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We have no problem with any company posting on ASF to correct or clarify any information they believe to be false or inaccurate. In fact, we encourage it. However, we do not allow people to promote their businesses or make any offers of a commercial nature in posts on the forums.
P.S can i ask your background are you a finance broker if so i can...........
If you were genuine about establishing that type of business relationship with me, you would have raised it in private.

The answer in either case is no.
Hi Farren,

I was just looking through your website and have a few questions.

Wouldn't managing money on behalf of people constitute a managed investment scheme? If that is the case, where is the PDS on your website?

Wouldn't that also require you to hold an AFSL? There is also no mention of any of that on your website either.

You are telling us that "high profile investors" have signed up with your company just for the stockmarket side of things. Yet there is absolutely no mention on your website of who the person is that is doing the trading(when you go to great lengths to mention the people involved in the gambling side of things) and no mention of an AFSL number on the site either. Sorry but this doesn't seem quite right to me.

Thanks in advance for any answers.


The stock market side has not yet launched but yes it will have an AFSL as for gambling YOU DO NOT NEED ONE that is why all the SCAMMERS get away with it WE DO NOT MANAGE MONEY WE BET UNDER DISCRETION THERE IS NO MANAGEMENT OF FUNDS hope this helps PS WE DO HAVE AN AMAZING LEGAL TEAM

There's no need to yell Farren, and a little punctuation wouldn't go astray either

I'm still slightly confused here. Could you clarify what placing a bet under discretion means, and how it is different to managing funds?

Will your clients be giving you authority to make decisions on their behalf in regards to the cfd side of the operation, or does just make suggestions to the clients and then let them make their own decisions?
You have to question the business acumen of someone that
(i) allegedly "takes over" a business, that they claim they had no former relationship with when that business is in an industry that relies on trust and it fails because (as they freely admit) was a scam
(ii) communicates with the professionalism of a crack***** on a shady street corner in some undesirable part of town

In a world with so many people willing to look after other people's money, why on earth would anyone pick you?
I am a little confused Farrum. This forum is about Commercial Securities.
This has been targeted against them an their connections.

You state that you are in no way connected to Commercial Securities. So. Why did you even end up in this forum.

Why did "Paul Elliis" send us emails, stating Commercial Securities connection with RASPC, who we had never heard of till then.

As RASPC didn't exist till "Paul Ellis" created it, why would you use the name for your venture, if you didn't want any connection with Commercial Securities. The name only came up here because Commercial Securities brought it up.
I quote you from an earlier post;
"Prawn i am responding to Malicious accusations that are clearly targeting our services as we have 100% NOTHING to do with comercial securities we are 100% stand alone our solicitors have warned this forum of same but we continue to have libelous comments probably from com sec themselves "

The warning we got, was from Commercial Securities Lawyers. This is getting more confusing. For you as well as us. We have had no warnings from RASPC.
You'd better remember which cap you have on, when you post.

Lastly, as you deny any connection with Commercial Securities and state that you are in no way responsible for their scam. Why are you then putting out a rescue package. Is it just your good nature.

You know what Farrum, if that is indeed who you are. Once you start telling untruths you have to keep telling them. The worst part is they start to contradict each other.

Its farren for the record
This is from the ACCC, Scamwatch site.


What are sports investment schemes?

Sports investment schemes can include computer prediction (betting software) or betting syndicates. Salespeople try to convince you that their foolproof system can guarantee you a profit on sporting events like football or horseracing.

These schemes are often camouflaged as legitimate investments when they are merely just a form of gambling and, in many cases, outright scams.

They can cost over $15 000 and some also require ongoing payments. Once money has been paid, most of them do not work as promised and buyers can’t get their money back or in many cases the supplier simply disappears.

Ask yourself: If these systems produce a guaranteed, risk-free profit, why are they trying to sell the scheme to me instead of using it to make millions themselves?


Commercial Securities seems to have disappeared.

Or have they?

In our FIRST two days of trading since our 1st October LAUNCH we have had 17 races that we bet in we found 7 winners and 8 placings of our 7 winners 2 were over $11 we have showed 17% return so far after 2 days of trading I am happy to show anyone a members account to this effect and even have an ex COM SEC member who took advantage of our offer and was trading with $3,000 and made over $500 already so ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS we are more than happy to show anyone REAL ACCOUNTS they cant lie i am off now been a big day and we have been celebrating our BIG LAUNCH trouble free TOMORROW if you message me i will even give you our bets early so you can watch live or if you want we will open an account and even deposit the money for you just to show we are the real deal NO LOSE if you dont like it keep the $100 if you do then come on board please hit me up if interested
Ok guys and gals. I admit it. I had excess funds looking for somewhere to invest some of it; I got taken in. That's water under the bridge let's just get these 'people' and put them where they belong and see if there is some kind of redress. I also will contact ASIC and together perhaps we can get a result.
I'm with you all the way.
From Sydney Morning Herald, June 2009


The schemes are promoted using betting syndicates, requiring the money to be put into an account, or software packages sold for as much as $19,000.

Queensland's Fair Trading Office and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) have received more than 650 complaints since January relating to losses totalling more than $4 million.

But the true impact of the scams is believed to be at least $20 million nationally, ACCC deputy chairman Peter Kell says.

Checks of 40 companies, mostly on the Gold Coast, found many of the addresses did not exist and the scammers were using post office boxes to avoid being traced.

Mainly Queensland and NSW punters have fallen victim to the schemes.

Fraud squad Detective Superintendent Brian Hay says criminal investigations are under way into seven companies.

"Many large sums of money are involved and unfortunately a lot of dreams are going to be shattered and lives changed forever," Det Supt Hay said.

"You are not going to get a quick turnaround to the volume that's being quoted by these professional-looking brochures and slick-talking telemarketers.

"It's not one or two people or companies, it's almost like a nefarious and insidious industry that's populated a certain landscape."

He said the scammers faced up to 14 years in jail.

Queensland Fair Trading Minister Peter Lawlor said the scammers used phrases like "investment scheme" and "risk free" to lure punters.

"Investigators have found that many of these gambling scams are now marketing their systems as recession-proof and tax-free," Mr Lawlor said.

Sportingbet Australia spokesman Bill Richmond said if it sounded too good to be true, it probably was.

"It's the age-old scam alert. If (the scammers) were genuinely making that much money off the system, they wouldn't be trying to make it for someone else," he said.

UniTAB spokesman Brad Tamer said the company did not endorse the practice of sports arbitrage, but it was not illegal.

"They're just scraping through our websites - it's open slather, there's nothing we can do to stop it," he said.

However, he stressed there was no relationship between any sports arbitrage company and UniTAB.

Mr Tamer said the company referred all queries about joining such schemes to the Office of Fair Trading.

Please see our results on our results page actions speak louder than words we have offered a free rescue package to all not only COM SEC who have been burnt by these scam artists but still we continue to be slammed by this forum all we are trying to do is help we can provide the actual account in our results section to anyone needing to see evidence
From ABC News, June 2009

Gold Coast a 'haven' for betting scams
Posted Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:18pm AEST

A joint operation involving police, the Office of Fair Trading and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is cracking down on sport betting scams in Queensland.

Authorities say Australians have lost up to $20 million because of fraudulent or misleading sport betting companies over the past two years.

Peter Kell from the ACCC says people should beware of schemes that seem to be good to be true.

"The climate is unfortunately ripe for scams and consumer losses in this area we've seen more and more consumers engaging in online trading," he said.

"We've also seen obviously a loss of confidence in the mainstream investment markets."

Authorities say the Gold Coast is a haven for the scams.

Detective Superintendent Brian Hay says 39 Gold Coast companies were targeted last month, but most were no longer at their registered address.

"Unfortunately what we're seeing is hundreds of people being ensnared, some large sums of money are involved and unfortunately a lot of people's dreams are going to be shattered and their lives changed forever," he said.

Detective Superintendant Hay says some of the companies have failed to honour unrealistic odds, while others have simply disappeared with the money bet.

"You are not going to get a quick turnaround on an investment to the volume that they've been promoted by these professional products... they certainly look professional these glossy brochures these slick talking advertising marketing people that telephone you," he said.

"It's fraught with danger: don't get excited, get advice."

We were shown the same thing by Commercial Securities. I still have the printouts they sent me. Problem was, I believed them. In hindsight, we all know that they were fabricated. Not saying yours are too, but, once burnt, twice shy. You know the story.

One thing I am wondering about. I read the Bio of Farren Hotham. It is pretty impressive. I am trying to figure out, how someone involved in the media, has such shocking grammar. Every one of your posts, has none. No capitals. No commers. No periods. Whats the go there. Isn't really a good look, for a company director.

I did a bit of research on the rest of your team
Googling Angus Hamilton draws a blank. There are numerous pages, referring to various Angus Hamilton’s, but not the one referred to at RASPC. I find that a bit strange, since you state that he is very high profile in the gambling world. The Wizard of Odds is a website, in no way connected to Angus.

Also, drawing a blank, with Tom Farkas. I tried to associate the name with football, but nothing. If he is known as Mr Football, then surely there would be something coming up. Photo looks a bit dodgy. Head down, looking away, with shades on. Not a good look for a launch photo

Of course we all know who Shane Dye is. The only reference to him being a director of RASPC, is in a media release by you.(on a online media site, where they added that all claims made, were by the author and not substantiated by them)
I find that a little strange. I would have thought a directorship, would be newsworthy. I did read that he's leaving Mauritius, after some suspect rides and may be heading to India to ride. Seems trainers back in Oz, won't touch him. Thought maybe he might be comming back to Oz, to participate in his new venture. Please let us know what is happening there. Its all part of your sell, so we should know his intentions.

Trying to believe what you are telling us, but you have been the author of everything told to us. There is nothing anywhere, offering us proof of your claims. Sorry. Your word is just not good enough. We've been to that movie already.
The poor grammer is an act. Check the difference between his first and subsequent posts. That was the point of my comments in post #174.
Is this Farren?

Nice fringe.

What's so special about the Philippines, and story telling, and, um, video making...?

oh dear.


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The poor grammer is an act. Check the difference between his first and subsequent posts. That was the point of my comments in post #174.

Yes Dr Smith. I see what you mean. In post #168, his grammar is quite good. More what I would expect. Is it an act, or are later posts being penned by a different person. This gets more and more intriguing.
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