Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Cert IV workplace training and assement

23 March 2005
Anyone done it?

How hard is it?

how much time did it soak up?

Is it worth it?

I have it. It was a requirement for the job I had at the time. At the time it took a week full time, and the assessment was fairly long but easy if you were prepared to do do it properly.

As to whether it is worth it, tough call. If you need it for your job, then yes. You do learn how to make effective presentations but unless you really need to brush up on your skills, I'm not sure I would do it just for fun.
Thanks dude,

Def not something I want to do for fun but I think it would be valuable for the direction i want to take with my career

I just found out that I qualify for a special subsidy where I only have to pay $495 instead of $1295 :)
Dids the cert iV a few years ago. Most of mine was recognition of prior learning. The company we were using to vet trainees could also assess people for the course in question. I had to give a presentation tothe trainees on basic engineering principals and was assessed during that time.
There was a written assignment for the layout of the presentation but other than that is was basic. I much prefer to present to bg groups rather than smaller ones. I also like to go in loose with my curiculum and see where my opening statements lead via Q and A. This often leads to specifics as opposed to reguritating a structured curiculum.

Don't do it anymore. Pity, though. I really enjoyed it.
