Looking around sites i found this little read. Wondering if anyone else is still holding this and what their thoughts are.
The following is copied from
Las Minerale continues to deliver
Cudeco drilling operations
Drilling by Cudeco at the Las Minerale Copper Project located within the Rocklands Group EPM continues to deliver strong copper results.
Drill Hole DORC 175 intersected 26m at 5.03% copper from 65to 91m including 15m at 8.34% copper and 1.13g/t gold from 66 to 81m. Drill Hole DORC 176 intersected 40m at 3.00% copper from 97 to 137m including 20m at 5.4% copper from 114 to 134m and 19m at 0.82g/t gold from 114 to 133m. Drill Hole DORC 174 intersected 33m at 1.48% copper from 141 to 174m including 9m at 4.48% copper from 162 to 171m.
The company proposes to drill upwards of 50,000m of RC and Diamond Drill holes during the 2007 calendar year, within the Rocklands Group EPM, with priority drilling at Las Minerale.
Up to four very deep holes are also planned for the northern end of the Las Minerale under a large 300m wide low magnetic structure. This large low magnetic structure was identified by the geophysical survey (Sub Audio Magnetic Survey).
The area contains a large breccia formation and outcropping 50m in height and over 00m wide. The area is well inside the Rocklands EPM area and coincidentally is a short distance southwest of the company’s Wilgar Uranium anomaly discovered by CRA in 1975.
Drilling is designed to test the extension of Las Minerale and the relationship to Wilgar Uranium anomaly.
The area of interest is approx 1km north along the strike length of Las Minerale where drilling is currently being carried out. The holes planned for the large breccia are planned to be deep and between 500 to1000m to test the low magnetic structure at depth.
Wayne McCrae, the company’s chairman, said that the drill rig was only operating on 50% power on DORC 177 which was the final RC hole before the christmas shutdown. “Although grades of up to 4.74% copper were intersected the hole will be re-drilled during the next start up with full power and grades expected to be higher and the hole drilled deeper,” he said.
The company is waiting on the Diamond holes assays.
- 05 Jan 2007