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CBA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia

I believe it plunged upward today.
eenie , meanie , whinee , mo which ETF will be the go ( BUY ? ) ( your ETF will be still carrying the div. payout until the next ex )

( don't forget the CBA heavy LICs either )
well , LICs have been selling CBA off, if you'd paid attention. A difficult task, I know.
moving on... this whole "mums and dads" narrative makes me laugh. More likely, there are a whole bunch of "'grandmas and grandpas" who have held for a while, some even since IPO, most likely not throwing the 'paper round money' into it but caught up in the privatisation rounds: Telstra, NRMA, AMP, etc, and lucked out / amnesial about those duds. Bought and held.

And here's the thing... PE, EPG, slowing growth, NIMs, all those anal lists trying to build an argument/ trying to prise their shares off them ... doesn't cut it. A rising dividend, twice a year, better than the pension. it's a home finance biz signing up their kids for 30 years, it'll be around for decades, ... the yield isn't 3 percent, it's higher based for the invested dollars. And besides, sell and there's CGT. big lost cost.

So, is the premium justified? Quite likely, until there's a real blow-out, internally or externally induced
News from my CBA put play discussed earlier; I sold one put @156 expiry 19/06 today at $9.5 ,was bought $8 on the 16/01;
2 more to sell when the panic will hit, I should get much higher but today: CBA is the typical aussie stock, like BHP, she'll be right....
Let's see what wall street send us tonight
extract of excel with added text:
CBA3V724/02/2025CBA put option 19/06/2025@156
bought at $8.00​
sold at $9.500​
profit $109.66​
or 13.54%​
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