Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Cognitive Dissonance and Climate Change


9 July 2004
So once again I got lectured on action on climate change from a totally *expected quarter, that is the affluent middle class.

I was doing for work for them as they arrived home in their amg Merc, after having driven 20 km to go for a jog. They live in about a 400 square metre home in the outer Brisbane suburbs, drive to work every day, drive their children to and from *twice everyday to a well regarded private school which is probably about 45 km away.

Obviously they have horses; 3 in fact of which are floated to equestrian events on the weekend.

They have reverse cycle air conditioning and their power bill is approaching $1,000 a quarter...

And the most important issue to them for this election is climate change.

Being a client of mine and looking after my own Mercantile interests I was forced to p1ss in their pocket regarding the issue, all the while thinking to myself what god damn hypocrites.

Her dad could not fathom how our power bill was only $180 a quarter despite not having any solar, and could not understand my point about plastic packaging and other forms of general pollution.

I face this sort of cognitive dissonance at least three times a week with my clients, I'm there to do a job and get paid so I really have any sort of discussion with them about this, but I just find it fascinating that these people won't government action yet I'm not prepared to take any sort of action themselves.
It's bad news for the Libs if their natural constituents are talking about climate change.
To be honest, its been all over the shop. The Red Tories are talking about it, blue collar Labor generally think it's BS... And everything in between. It's been quite hard to get a tag on it.
I can hear what your saying Wayne.. Perhaps you could have asked/suggested that they might be interested in trading in their Merc for a Tesla and set up a 10kw solar panel system to kill their power bills and power their electric limo ?

Or maybe pack it all in and live in a cave ?
Chief editor of Tyzhden, Maksym Vikhrov: "Burned forests, steppes plowed by shells, soils poisoned by heavy metals - isn't it an ecological disaster, even without considering the consequences of the Kahovka explosion..."

(Russians blew up a dam, resulting in massive flooding, btw)

"Yet climate defenders stubbornly fail to notice the elephant in the room or the rabid Kremlin jackal trying to sever its trunk. The elephant cries out, the jackal chuckles, and the climate-concerned youth prattles on about the horrors of global warming.

"...the modern generation of environmental activists is not a creation of the Kremlin. Greta and her tribe are the offspring of the liberal naivety of the late 1980s, who fervently believed that all global problems could be solved through resolutions, programs, and strategies

..and a toothless UN prattling rubbish.
To brainwash CC into our kids, you have to start early
Took this picture yesterday at aldi, not a joke


This is hopeless...
Greta is functionally fascist, dystopian and raging antisemite. The God Emperor is a patriot and peacemaker.

Only a knob would go off topic and try to equate them. ;)
Greta is functionally fascist, dystopian and raging antisemite. The God Emperor is a patriot and peacemaker.

Only a knob would go off topic and try to equate them. ;)
I do not equate them in any way, Trump is nearly a hero for holding against the wef clique , but when a kid is 4-5y old, you should not brainwash it.
When i look at the esprit critique of nowadays adults i cry.
Sure Darwinism is working quite well with mRNA vaccines, soon the monkeypox, but gosh, it is hard to swallow how our west are decimated by cretinism.
I do not equate them in any way, Trump is nearly a hero for holding against the wef clique , but when a kid is 4-5y old, you should not brainwash it.
When i look at the esprit critique of nowadays adults i cry.
Sure Darwinism is working quite well with mRNA vaccines, soon the monkeypox, but gosh, it is hard to swallow how our west are decimated by cretinism.
Sorry, thought you were having a laugh about it all. You can buy the books through Amazon.
I do not equate them in any way, Trump is nearly a hero for holding against the wef clique , but when a kid is 4-5y old, you should not brainwash it.
When i look at the esprit critique of nowadays adults i cry.
Sure Darwinism is working quite well with mRNA vaccines, soon the monkeypox, but gosh, it is hard to swallow how our west are decimated by cretinism.
I was talking about the the other bloke. I know you weren't equating them. Apologies if it came across that way. :(
Sorry, thought you were having a laugh about it all. You can buy the books through Amazon.
Obviously i will not buy this, and yes it was a joke.
All these pre teen mind forming of any side: hamas or islamic schools, CC news, "anti racism" or Voice rallies thru media, parents or even worse our so called education system is repugnant.
Give your kids the ability of free thinking, basic sciences, history and number knowledge and they can have free will.
But free will is dangerous fir our masters
We are building nations of idiotic clones, hardly ever able to leave an employee servant status, unable to even manage their own economics, let alone able to vote with any clue or judge anything but the last tik tok campaign.
Food fodder for armies, consumerism, nazism (not national this time) or the next hate campaign against anything Cyrillic or Chinese...arrrrgggg
As the CHOGM gets underway, the britsh monarch as well as various leaders of Pacific democracies are all calling on Australia and New Zealand to do more on climate change.
And yet the elephant in the room , the CO2 emissions from Asia that the consensus tells us is the most existential crisis we face , seems to be totally invisible.
A cynic might suggest that this is because Australia is stupid enough to donate huge amounts of money to these countries with no strings attached and quietly acquiesce when these same countries criticise us.
Imagine treating China the same way .....

As the CHOGM gets underway, the britsh monarch as well as various leaders of Pacific democracies are all calling on Australia and New Zealand to do more on climate change.
And yet the elephant in the room , the CO2 emissions from Asia that the consensus tells us is the most existential crisis we face , seems to be totally invisible.
A cynic might suggest that this is because Australia is stupid enough to donate huge amounts of money to these countries with no strings attached and quietly acquiesce when these same countries criticise us.
Imagine treating China the same way .....

View attachment 186594
The islands know they are screwed and since we are meant to be their friend, they want us to do our best. At least it will help pressure China.

If we do our worst, well so much for the friendship.
The islands know they are screwed and since we are meant to be their friend, they want us to do our best. At least it will help pressure China.

If we do our worst, well so much for the friendship.
I have lived in Fiji for two years, 1 year in Vanuatu, three months in the Solomons and a year in Papua.
Vanuatu has sold out to the Chinese, as has the Solomons.
The others will play us off against the Chinese.
We are no more friend of pacific nations than they are of China.
its whatever is expedient at the time, whichever group /faction/tribe is in power is all about what they can get out of it all.
The idea of long term planning is so alien to them, as their last thousand years of cultural pursuits are based on subsistence living and living for the now.
I have lived in Fiji for two years, 1 year in Vanuatu, three months in the Solomons and a year in Papua.
Vanuatu has sold out to the Chinese, as has the Solomons.
The others will play us off against the Chinese.
We are no more friend of pacific nations than they are of China.
its whatever is expedient at the time, whichever group /faction/tribe is in power is all about what they can get out of it all.
The idea of long term planning is so alien to them, as their last thousand years of cultural pursuits are based on subsistence living and living for the now.
I think you downgrade their intelligence too much. I have a friend in Papua and have worked in Fiji. They aren't all country bumpkins. Anyway, my previous point remains.