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Well well. CS seems to have gone quiet. Maybe we have just made things a bit too hot for them. The "OddsBroker" seems to have died. The registration form was made with and online form maker, which is available through an outfit called "". Anyone can access it to add a signup to their site.
Seems CS have linked it to something only they can access.

Shortly before they pulled their website, I advised the Commonwealth Bank, that they were using the comsec name. Never heard back, but I don't think they bank would have been happy. Also directed them to this forum.

Also advised the ATO that we were all charged GST, and they should maybe investigate CS. Also directed the ATO to this forum.

So guys. At the moment, this forum is our only tool against these scum. Anyone that googles CS before parting with money, will bring up this forum.
We are making sure they keep their money away from this scum.

It seems to me that whoever CS are - they had no intention of actually making us any money. They were only interested in the License Fee. Has anyone actually had any luck in tracking down the directors or Paul Ellis - if he actually exists? Dept. of Fair Trading will investigate this, it is a lenghty process, but if enough of us come forward (embarrising as it is) they love to nail people like this. Please keep the post going until we have enough info together - and happy to help out.

Hi !
I submitted end of Sept.09 , Shamefully.I have kept weekly records of all bets since oct.1st.
Their published records since that date to promote further sales are FALSE FALSE FALSE believe me.
I have my over the odds records month by month.
I will be happy to join any group action.
Commercial Securities contacted me about 8 months ago. I have no other interests, or this one as a matter of fact, so when these people contacted me, I can tell you that they are one and the same.
The 3W's dot

Now, this.

As RASPC is limited to the amount of money it can trade, we have put together some great packages TOTALLING 750 MEMBERS and a maximum Betting bank of $10,000,000 in each Trading type. OZ WIN, UK WIN, UK LAY AND SPORTS BETTING the CFD trading is more liquid and we can trade $40,000,000. We also have options to pay by the month for a trial period, or for those who want to minimize their upfront risk, we can even offer a bank guarantee on our larger packages.

RASPC bets mainly on Saturday, Wednesday and public holidays in Australia, together with UK LAY and WIN betting and Sport including Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, Golf, and wherever we see value. There is no up sell as your membership goes everywhere we see the money, and the volumes may vary depending on conditions etc. We have unrivaled expertise and experience to bet on racing and sports on your behalf, and our people have years in the industry.
Same deal. I registered on this forum just to post this alert.
Good luck all.

thank you dlhayes this is the same sh*t different smell, It looks like there time doing this sort of thing might just becoming to a end.

Just had a look at the NEW website. Same old people. Same old spin. Same old scam. Just shows you how much money they are making out of this scam.
They just won't let it go. And now they have the fabulous "MR X". How original. As for Shane Dye being part of it. Doesn't add any credibility to the scam.
Seems they have dropped the Commercial Securities tag. We've taken the integrity out of that name. "RACING AND SPORTS PUNTERS CLUB". Has the same ring to it. "MR ELLIS" may have moved on. They don't mention him. But then again. When you create a name it's just a matter of deleting it.
So intended victims. When you google RACING AND SPORTS PUNTERS CLUB, you will more than likely land in this forum. That may just be the luckiest break in your life. And unlike "THEM", we charge you nothing for it.
Hello my name is Farren Hotham I am a director of the aforesaid Racing and Sports Punters Club. Our website is www dot racingandsports dot net

I would like to indicate and re-iterate that we are not a group of faceless men, matter of fact we are credible, transparent, and honest and have the utmost integrity. I am joined by International Jockey Shane Dye and International punter/bookmaker Angus Hamilton and deny any claim we are a faceless group. There is little or no doubt that people who have good names like Shane, Angus and myself wouldn’t put our credibility out there if we didn’t think Racing and sports was anything else but a fully legitimate business.

WE refute allegations that we like others intend to produce and announce fake results, matter of fact it is common knowledge that the high risk industry of racing and sports betting has both the upside of substantial profit and the downside of losses. Racing and sports is matter of fact happy enough to give its client a free trial and even deposit 100 dollars in their trading account to prove we can product results NO ONE ELSE WILL DO THIS.

Any claim, I repeat ANY claim we have ever given out brochures is not correct. We do however have a website which outlines the packages we offer and indicate guidelines and projections on potential profit, we indicate there our target of 10% per month, this is gambling/punting and through the 6 disciplines explained on the website we do indicate there is a risk and people can lose at times. However it’s obvious our intention is to win for our clientele because if they don’t win, we don’t GET PAID!

The fact or fallacy that some people believed that if you invested 10,000 dollars and put in 1,000 in a betting account and it would make you instantly rich is a sad indictment on the company that sold this investment to you. Their obviously convincing salesman but in our opinion their persuasive sell amounted to belief in the ‘’tooth fairy or Santa Claus’’ WE DO NOT HARD SELL NOR DO WE MAKE ANY PROMISES EVER NO GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES HERE.

Racing and Sports asks our members to begin with a $5,000 MEMBERSHIP FEE and put a MIN of $2,000 in their account in 1 discipline then BUILD A RELATIONSHIP. They can have a maximum $5,000 IN 5 DIFFERENT GAMBLING DISCIPLINES OZ WIN, UK LAY, UK WIN, ASIAN WIN AND GLOBAL SPORT as well 25,000 IN THE STOCK MARKET CFD TRADING (COMING SOON). This means that a Member once they have built a winning relationship based on trust can benefit to up to $50,000 in trading money meaning once they have made 10% they have recouped there membership fee NOT 1,000% LIKE OTHERS (WHEN IT SOUNDS TO GOOD TO BE TRUE IT NORMALLY IS).

Racing and Sports does not target people wishing to get rich quick "IT DOESN'T HAPPEN EVER". We want genuine investors as we get our fees if our members make 5% ($100 PER DISCIPLINE). So we need members to be trading all 6 disciplines AND WIN to get $600 A MONTH that’s our target, some will win some will lose. If our members trade all disciplines. We hope to generate them a 5% A MONTH $2,500 A MONTH LESS $600 FEES, $1,900 NET the more disciplines traded the better the result we believe as when some are weak 1 month others may be stronger NO ONE WINS ALL THE TIME we just try put the odds in your favor more.

Finally we understand the racing industry has been hurt by many of these poorly run organizations and I would like to give you the opportunity to make some of the return on investment and even the money you have lost NO PROMISES BUT WE ARE FULLY TRANSPARENT 100%. For anyone who has been burnt not just by COMMERCIAL SECURITIES but ALL other failed racing SCAMS we offer the following. If you can prove you have been burnt we will give you a free membership VALUED AT $5,000 subject to availability of course. Racing and Sports is just starting and we intend to be the most transparent, informative and profitable punters club in the nation. Why because we have an expert team of analysts who we trust and believe in.

Racing and Sports believes by doing this we can restore people’s faith in being involved in something enjoyable and profitable and for anyone who has been scammed by these people we can at least showcase the ‘’real deal’’ to you. We understand the failures of the past and believe in spending our own time to attempt to reclaim your lost ‘’hard earned money’’


Feel free to email me i have not blocked emails on here and will respond to every email we want to get these guys as much as anyone and may even be able to help you guys we have acquired quite a few large databases of burnt clients most have closed down but we want all shut down same as you


Farren Hotham
I have tried to contact as many people who have been burnt by SCAM ARTISTS PROMISING THE WORLD AND DELIVERING AN ATLAS as i said before in my previous post feel free to contact me on here i need to post 5 times before i can contact anyone personally so rather than put up posts that are useless as i LOVE what you guys are doing and i want to HELP where i can this industry has been good to me i started as a young boy as a race caller and to see it destroyed by these type of people appalls me WE LIKE TO GIVE BACK so our rescue packages are like a doctor doing a CHARITY operation as we believe once we show you we are the real deal you will be our best advertisement SO PLEASE DON'T PAIR US WITH ANY OF THESE SCAMS WE ARE TRYING TO HELP THERE MEMBERS WE ARE 100% INDEPENDENT and can only gain by MAKING YOU MONEY as we have no upfront if you take our RESCUE package ITS THAT SIMPLE

Farren Hotham
Dear Farren,

If it makes money, why are you selling it rather than using it ?

Dr smith great question and one that should always be asked if 1 person is betting with a betting agency and you win it is very easy for them to BAR you and they will with most of these big companies to lose 750 clients and there turnover it is easier for them to just HANDLE the money therefore 1 client = HOT MONEY and 750 clients turning over money that they offload is much easier to do also the fact that we charge fees we don't need to risk millions of dollars to have 50,000,000 trading in GAMBLING and 40,000,000 in STOCKS the result on all members wining 66% ie 4 out of 6 disciplines is 400 x 4 disciplines (that win this is a conservative average some will win some will lose) = 1,600 x $100 $160,000 // 200 x 4 x 250 = $200,000 // 100 x 4 x 350 = $140,000 // 50 x 4 x 1,000 = $200,000 so between $700,000 and over $1,000,000 in fees at full capacity lets call it $500,000 as the bulk is STOCK MARKET and there are 750 clients with a conservative PE (PE RATIO) of 6 (16% return) we have a company worth $36,000,000 then if we give away say 300 SILVER memberships but sell 100 silver, 200 gold, 100 platinum & 50 VIP THAT'S $5,250,000 IN SALES that is the full behind the scenes WORT'S AND ALL of what our business plan is to net $500,000 a month DOING WHAT WE LOVE there is more money in being LEGIT than SCAMMING people ALL WE NEED TO DO IS WIN and we get the long term benifit and an EXIT STRATEGY in 5 years

Ps thanks for your question and i loved your earlier WARNING to the people in COM SEC i am sure some people believe in the TOOTH FAIRY and SANTA CLAUSE but we want our members to have up to $50,000 trading and we charge 10% $5,000 to join ONE OFF not $10,000 to join and $1,000 trading to make $50,000 in a year it can NEVER HAPPEN we are HIGH RISK but we do a lot of FORM and have some great analysts AND OFFER A 100% FREE TRIAL WITH AS LITTLE AS $100 NO PAST RESULTS AS THEY ARE MISLEADING AND MOSTLY RUBBISH ANYWAY
I have tried to contact as many people who have been burnt by SCAM ARTISTS PROMISING THE WORLD AND DELIVERING AN ATLAS
Farren Hotham

this sounds very similar to something I have read in a email

"the only problem with the current members is that they have all been
promised the world and handed an atlas by the previous owners of Commercial

It might just be that yourself and the old head trader of commercial securities went to the same school.

I hope your offer stands for a few weeks as I don't have time to reply to you directly as i am about to go on holidays, But I would love to discuss this further when I return.
Thank you 308cc

P.s. good morning to the team at commercial securities hope you are all well:

I am pretty sure they would be undercover as most of the scams are being cleaned up 1 by 1 at the moment so its great for us as we dot every I and every T
The full stop on your keyboard must have broken somewhere between your first post and the above post.

You also appear to be having trouble with the caps lock as well.

Like CS before, gambling other people's money and charging a fee for the service is only a good gig for the promoters of the scheme.

BIG money if you know what you are doing and are TRANSPARENT that's why we have some very high profile members we are expecting great reviews in November and December after our first couple of months of trading so fingers crossed we can preform what we know we can but who knows it is Racing and unlike others we make NO promises but we are very confident UNDER PROMISE AND OVER DELIVER is our motto

Thanks for your feedback

P.S can i ask your background are you a finance broker if so i can give you half a dozen high profile investors who have taken up memberships only for the STOCK MARKET side they are not interested in the GAMBLING i am more than happy to give you there names they include a CTO of a publicly listed company, a retired partner (20+ years) at major global legal firms , TV stars, International performers and more we will have testimonials up after 1 months full trading FROM REAL PEOPLE
This is pretty much how it was explined to me, $18,000 ago.
After we all lost our hard earned cash, Commercial Securities, (after pressure from this forum), shut up shop. Then it seems that "Over the Odds", deserted them.
Then Commercial Securties resurfaces. Not the old company we are told. New ownership. Enter Mr Paul Ellis, new CEO. New spin.
I have re-enlisted the knowledge and ability of my Head Trader and his team of analysts and traders as they are the best in the world with proven results. They have set up their new Racing and Sports Punters Club and I know that they can make you some money back on your investment. I have seen their results first hand and I am sure you will see that if they weren’t pushed to turn over so much money and be as aggressive as they were when I first acquired Commercial Securities, that 10% a month profit would have been easily achievable, as they bet WIN, PLACE and even LAY horses (back to lose "be the bookie") and on not only Australian Racing but also UK racing and on all Global sports not just win like we did, but when targeting massive returns that were promised, you can only bet WIN. Take a look at their strike rate; they had well over 50% Placed runners and normally at good odds.
Sound familiar. Remember, this is from "Paul Ellis". At this stage "Racing and Sports Punters club" is just a name. There is no website. No details. No faces.
"OddsBroker" surfaced for a bit, then faded away. Also had no website.

Anyway, we have a new revamped Commercial Securities, under new ownership. A quick check shows that they are still a registered Australian company. Paul sends a few emails to reinforce the aims of the new Comsec.

But. Them darn forum guys are not buying it. Paul Ellis is not doing it. He seems to have now disappeared.

Enter Farrum. Same story, but no mention of Paul Ellis. And now Raspc has a website. He states they are an international company. But they had no website. Now they do. And faces. Anyone involved in IT, knows how easy it is to get a website up and running. It ain't rocket science.

Guess what. Commercial Securities is still a registered company. (although no longer registered for GST). No mention of RASPC though. So how are they paying tax? Are they paying GST?

Now Farrum. If you are now so up front. Why do you not display an office address? Why do you not have contact phone and fax numbers? Why can you only be contacted through the contact page. I would lay good odds that you will phone prospective clients, using a PRIVATE phone number.
So Farrum, if you are a new look company, why employ the same tactics.
We have learnt from the start of this journey, that websites don't mean very much. You profess to being a highly professional international company.
Your website is anything but professional.

Having pictures on a webpage, is not putting faces to a company and if you look at the history of Commercial Securities, CEO's and directors, come and go fairly regularly. All a client gets is a faceless phone call. I have researched you and although I had never heard of you, you seem to be legit. That is if it is you. We have no way of knowing that. Everything is so covert. You are a media person, so why is this all kept away from the media.

And Angus Hamilton. Why, if he can make so much money all round the world, would he worry about me making a buck. I don't think so. And by they way.
Your photo you show on the webpage, is exactly the same photo I found on a certain organisations website, over in Asia. I'd almost think it was a copy and paste. And MR X! Thats superman stuff. A real trading company would not resort to that garbage.

So Farrum, no more spin. Convince us that you are the real deal. And remember that we are getting a lot of interested parties, reading this forum.
Maybe you might like to reimburse all of us victims. Now I do like the sound of that.

Reimburse people isn't what we are doing enough IT IS NOT MY FAULT you were all sucked in by these SCAM artists and that YOU believed something that sounded TO GOOD TO BE TRUE i feel very sorry you were SCAMMED by these people but again DON'T BLAME ME I DONT HAVE YOUR MONEY I AM TRYING TO HELP

Terms and Conditions "Guest Membership"
* We provide a discretionary betting service, providing selections in sporting and racing events at our discretion. We place bets on your behalf under the terms and conditions set out herein.
* The following terms and conditions represent the entire agreement between You and pty ltd (RASPC) in full. All other agreements, representations, etc are null and void. This is the only and the entire agreement between Us.
* If Your application for a Guest RASPC membership is accepted You agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions.
* We conduct a completely discretionary betting service (the Service) that TARGETS a return of between 10% and 20% per month (High Risk). We do not WARRANT any returns. We do not however, charge any monthly fees until you have earned 5% GROSS of your monthly starting balance. This is calculated on the 1st of every month and the period is a calendar month.
* You personally control all account funds through the use of a personalized numbered account that can be accessed online or by telephone. Only you can withdraw funds from your account unless otherwise directed by you, other than in accordance with our normal activity in transacting and placing bets for you and as authorised under this Agreement for monthly fees.
* Although we may assist in the establishment of your account, it and the funds in it are totally under your control.
* This Agreement is able to be terminated by either party immediately upon notice to the other.
* Your dealings with us are confidential. You must not distribute, copy or disclose the terms of our agreement with you or any of our dealings with you other than to or with your legal and financial advisers. If you breach this confidentiality you will be subject to legal proceedings and may become liable for the payment of significant damages.
* We may change these terms and conditions and notify you of such changes. Your continued use of our services will constitute acceptance of the varied terms and conditions.

* You acknowledge that your membership entitles you to a maximum account balance of $100. If your account balance goes over this amount you must upgrade to a different membership category with a higher account balance allowance, or withdraw funds to bring the balance under $100. We only have 400 allotted memberships in total adding up to a maximum trading bank of $10,000,000 per trading type so another membership is subject to availability and is not guaranteed note we may also change the number of memberships due to demand but the maximum trading amount will stay the same $10,000,000 per trading type.
* We transact and place bets for you with full discretion on your authority which is given pursuant to this Agreement in what we consider to be a conservative manner between 0.5% to 5% of your account balance per transaction. If this does not concur with your personal risk tolerance HIGH RISK, we suggest you do not use out service.
* We may bet as frequently or as infrequently as we see fit. Ie - if we don't think there is value or the conditions are not, in our view, favorable, we won’t transact at all. WE ONLY PLACE BETS WHEN WE FEEL CONDITIONS WARRANT IT and there may be any number of reasons, all completely within our discretion, why we decide not to place any bets at all for any period of time.
* You acknowledge and agree that the bets and transactions we engage in on your account are completely within our judgment and discretion and you grant us full authority while this agreement is current to undertake these activities on your behalf.
* You may terminate or suspend our betting activities at any time with immediate effect provided we actually receive notice of the termination or suspension if betting is suspended for more than 30 days any agreement or membership is deemed to be voided or canceled.
* You agree this becomes a legally binding agreement once you deposit funds into your account or you otherwise accept the terms of this agreement online or in any other legally binding manner.
* This is a FREE TRIAL for access to our services and is only a guest membership it can be terminated at any time.
* We will initiate the service within 3 days of payment in full providing your betting account is funded for us to bet and you have signed a copy of these terms and conditions.

Any further posts about your service will be considered as spam.

Please keep the thread on topic

Any further posts about your service will be considered as spam.

Please keep the thread on topic

Prawn i am responding to Malicious accusations that are clearly targeting our services as we have 100% NOTHING to do with comercial securities we are 100% stand alone our solicitors have warned this forum of same but we continue to have libelous comments probably from com sec themselves for approaching there members we have asked for any posts relating the 2 companies to be pulled down they haven't so we are refuting the claims in an open forum so either pull down any link of us to COM SEC as we are good people and the damages could be millions to our company for trying to do the right thing


Any further posts about your service will be considered as spam.

Please keep the thread on topic

Sean you are a smart guy with a distinction average in your Finance studies and were in the top 10% of your class so you would know for a forum to continue to allow slanderous and defamatory posts after being warned on several occasions is NOT ON we are not spamming just trying to clear our GOOD name that has been let dragged down with these other SCUMBAGS its that simple
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