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CBA - Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Anyone got a pre open depth opening average for CBA?
Just interested in seeing how the market views the current debacle.
I have a feeling this may spike low then be bought up to parity.

Match price is 26.24 at the moment John. That'll wiggle around a bit as we get closer to the open I'd imagine.
Match price is 26.24 at the moment John. That'll wiggle around a bit as we get closer to the open I'd imagine.

Currently 32.06 Probably not finished wiggling yet. However SPI futures expiry can do strange things to the blue chips esp in the morning...

EDIT: ...and a few minutes later it's down to 25.99 - bit more than wiggling lol
Is its status still showing as trading halt? I"m assuming it will open with the open regardless as per yesterdays announcement but its not showing as normal to me at the moment its still showing trading halt.
Is its status still showing as trading halt? I"m assuming it will open with the open regardless as per yesterdays announcement but its not showing as normal to me at the moment its still showing trading halt.

No sign of it on Iress and it appears to be in pre-open. Pretty sure one of the statements yesterday said it would be the earliest of opening this morning or a statement release yesterday.
No sign of it on Iress and it appears to be in pre-open. Pretty sure one of the statements yesterday said it would be the earliest of opening this morning or a statement release yesterday.

Well, it apparently is still in halt - my question is why?

I would really just like to see what price it opens up as, jeez - what a time to pick up a small buy it was :

Probably an ASIC investigation announcement to come, followed up by another botched capital raising, and some write downs!
No sign of it on Iress and it appears to be in pre-open. Pretty sure one of the statements yesterday said it would be the earliest of opening this morning or a statement release yesterday.

My mistake - it is still in a halt (was looking in the wrong column ). Wonder what they will do with options expiry today for CBA - will go and check the asx website - failing that will phone the broker.
Well no new updates from the company but still in trading halt in spite of the announcement yesterday saying it would resume at open today .. ?!?

I phoned the options desk and *IF* it is still in trading halt then the Dec options will still open for trading today at 2pm till close. If the stock doesn't resume prior to close, auto exercise will be based on the close price before the trading halt. (so a ridiculous price for auto exercise imo - so if holding ITM calls based on a $29 price take note! - because there's an opportunity to close out the position between 2 and 4:30 p.m. today.

Of course if it comes out of trading halt prior to 2:00 p.m. then the options will resume as normal and the price for autoexercise will be the closing price of the underlying stock at close today.

Disclaimer: This is my interpretation - refer to original announcement from ASX for clarification don't trust my waffle.

Stuff the shares.

I just want my NETBANK facility BACK - NOW!!! (been down since yesterday lunchtime)

Here is their response right now...


***An important message from NetBank

NetBank is temporarily unavailable. This may be due to:

* Very high usage;
* Scheduled maintenance; or
* Technical difficulties.

The Commonwealth Bank apologises for any inconvenience that this may cause.


CBA A$$holes.... this is the 21st Century? Why are servers always crashing? Idiots.

Edit: Oh! Mebbe the Gummint is running it's Anti-pr0n Filter Trial and "Bank" sounds too much like "Wank"!!! BLOCKED??

That's how I understand it too - here's the link from the ASX options notices:
I just want my NETBANK facility BACK - NOW!!! (been down since yesterday lunchtime)

Jeff - it appears to be working now.

I had problems yesterday for quite a while with internet explorer, but then tried with firefox and was able to log in straightaway. (something to consider trying if it stops working again).
Thanks for the link sails. I see that all series will be open not just Dec series.
Will be interesting to see what the spreads look like.

Jeff - it appears to be working now.

I had problems yesterday for quite a while with internet explorer, but then tried with firefox and was able to log in straightaway. (something to consider trying if it stops working again).

Uh-uh. I always use Firefox, and it was nada for me all yestrday arvo and this morning.

Finally got through just then..

Using the latest 3.0.5 version of FF too (out today).

*phew* - I had some bills and Xmas "gifts" to transfer so wasn't keen on using CBA's freakin' phone system!

Cheers anyway...

Update: Ignore all previous commentary. There are several announcements out and trading will resume at 11:10 a.m. Its in pre-open now.
Notice come through on Iress - says opening at 11.10

sorry nothing more to add for the 100 characters .....................
Notice come through on Iress - says opening at 11.10

sorry nothing more to add for the 100 characters .....................

Sure there is. You could have mentioned that as per their announcement, they have finalised the $2 billion - counting the $300 million-something sold to ML at the higher price of $28.34 (bringing the average price up a little).

Certainly looks to be a wee bit of a blood bath though. Bless risk management Who says there's no merit to limiting exposure to individual stocks
Gents, and others, please remember to try and hide the fact that you are padding posts to comply with the 100 character rule.

I find adding a few funny comments works better than ...........................

Or, damn this 100 character rule!!!

Sure there is. You could have mentioned that as per their announcement, they have finalised the $2 billion - counting the $300 million-something sold to ML at the higher price of $28.34 (bringing the average price up a little).

Actually hadn't read the full thing when I posted - so thanks for completing the post . The main thing is the halt has been lifted....
I would have been a very happy boy if the call i sold the other day @$29 had of been exercised, damn them for resuming trading

Sorry Kennas - I'm not used to this 100 character rule - don't often post in the stock threads - will go back to my corner in the derivates

Yours faithfully,

I would have been a very happy boy if the call i sold the other day @$29 had of been exercised, damn them for resuming trading

I'd have been a happy boy too, if I had sold in profit before this mess Ouch! That knife knicked my finger :

It has passed my manual stop, but I'm unsure as to whether this is a panic exit, or a proper downfall I think I'll leave it, and adjust it a wee bit. Watch this space of regret!
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