie. Although they should, the authorities don't have the laws, to stop this sort of thing.

I am 100% behind you as i love this industry and if you were a member of our group you would know this good luck in your pursuits and if i can help you know where to find me you can get a message to me on our website

We do hope that people in power, read this forum and get off their backsides and do something about it. The average Aussie, works to hard for his money, to have it taken as ours was. We are not slandering anyone. We are bringing the facts to the people. The public has a right to know, so they can make an informed decision.

Sorry Farren, but that statement is absolute rubbish. This site does nothing of the kind.
I joined this forum and then it sent me a forex (one of most risky trading in the world) email so how is the statement rubbish

The site doesn't sell any kind of information to 3rd parties. It's as simple as that.

From the terms of use for the site:

You agree to maintain a valid and functioning contact email address at all times and to make that email address available for Aussie Stock Forums to send you occasional email communications, some of which may be advertising.

Note the part in red. It doesn't come directly from any advertisers who we've sold members email addresses to, we pass the advertising that is given to us on to the members of the site. Big difference.

Whilst you are online Farren, you feel like answering my earlier questions yet?

Oh ok i get it you only email people get rich quick schemes not sell there emails that's different HOW it is still promoting the same schemes you are attacking on this forum if i had my way they would all be shut down ASAP and have a board set up to make sure the real ones had an open playing field to trade on like the stock market has the ACCC that way the odd one (and we are out there) would be held accountable for there actions as at the moment it is 100% OPEN SLATHER and all you poor suckers that have lost money GAMBLING can not do anything about it and that is WRONG all these companies don't have real people (like we do) behind them and they spend so much on legals the only way to STOP this happening is for the government to make GAMBLING schemes and Punters Clubs (like us) come under there jurisdiction WE WELCOME IT

Oh ok i get it you only email people get rich quick schemes not sell there emails that's different HOW it is still promoting the same schemes you are attacking on this forum

Firstly, quite a few trading related products cop a fair bit of criticism on this forum. We welcome open discussion on most services(within reason).

Secondly, there is absolutely no comparison between a company that provides financial recommendations or tips, which are regulated by ASIC, and something like the product you are selling, which isn't regulated at all. At least in the case of a trading related service, there are rules, regulations and complaint mechanisms in place. When it comes to someone gambling with horses, there is nothing like this.

And just for the record, any company operating in this country that wants to operate a trading related service needs to be licensed. If people are willing to deal with an overseas based company that doesn't have a presence here in Australia, then they run the same risks as they would if they were dealing with a gambling operation like your company.

If you find a spare moment, have a close look at the ads that come through this site, ALL of them have an AFSL.

Speaking of licenses, has an AFSL shown up on your site yet Farren, or have you decided not to go ahead with the cfd trading side of your operation?

Whilst I haven't been for a look at your site this week, after it was pointed out here in this forum, which is full of angry people who have been burnt with the exact same business model as your own, in my opinion it would be wise to do something about it before some of the angry ex commercial securities customers start complaining to ASIC about your company.

Farren. Please explain something, without the spin.
Why do ASIC records show you and Paul Ellis, to reside at the same address?
Once again, lets be very very clear about all of this. I do not reside at the same address as Paul Ellis of Commercial Securities and I never have.

I will check ASIC to find out why they have this in their records. Mr.Ellis is with Commercial Securities, I am with a totally transparent company with a website and credible directors and consultant/advisors, analysts.

No spin there thats the truth. We have written numerous times that we have no relationship whatsoever with Commercial Securities and all we have tried to do is assist them in launching a package to assist those who were ''hit financially'' by them, this followed an approach by Mr.Ellis.

This merry go round of innuedo and allegations against our company is somewhat damaging to us, but fortunately we are winning handsomedly for our clients so far and our conserative intention is to continue this.

Again, can I reinterate that has nothing to do with Commercial Securities and Mr.Ellis. I categorically refute any types of spite to the contrary. Your actions in relation to that company are up to you and others who feel they have been dealt badly by Commercial Securities.

I feel terrible you have all suffered at the hands of a company which was run badly and was unable to deliver what they promised, and I find it hard to believe they could have ever returned what they promoted.

No spin there just the truth.
Further to comments regarding CFD's and stock market operations for this is still in the hands of our legals who are checking out the information required.

As soon as I have information in relation to this I can come back to you and post this information.

So if that's the case, then what are we to make of this comment you made earlier-

i can give you half a dozen high profile investors who have taken up memberships only for the STOCK MARKET side they are not interested in the GAMBLING

So you are taking memberships for something when you still haven't finished "checking out the information required", as you put it. Considering you are also making claims like this:

I am pretty sure they would be undercover as most of the scams are being cleaned up 1 by 1 at the moment so its great for us as we dot every I and every T

It all starts looking slightly odd.

You claim to be a company that "dots every I and every T"(even though a "T" requires no dotting whatsoever), and now when questioned on how you are able to offer any services for the stockmarket without a license, you finally admit that your legal team haven't even finished investigating whether you can actually do it!
Farren. Your answer to my query, only reinforces my feeling, that something is not quite right here.
As far as I'm aware, when you register a company with ASIC, you supply all the details, regarding name, birth details and address.
It would be an almost impossible coincidence, that ASIC would get your address mixed up with that of Paul Ellis, when there would be no association, on their part, between the two companies.
On the outside chance, that they made a mistake, what would be the odds of them picking Paul Ellis's address.

I also wonder, why, in this debate, that Paul has not tried to answer allegations, as you have. We do refer to him all the time and not very kindly.
I shall watch with interest, further records regarding CS, with ASIC. I have some theories, that I'll keep to myself for now.
Zanne, not sure if thats your name, so excuse me if I haven't got that right.

To background you and others, in May I returned from working as a Director in the Philippines and other parts of Asia with iprint and seecsp and returned here to begin a Punters Club following lengthy discussions with Shane, Angus and others.

On arriving back I was introduced to Paul Ellis by my accountant and we had discussions in relations to a company he had purchased Commercial Securities my opinon was he was a honourable chap. My fellow directors kept a close eye on their business and Mr. Ellis offered the business to us.

In defence of Mr.Ellis he had taken over a business which had many problems, the area which had made me very wary was their promise of extraordinary results, far beyond anybody's wildest dreams. That was the pitch made prior to Mr.Ellis taking over the business from what I understand.

We finally after doing our due dilligence, and with our legal team doing some fairly heavy duty work decided not to go ahead with the involvement and I directed one of them to discuss this with Mr. Ellis.

The address of the new company was mismanaged by one of our legal team and the right address will be on the ASIC SITE. I must admit I was shocked to see it myself and did not know this until you advised me I actually phoned the person from our legal side today following a shareholders 'hook up'.

Matter of fact, I wasn't aware of Mr.Ellis's address, of which I apologize for. Now while some might like to attack the credence of my information, I can categorically state the admission I am giving is honest and truthful and only a person concerned about their credibility would dodge answering this. has made 54% for its clients so far, since beginning three weeks, so If those burn't had taken up the 'rescue package' we offered then and recently to you, you would have made some of the money back at no additional membership fee. However we all know this is gambling and it will be a roller coaster ride. The rescue package to Mr.Ellis's business and others who been badly burnt by these scams was intended to give the racing industry tarnished by these schemes a much more credible face.

Finally, while there have been some teething problems on the administration side as you can see. Our committment to providing our members with transparency, crediblity and reward is our utmost mission.

This I know gives you no great comfort, but email me at the site, I will call you personally, each and everyone of you to confirm what I have said before and answer questions you have. I would even be prepared to meet anyone who wanted to come and see me and chat. I am that open and available.

Kindest Regards
Farren Hotham

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You are entitled to respond to any questions or to correct any posted information that you believe to be incorrect or misleading.
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Red Underline or sure track technologies scam

hi Mark

my friend has also been losing every single month with sure track technologies / red underline he had the same approach as what we did and think it is the same scam or scammers behind it. what losses have you had these last 4 months so we can compare results

Can I indicate once again that racing and sports has no relationship nor does not have any knowledge of the two companies you mentioned RED UNDER LINE AND SURE TRACK TECHNOLOGIES.

Do these companies have websites ? do they have real people showing their faces ?

NO, I believe the answer would be. Though I can do a search and check this. Credibility and transparency are the main factors, giving customers/members returns, and ensuring and delivering them the best possible rewards and no false promises.
The fuzzy warm platitudes repeated over and over must fool enough to make the whole exercise worthwhile.
The fuzzy warm platitudes repeated over and over must fool enough to make the whole exercise worthwhile.

Unfortunately this is probably true.

Though you will be pleased to know that I took your advice with regard to practicing my "hanging up technique" (after being most ungentlemanly) when I received a call from one of these shonks last week.

It had the desired effect. I haven't heard from them since.
There appears to be no connection between Suretrack Technologies and RASPC. Suretrack seems to be of a similar model, to that of Commercial Securities. The $8800 licence rings alarm bells.

Suretrack Technologies is just a trading name. It is registered with ASIC as, Red Underline Pty Ltd. It has a single Director/secretary, which would also make me wary of it.

Their website does look impressive, but websites are created to look impressive. It is not a big deal to set up a website, exactly like that and have it up on the web.

Farren is right, that it is a faceless website and company, but they fit the mold, as described by the ACCC. They all operate in the same fashion.

The lesson learned is if someone wants to bet with your money, it is for their benefit, not yours. Straight up, the "licence fee" puts them in front, and at a minor cost to them. It still smells, that they all seem to run the schemes, and except for the licence, the bookie is getting all the money. To me, that defeats the purpose of running it. Unless...................????
As mentioned in my first post I am new to this forum but not the scam set up by these people. Is the future simply talk or is there somewhere we can congregate to get this through the courts. I have lost money as have you guys let's at least try to get it back.
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