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Coffee - a trader's best friend

What are customs like on green beans?
I just arrived back from Bali and brought back some Kopi Luwak - arabica coffee beans digested by a civet like cat and excreted. The beans are then processed and lightly roasted - very expensive and I must say a unique flavour!
Never drink instant coffee. Mostly filter coffee at home and the espresso/cappuccino machine in the weekends. Don't go as far as roasting my own beans, but buy roasted beans and grind them.
What are customs like on green beans?

Sam, there are strict guidlines for import and the process is long but tick all the boxes, have the correct professionals in both countries and it works fine.

Like evrything, though you need to get the goods for the right price and work hard at keeping importing / transport costs to a minimum.

I've just discovered one of these.....after years of using a french press....what was i thinking


  • coffee exp.PNG
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  • coffee FP.PNG
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I've just discovered one of these.....after years of using a french press....what was i thinking

The press is closer to what North Americans drink. The percolator is more european style coffee, which is what we favour. I like a light - medium roast (not fond of the bitterness that comes with darker roasts) authentic Blue Mountain coffee (the Jamaican BM is expensive now), followed by PNG's Arabicas Ltd Paradiso.
I had never heard of French Press-on Wiki they say it is plunger.Been using the plunger for years and the machine for special occasions.The local Coles must have over ordered Grinders medium beans and have probably fifty kilogram bags of beans left to sell for $14 each.If it goes to ten dollars I will get another five.They do not sell well in our area.mostly instant.
I'm using all three now...the press, the perky, and the jar of instant
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