"......While investors in mortgage trusts are enjoying the benefit of a concerted effort by the investment management industry and the corporate watchdog to get liquidity back into their funds and get redemption payments back on track, investors in most unlisted property trusts remain in limbo, with no idea when they will see their money.
But from the point of view of many unitholders, the property trust managers are not keeping faith with the commitment they made to investors in their product disclosure statements to provide timely redemptions.
No investor puts their money into a unit trust expecting that it could take years to get it back.
Mortgage trust managers appear to have taken this commitment a lot more seriously. Recognising that investors in mortgage trusts treat them as a form of at-call cash fund, they have worked through the industry body, the Investment and Financial Services Association (IFSA), to lobby the Government to use a bit of stimulus money to put liquidity into the funds.
Asked whether property fund managers had taken action along similar lines, the chief executive of IFSA, Richard Gilbert, says: "They have not approached us........."
Makes me wonder, Why?
But then, I wonder about a lot of issues regarding funds such as ours...
Why is it that although we hold the first mortgages,and that it is our money that is invested in these companies, and our money that pays for these companies ,that we struggle for answers from them? Is it not our right to know exactly what fees are paid from the funds that effect our investments, and what fees are paid by the borrowers THAT EFFECT OUR INVESTMENTS?
Lets face it...reality, that is...if we are faced with the choice of leaving our already impaired investments in these funds every dollar that feeds from these investments, whether through the fund, such as management fees and admin. costs, or in fees paid directly by the borrower to the company, such as loan establishment fees and loan origination fees....don't they all come from that impaired asset we are clinging onto....?