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In reply all i can say is PLEASE see an actual members account with betting numbers next to it THIS CAN NOT BE FAKE otherwise we are breaking the law this is a real account go to "RESULTS" on racingandsports dot net THAT'S IT FINAL ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS

I do understand you have been burnt but please understand we just tried to help the offer no longer stands anyway as we are nearly close to full subscription. Remember this was a FREE offer our "rescue package" the good news is a lot of burnt people are now recouping there losses
Hello Again, many thanks for your interest in and your debate on it. There is little doubt the transparency, credibility and information we provide and that it is absolute proof of our strategic approach to this business.

I do invite you to continue the debate on our worthiness and of course judge our results. In relation to Shane Dye he is an advisor to our business and is working out of Asia with a number of racing people. Trainers in Australia would happily employ this brilliant jockey to ride their horses but Shane is working on projects for us and them currently.

In relation to Angus Hamilton, he formerly worked with CITY INDEX and has an outstanding record and he is also a very honourable chap. Thomas Farkas has retired from professional football but I can tell you is an extremely talented and skill expert when it comes to the round ball game.

At the risk of defending myself, I have worked internationally on events such as Olympic and Commonwealth Games, World Cups in all sports and do have shareholding in seecsp in the Philippines and poineered a Tri Media business which still flourishes there . Finally let me promise you that our team would have not set up such a business without thorough research and if thought this would taint or shatter any our personal credibility or names or those of our families we would not be doing so, please feel free to ask anything of me and i will all too willing to participate freely in your discussions or if you want I can refrain from responding.
Fair enough. Lets hear from some of you people, that accepted the "Rescue package". They have closed the offer, meaning they have some 400 odd clients, they are betting on behalf of. Obviously, if you do exist, a lot of you will be aware of this forum and as Farren has stated, some will have been burnt like us.

If you have had a good experience with Commercial Securities/RASPC, please share it with us.
Readers should hear both sides of this debate.
I am new to all this and have only recently joined the debate and admitted that I was conned just like many of you guys. Surely the constant back and forth is non-productive and guaranteed to get nowhere.

The really great thing about is that it feels sooo good when you stop. So! let's get this thing out in the public arena and take these guys down where they belong. You have my support and I'm sure that of many others too.

I lost money and quite frankly I want it back. We're all in this together :aus:

Hi Farren,

Looks like you missed my earlier question so I'll ask again:

Could you clarify what placing a bet under discretion means, and how it is different to managing funds?

Will your clients be giving you authority to make decisions on their behalf in regards to the cfd side of the operation, or does just make suggestions to the clients and then let them make their own decisions?
Thank you for your interest once again. bets for its clients. They sign up as a member, pay a membership fee, and then also pay to trade in their account which they can see it anytime. (Totally transparent)

Racingandsports have the expertise to bet on Australian and International Horse Racing and Sport and have the analysts and traders to do it. unlike all other companies who have done something similiar to this in the past we advise people of the risk, that is gambling and the upsides and downsides are there.

We bet for them from an account set up in their name.

In relation to CFD's and the Stock Market, I and my fellow directors have our legal team checking on the licenses we will have to do this and what rules we are strictly advised to follow, so its a little difficult to reveal details but I am happy to do so when we have the instructions.

This is all about ''doing the right thing'', creating additional income streams for our members and enjoying the mutual opportunities in which this strives to achieve. You'll see on the website that is something that we are looking at in the future, matter of fact I was at a major mining conference talking with some of the major companies to get an idea on the world stage. Most interesting.

Our terms and conditions are available on the website, I am always available to reply and happy to also furnish my phone number to you to personally then you can call me if you have any problem with ANYTHING WE DO.

I don't think I can be anymore transparent and honest than that, Believe me spending my and your time defending the poor business acumen of others is frustrating for us all. Let me know if I am answering your questions suitably, before I had my PA answering these but her english leaves a lot to be desired in the greatest respect to her. That means now I am defending an already successfull business which is open, transparent and credible.

I am disclosing the fact that I am a director of, a shareholder of seescp in the Philippines who are about to announce some major constructions over there.

Again many thanks for your interest and my hope is that I am helping the debate and forum in a respectful and honourable fashion.
Looks like you missed my earlier question so I'll ask again:

Add to that the details of the so-called "bank garantee" that comes with the more expensive packages ?

I too got talked into making an "investment" with Commercial Securities earlier this year and, like others have found, have not had a positive experience.

Why is the 1300 number no longer in service?
My husband and I also lost over $10k. What is the next step for everyone getting together and taking action in an attempt to get our money back?
yes ive been done over by sure track technologies as well happy to help in class action against these rip off barstards.joined in july and loosing money steadily not to mention the 8800 joining fee,,have spoken asic but they say its grey area of gambling,still think ats all very misleading..
sounds like there are a few people on this thread who are in the same situation. Is there anything we can do to try recover any of our money? If so, what is the first step?

Hey there Farren - or is it ..........?
I am exstatic to hear that a human being (to use the term very loosely) such as yourself is willing to stick your neck out and kick us while we are down.
I am very interested in your rescue pack. In fact I would like to invite you to present this package personally to myself and a group of investors in Darwin.
We would like to then take your self and your colleagues down to the local pub and for dinner where you will be served up a dish of our finest KICK THE .... OUT OF THE SCAMMING MOTHER .......!

In 1976 I invested in "Platinum investments" $5k roughly around $50K in todays terms.They were into silver futures.
Needless to say I lost my $5k and recovery was hope;ess.
Id suggest yours will also be like that.

It was a valuable lesson.
Rule 1
If you cant control it then dont do it!

Ever since I will gain advice from others but wont let others ---control my investments.Business/Property or Trading----including my Super.

Its something I suggest everyone involved here does going forward.
Tragic everyone a terrible feeling.
I have already kissed my money goodbye and learnt a good lesson. Still, I would be interested in joining any action if anything can be done.
I have already kissed my money goodbye and learnt a good lesson. Still, I would be interested in joining any action if anything can be done.

We can send a letter of demand to the address for our membership money back because of their misleading imformation and lies and state that if this isnt met legal action will follow.
I am still waiting to hear from people, who have taken up the RASPC offer.
Farren stated that the books are full and that they have now withdrawn the "rescue package". If this is true, then there must be a lot of people out there, that can post something positive, about RASPC.

To date, Farren is the only pro RASPC post we have had. Would also like to hear from the old team from Commercial Securities. Like us, Farren has labelled you, SCAMMERS. What do you think about that?

Just had a look at the Shane Dye web site.
Not much info. Predominantly an add site. Strange though that RASPC doesn't feature. Think it would, him being a director and all. Well maybe they want to keep it a bit quiet. Don't want a rush of people, wanting to join, do they?

So come on punters that have had a good experience with RASPC. Lets hear from you. We might just change our minds.
Below is an actual client account summary actual account screen shot on our website with every bet we show them updated there you will notice actual bet numbers this can not be changed or it is fraud i am very sorry for those who have missed out we expect to be closed and FULL in the next few weeks so again if we are not that active here sorry as we will be busy winning people money

Client Statement for xxxxx xxxxx (xxxx78)
01/10/2010 to 10/10/2010
Licensed Bookmaker - N.T. Racing Commission
Betting All Codes, All States, Day & Night and Full Sport Service
Direct Lines: 1800 326 632
Opening Balance: $1,990.00
Closing Balance: $2,771.19

New Accounts and Enquiries: 1800 326 632
Post: PO Box 2439 Parap 0820
Fax: +61 8 89422984
Bank Details:
Westpac BSB: 034-013 Acc: 229-870
Credit Cards also accepted

Biller Code: 36657
Ref: 5024138
Telephone & Internet Banking � BPay
Farren, Farren. Why do you persist with propaganda. We want to hear it from the people, not scripted stuff by you.
For those of you who would like to contact "TopTote", here is the email address:
Has a familiar ring to it, huh?

Yes. "Over the odds" is back. New name. Same people. I guess it was just too lucrative, to let it go. Makes you wonder though, why they tried to camouflage their name. Over the odds assured me, they were all above board and had nothing to hide. Why the name change guys. I bet you still keep an eye on the forum. (Not putting money on that bet though. Sorry.)

My guess is we have a lot of interested parties reading this forum, for various reasons.

Bit wet up here, at the moment Farren. Still. Your place looks nice and dry. Drove past today. Looks quite a nice place. Cost a penny or two though.
I have nothing to prove so again this will be my last post and guys and again sorry about the fact you were lead to believe in Santa Clause all i was doing was helping i had nothing financially to gain until i actually made you a PROFIT so don't throw the baby out with the bathwater it is irrelevant now as our offer has ceased our legal department will be contacting anyone associating us with any of these companies as it is NOT TRUE and not only slanderous but DEFAMATION and we have damages due to it already for trying to help you guys GOOD LUCK you will need it

Walks like a duck, squawks like a duck, smells like a duck.

We really should have some duck dinner before we all end up in the pot stripped to the bone.
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