$6.50 / Oz costs for the silver.
That equates to a margin of about $25/Oz.
Over 2.0 Moz per year production that is $50M / year earnings after costs.
They've spent 44M on the build, plus extras for exploration and overheads, CCU will have in one year generated enough cash to pay back costs.
I haven't compared with other silver stocks for MC and production etc. which would give a better indication of whether there is a case for a decent re-rating in the next few months leading up to production. The market cap is 138M which equates to about 2.5 times earnings (limited to 5 years though until fiurther drill results). So it is up in the air in that regard as silver carries a much higher risk of volatility in pricing.
Look at the AYN chart leading into production, it was the hot silver stock to be on, and the dumping that took hold was very final. Now it is producing away with no recovery in price. They are working towards 1.5 Moz production per annum, MC 120M and costs not noted, but I see in their recent financial report that they made no money from silver production so far, so that may explain their poor performance to date. Taking a comparison between these two suggests that CCU would reach a market cap of 1.5 x AYN's current, due to their greater production rate per year and better grades and resource. (This is very rough and by no means accurate of course, but the point here is that CCU appears to be the better silver prospect on the market at this time.)
So in summary, this is one to watch and although it has been tipped as a stock to buy by some newsletters before, it has suffered a significant sell down whilst gold stocks have finally started to really fire, and note that the POG has shown great strength recently which if maintained may flow into POS. (lower dollar won't hurt either). CCU may be presenting a decent entry opportunity over the next 3 months, worth keeping a close eye on for sustained increased volume signaling some large accumulation.