It seems to me that whoever CS are - they had no intention of actually making us any money. They were only interested in the License Fee. Has anyone actually had any luck in tracking down the directors or Paul Ellis - if he actually exists? Dept. of Fair Trading will investigate this, it is a lenghty process, but if enough of us come forward (embarrising as it is) they love to nail people like this. Please keep the post going until we have enough info together - and happy to help out.
Commercial Securities contacted me about 8 months ago. I have no other interests, or this one as a matter of fact, so when these people contacted me, I can tell you that they are one and the same.
The 3W's dot
Now, this.
As RASPC is limited to the amount of money it can trade, we have put together some great packages TOTALLING 750 MEMBERS and a maximum Betting bank of $10,000,000 in each Trading type. OZ WIN, UK WIN, UK LAY AND SPORTS BETTING the CFD trading is more liquid and we can trade $40,000,000. We also have options to pay by the month for a trial period, or for those who want to minimize their upfront risk, we can even offer a bank guarantee on our larger packages.
RASPC bets mainly on Saturday, Wednesday and public holidays in Australia, together with UK LAY and WIN betting and Sport including Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, Golf, and wherever we see value. There is no up sell as your membership goes everywhere we see the money, and the volumes may vary depending on conditions etc. We have unrivaled expertise and experience to bet on racing and sports on your behalf, and our people have years in the industry.
Same deal. I registered on this forum just to post this alert.
Good luck all.
Commercial Securities contacted me about 8 months ago. I have no other interests, or this one as a matter of fact, so when these people contacted me, I can tell you that they are one and the same.
The 3W's dot
Now, this.
As RASPC is limited to the amount of money it can trade, we have put together some great packages TOTALLING 750 MEMBERS and a maximum Betting bank of $10,000,000 in each Trading type. OZ WIN, UK WIN, UK LAY AND SPORTS BETTING the CFD trading is more liquid and we can trade $40,000,000. We also have options to pay by the month for a trial period, or for those who want to minimize their upfront risk, we can even offer a bank guarantee on our larger packages.
RASPC bets mainly on Saturday, Wednesday and public holidays in Australia, together with UK LAY and WIN betting and Sport including Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, Golf, and wherever we see value. There is no up sell as your membership goes everywhere we see the money, and the volumes may vary depending on conditions etc. We have unrivaled expertise and experience to bet on racing and sports on your behalf, and our people have years in the industry.
Same deal. I registered on this forum just to post this alert.
Good luck all.
Dear Farren,
If it makes money, why are you selling it rather than using it ?
I have tried to contact as many people who have been burnt by SCAM ARTISTS PROMISING THE WORLD AND DELIVERING AN ATLAS
Farren Hotham
this sounds very similar to something I have read in a email
It is a very common Racetrack saying "promised the world and given an Atlas"
"the only problem with the current members is that they have all been
promised the world and handed an atlas by the previous owners of Commercial
We fully understand that and along with many other companies we are hopping to help the burnt members get some money back
It might just be that yourself and the old head trader of commercial securities went to the same school.
I am from Bathurst so i doubt it but what was his name
I hope your offer stands for a few weeks as I don't have time to reply to you directly as i am about to go on holidays, But I would love to discuss this further when I return.
It is open until we give away 300 of the available 400 Silver memberships or the whole 400 sell out so there is no urgency here over the next few months enjoy your holiday and we will chat when you return.
Thank you 308cc
P.s. good morning to the team at commercial securities hope you are all well:
The full stop on your keyboard must have broken somewhere between your first post and the above post.Dr smith great question and one that should always be asked if 1 person is betting with a betting agency and you win it is very easy for them to BAR you and they will with most of these big companies to lose 750 clients and there turnover it is easier for them to just HANDLE the money therefore 1 client = HOT MONEY and 750 clients turning over money that they offload is much easier to do also the fact that we charge fees we don't need to risk millions of dollars to have 50,000,000 trading in GAMBLING and 40,000,000 in STOCKS the result on all members wining 66% ie 4 out of 6 disciplines is 400 x 4 disciplines (that win this is a conservative average some will win some will lose) = 1,600 x $100 $160,000 // 200 x 4 x 250 = $200,000 // 100 x 4 x 350 = $140,000 // 50 x 4 x 1,000 = $200,000 so between $700,000 and over $1,000,000 in fees at full capacity lets call it $500,000 as the bulk is STOCK MARKET and there are 750 clients with a conservative PE (PE RATIO) of 6 (16% return) we have a company worth $36,000,000 then if we give away say 300 SILVER memberships but sell 100 silver, 200 gold, 100 platinum & 50 VIP THAT'S $5,250,000 IN SALES that is the full behind the scenes WORT'S AND ALL of what our business plan is to net $500,000 a month DOING WHAT WE LOVE there is more money in being LEGIT than SCAMMING people ALL WE NEED TO DO IS WIN and we get the long term benifit and an EXIT STRATEGY in 5 years
Ps thanks for your question and i loved your earlier WARNING to the people in COM SEC i am sure some people believe in the TOOTH FAIRY and SANTA CLAUSE but we want our members to have up to $50,000 trading and we charge 10% $5,000 to join ONE OFF not $10,000 to join and $1,000 trading to make $50,000 in a year it can NEVER HAPPEN we are HIGH RISK but we do a lot of FORM and have some great analysts AND OFFER A 100% FREE TRIAL WITH AS LITTLE AS $100 NO PAST RESULTS AS THEY ARE MISLEADING AND MOSTLY RUBBISH ANYWAY
The full stop on your keyboard must have broken somewhere between your first post and the above post.
You also appear to be having trouble with the caps lock as well.
Like CS before, gambling other people's money and charging a fee for the service is only a good gig for the promoters of the scheme.
We were only giving tips on a Saturday at this point in time and at no time had entered in to any rescue package after doing our own due diligence A LOT FROM THIS FORUM we decided all we could do was offer a rescue package for burnt victims WE WOULD NOT BE AFFILIATED with any of these companies we have to much to lose
Enter Farrum. Same story, but no mention of Paul Ellis. And now Raspc has a website. He states they are an international company. But they had no website. Now they do. And faces. Anyone involved in IT, knows how easy it is to get a website up and running. It ain't rocket science.
Our website took only 2 weeks to build so this is correct but why does this matter we haven't even launched tonight at MOONEY VALLEY is our first trading as we launch TODAY
Guess what. Commercial Securities is still a registered company. (although no longer registered for GST). No mention of RASPC though. So how are they paying tax? Are they paying GST?
We have not yet sold 1 membership we wanted to see how many took up our rescue package before we sold the membership REMEMBER WE MAKE MONEY FROM FEES MAINLY not sales but we only registered the company a few weeks ago
Now Farrum. If you are now so up front. Why do you not display an office address? Why do you not have contact phone and fax numbers? Why can you only be contacted through the contact page. So Farrum, if you are a new look company, why employ the same tactics.
We have learnt from the start of this journey, that websites don't mean very much. You profess to being a highly professional international company.
Your website is anything but professional.
Our website is what we need it to be and any member who has taken the opportunity will tell you we are a registered company as you can appreciate the amount of people burnt by these SCAMS is vast and we don't need to deal with there problems all our members get there own customer service agent and there own personal mobile phone to be on call 24/7 we don't sell to the public those interested in us need to apply for a membership as if people don't read our terms and understand you can lose etc they cant join
Having pictures on a webpage, is not putting faces to a company and if you look at the history of Commercial Securities, CEO's and directors, come and go fairly regularly. All a client gets is a faceless phone call. I have researched you and although I had never heard of you, you seem to be legit. That is if it is you. We have no way of knowing that. Everything is so covert. You are a media person, so why is this all kept away from the media.
We are launching our media push to coincide with Melbourne Cup and are planing a $50,000 giveaway at the moment prior to that we are just doing the rescue package and have been overwhelmed with the response and may not even need to sell it so many are taking up our FREE offer it is simple once you join we give you a ZERO dollar invoice and your own customer service rep why do we need to answer silly calls we are not a BIG company we have 4 customer service staff and 6 analysts that's it and 2 sales people ready to start selling soon
And Angus Hamilton. Why, if he can make so much money all round the world, would he worry about me making a buck. I don't think so. And by they way.
Its all about ego for Angus and there is a lot of money to be made in this venture anyway for him
Your photo you show on the webpage, is exactly the same photo I found on a certain organisations website, over in Asia. I'd almost think it was a copy and paste. And MR X! Thats superman stuff. A real trading company would not resort to that garbage.
Yes i have been in asia for the last 6 years and have only recently returned i still have an interest in the company and i am well known to most reporters having been the producer of Sports Tonight, Chanel 7 Sports to name a few and these contacts will help when we push closer to Melbourne Cup as for MR X he is concerned about what is happening to me right now DEFENDING myself for trying to help people I HAVE NEVER RECEIVED 1 CENT FROM ANYONE YET all i am trying to do is HELP you guys its that simple i now think after the way i am being treated we should have all done the same as him and remained faceless our good names are being tarnished by other peoples problems different if we were involved I AM HAPPY TO MEET WITH ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE RESCUE PACKAGE
So Farrum, no more spin. Convince us that you are the real deal. And remember that we are getting a lot of interested parties, reading this forum.
I understand and over the next 2 months you will see we are the real deal with actual accounts notice we do NOT have any past results up AS TODAY IS OUR FIRST DAYS TRADING if anyone wants a FREE trial all you need do is sign up for one NO QUESTIONS ASKED
Maybe you might like to reimburse all of us victims. Now I do like the sound of that.
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