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Children The Big Losers

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
The recent disclosures of incest and child abuse endemic in Victoria and Australia indicate a lack of care for children in Australia.

The emphasis seems to be on protection rather than care.

Whitlam ushered in a new era of personal freedom whereby individuals can copulate, cohabit and procreate without an iota of responsibility for the children who result.

Children's Services and the Family Court need to punish serial defaulters in care of children to discourage inappropriate procreation.

Mental illness, sexual abuse, drug addiction and a repetitive cycle of dysfunction follow on from the freedoms without responsibility that Whitlam delivered in his short term of rule.

Poor children.

Just as I thought.

Nobody cares about the hundreds of thousands of at risk children going asleep in dangerous households tonight.


Is it really that prevalent in anywhere in Australia? You seem to be exaggerating the situation quite a bit.
The recent disclosures of incest and child abuse endemic in Victoria and Australia indicate a lack of care for children in Australia.

No, it indicates a lack of care for some children in Australia, and without taking extreme and ridiculous measures, this will always be the case.
Usually like to take you on Garpal, but on this I am with you all the way. Not too sure of real solution. Maybe legal cast ion but perhaps we cant' go there. Some discriminatary control will come when the party is over and too late.

Yes, revealed a horror father/daughter here in vic yesterday, sometimes it make you ashamed to be a bloke at all.

Moe in the headlines again. And the wife saying she knew nothing about it? Not just the blokes who should be hanging their heads in shame, but the 'mother' and the whole community too.

GG, it is almost too sordid to talk about it.
Any child that gets mistreated makes me sick to the stomach and any parent that lets this happen should be sterilized to avoid perpetrating the same misery on more children.

  • The problem is that the human race will always have those who are less civilized (knuckle draggers / bogans ) who are selfish and give in to their base human desires at the expense of others , just tune in to A Current Affair if your brave.
The other problem is the increasing immorality of Governments .I believe it is their job to protect the vulnerable starting with children before all others, starting with more resources for child protection etc instead of Bureaucrats playing with statistics using Privacy laws to hide behind instead of doing their job.

  • and finally how long ago was it that Bob Hawke said that no child would live in poverty .That statement will be as infamous as Rudd saying that he will fix the hospital system and the buck stops with him.
Is it really that prevalent in anywhere in Australia?

The short answer to your question is...YES!!! Just because things are not reported does not mean it isn't happening. It just seems we're more attuned to worry about bikies and other gangs then to address mental health issues, of which, happens here in the lucky countries just as much as the rest of the world.
Any child that gets mistreated makes me sick to the stomach and any parent that lets this happen should be sterilized to avoid perpetrating the same misery on more children.

I feel the same way

I cant even read those articles

Communities used to get involved but they dont anymore..

Sad sad sad..
we should hold our head in shame if this article is true ...

Australians make up the largest portion of foreign sex offenders against children in Thailand, according to research at John Hopkins University in Baltimore that studied patterns of arrests and prosecutions between 1995 and 2006.

His money is fuelling a $US31.6 billion ($A36.5 billion) industry in trafficking in what a recent report by a global network of groups against child sex slavery concludes is a "massive human rights violation that is currently going largely unnoticed around the world".

Bernadette McMenamin, CEO of Child Wise Australia, says child sex trafficking remains a hidden problem that most Australians have become complacent about - even though a main root of the global crime is the Australian offender.
Australians make up the largest portion of foreign sex offenders against children in Thailand,

Not surprising really when Australia is the closest "Western" nation to Thailand. Do North Americans make up the largest number of child sex offenders in Central/South America? Europeans in North Africa?

Not defending anyone here, they're scum as far as I'm concerned, but some people will read this and make the assumption that Australians are the world's greatest child sex offenders. I'd just like to see figures for other places, if there are any.
It's just media sensationalism, and Garpal and others in this thread are falling for it.
One in four female children are sexually abused - and one in seven male children.

That's a big number, so while we all express outrage and shock and wish to protect the kids and castrate the abusers, fact is, there are a hell of a lot of adults abusing kids.

I often wonder if those expressing the biggest outrage are hiding something. Maybe I'm just one of those suspicious types.

Anyway, they walk among us, and I think it'd be great if we the public were able to do something about it instead of blaming the govt or the carers.
Define 'sexually' abused', and even if those percentages were correct over the sample, it's not correct to state them as facts for the entire population.
What's your source for these figures. Just in Aus or Global??

It's not hard to check. There's so many stats available on the net for one, but I was watching a report on ABC2 this morning on this subject.

The one in seven male children varies worldwide to sometimes one in six.

But perhaps the 78% that are AT RISK is probably the scariest. I don't understand these figures, in that, I'm not sure why there is this sudden epidemic. Perhaps it's all in the reporting, I don't know.
It's not hard to check. There's so many stats available on the net for one, but I was watching a report on ABC2 this morning on this subject.
It's not the type of subject I'm inclined to Google stats for, which is why I asked for your source.

Even if these figures were true, you would have to assume that not all cases are identified, which would make any percentages higher.
I simply don't believe it, or perhaps, just can't bring myself to.
But perhaps the 78% that are AT RISK is probably the scariest. I don't understand these figures, in that, I'm not sure why there is this sudden epidemic. Perhaps it's all in the reporting, I don't know.

It's not an epidemic, it's something that has always existed. As for 78% at risk, well I'm sure everyone knows an abuser whether they know it or not. 78% may potentially be at risk, but that doesn't mean 78% are at reasonable risk. Statistics themselves may not lie, but the description attached to them can lead to misinterpretations, and this is often intentional.
The problem is that the human race will always have those who are less civilized (knuckle draggers / bogans ) who are selfish and give in to their base human desires at the expense of others , just tune in to A Current Affair if your brave.

what a load of bullshiit !

IF one looks closer it will be found that its quite often ppl in positions of power ie scoutmasters,churchleaders,schoolteachers etc etc etc that abuse there positions of trust in this disgusting way

i am starting to get mighty getting piissed off with you upperclass wannabe halfwits using the phrase "bogan " as word to describe every bloody boogyman known to man ....

how about a new thread called" middle and upperclass tossers that think there poo dont stink but create more crimes towards humanity than any lower classed citizen could ever do "

no offense intended but i find your comment offensive and think you are an idiot

now this is not my style to use abuse in my comments as im usually a polite nun and it has made me angry that i have resorted to it ........but geez obviously at some times its needed to get thru some bloody thick skulls here

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