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CBA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Did depositors lose money in 2008? The last time in Australia any depositor lost money was in the 1930’s
not the great building society collapse ??

i seem to have ended up with a raw deal during that with some money trickled back into a building society ( Metropolitan ) which was later taken over by Suncorp ,

and the total wasn't millions either ( seemed to take forever to get some access to my funds ) lucky for me i am a mattress-stuffer , so wasn't totally stranded

but the lack of trust remains

So it’s been 93 years since Australia has had a bank failure that depositors lost money on, even then it was considered minimal.

So I believe the government charging a 6 point fee to the whole banking industry, to insure part of their deposits more than enough for the minimal risk the government is taking.

The banking sector is on steroids this week, even BOQ has had good gains. I wonder if it's a hint that something is going to change in markets?
We live on an Island, with a rapidly growing population, that’s addicted to credit cards and car loans, and whose dream is to get a home loan or 5 investment home loans. The banks are going to do well for a long time as long as the above doesn’t change.

I own CBA and have done for 28 years, my shares aren’t for sale, I am operating on the idea that owning part of the banking system long term on this Island will deliver growth and dividends that will be more than satisfactory.

@Garpal Gumnut I warned you over on the FMG thread attempting to trade good companies is risky, and that eventually they Shoot up out of any trading range you think they should be in. thanks why I only have entry strategies, not exit ones.
I'd say many are making the punt of falling interest rates but bring on the divs and franking credits for me. I'm not the holder of CBA but I have 2 of the other major 4.

CBA is another of my picks in the 2024 FY Competition and it seems to have defied gravity from $100 sp last year to reach just over $120 recently. Nobody could work out why on the fundamentals and Australian tea leaf readings. The word is about that it was Chinese cousins buying in some volume. And these were Chinese cousins from China and not our home grown ones some of whom have infiltrated the Gumnut genome via the generations past and future ( It is a long boring story ). Anyways a Chinese $AUD from China is just as welcome on the register as anyone elses and it looks as if the buying has stopped and the price is falling to enable this humble Anglo-Celt to buy back in again having taken some indecent and clement profits at a lower price.

A chart.

I own CBA and have done for 28 years, my shares aren’t for sale, I am operating on the idea that owning part of the banking system long term on this Island will deliver growth and dividends that will be more than satisfactory.
In July / August 1991 an offer of newly issued shares in the Bank was made to the public. 230 million shares, comprising 30% of its voting shares, were issued on 12 September 1991 at an issue price of $5.40.

.... I've still got mine.
@Garpal Gumnut I warned you over on the FMG thread attempting to trade good companies is risky, and that eventually they Shoot up out of any trading range you think they should be in. that's why I only have entry strategies, not exit ones.
yes, Mr Gumnut, are you suitably chastised?
It is worth remembering that it all started with delivering milk bottles. !!

Nice, I paid $12.30 for mine from memory,
CBA delivers bags full, and dividends twice yearly.. An easy decision to hold.
@sptrawler @Dona Ferentes Fwiiw. CBA now below my sale price after it went ex divi.

When to buy back in !!

@sptrawler @Dona Ferentes Fwiiw. CBA now below my sale price after it went ex divi.

When to buy back in !!

I don't follow CBA, I had them a long time ago, but sold out when they were at multiple times the value of NAB, WBC and ANZ, so jumped ship for increased dividend with similar risk.
Everyone to their own, capital value wise I'm not sure I've done better, but dividend wise I think I have and dividend is what I'm after.

Check out how much money CBA makes from housing and how much it makes from business, then check out the others and compare their results eg earnings per share, dividends per share and it should give you a warm feeling in the tummy, or a not so warm feeling.
They are a great bank, how great is up to you.
I do hold ANZ, NAB and WBC
I personally doubt any of the big 4 are a risk, but never say never, we are entering testing times, luckily the Govt has more pull on the super funds than the banks IMO.
Another question to ask IMO, is why does CBA command such a price premium over the other major banks, I think it is a great question to throw around.
CBA has come off a bit following its stellar run. Although, when I overlaid the Financial Index, I saw that most boats lifted with the tide, up 13-14% in the 6 months. CBA seemed to have done its run a little bit earlier.

What was the reason; Interest rates, Chinese inflows, flight to safety? I haven't seen any one reason. All in all, the recent retreat of the last month still has shares trading significantly higher than 6 months ago.

The other 3 big banks announce soon as their reporting cycle is different. Maybe some insights will be gathered.
CBA is one of my share picks in the 2024 Competition and I believe @debtfree that my 4 picks now have May entries written on their threads.

Today it reached an all time high on good volume and appears to be unstoppable despite many brokers advising their unfortunate clients to lighten. I may have to buy back in for my SMSF having sold around $112 after the recent divie.

A 5 year chart. Not even Covid 19 could stop CBA when I did pick it up at $60 something but have sold and bought a few times since.

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