industry moves to wherever is the cheapest labour. as chindia modernises, the native workers move middle class and demand a better lifestyle, which will drive up wages and conditions, so the companies will have to move somewhere cheaper to maximise profits (read: exploit local labour in return for infrastructure investment). this is globalised capitalism 101, you know how it all pans out.
i've been outsourced to india twice. then i heard the indians were being outsourced to the philippines. so whoever puts up a base level infrastructure and supplies loads of semi-english-literate low wage expecting peons will get the next 5 year contract.
there's still lots of china left to modernise (hello 1.2 billion people) and after that there's piles of people in southeast asia to tap (vietnam and philippines are already nibbling), then if anyone can find 5 minutes of peace in africa that will be next. money is amoral. commerce is global. this is the system. we take our profit where we can