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Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

1. I believe that Malcolm Turnbull has taken too many body blows to keep on boxing at the same level with Kruddy747.
2. Not enough media savvy and spin to keep the public entertained.
1. I agree
2. I disagree . I think it's more likely he's been stupidly lead astray by reading posts by a few lib fanatics on ASF.
Just reread post #117 for the answer 2020. Derrrrrrr

I still cannot for the life of me understand what the hell you are on about? Has your genius suddenly become so powerful that you can read minds now or are you trying to put words in my posts that are simply not there?

PS ... not even going to validate this baited and bloated slime line.

btw ... Well goody for you. Do you want a gold star? Once again your comprehension astounds me with your inabilty to grasp the most basic of concepts. I repeatedly used big words like "circumstantial evidence" and "wheelbarrow" and "guilt by association" to demonstrate my case point argument my little unctuous advocate. Good luck.

Malcolm Turnbulls inability to "pin the tail on the donkey" has made him look lacking in the publics eye. Ergo he should go.
Well boys and girls, dust off your crumpled St. James's, adopt the subserviant position and get ready to meet your maker...

God's about to take over Canberra!!!

And the sooner the better IMO. At least the lions wont eat him!! Kruddy might though?
ts - let me summarise (diplomatically as I'm capable of)

1. you still claim Rudd mislead parliament
2. and I can't see on what evidence you base this
happy now?
rooster - feather duster

roflmao also
we agree at the end of the day

next question - was the rooster related to the dinosaur ? - ever watched roosters fighting

PS By "dinosaur" - read Johnny H I guess


  • dinosaurs fighting.jpg
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Hey Spotty!
Just read your rap with the venerable Mr. Burns concerning your penchant for timepieces...may I suggest you exercise a modicum of caution? You and Burnsy are in real danger of disappearing up the backside of your own overstated opulence. ......psssst....don't tell anyone, but i'm secretly green with envy and that was the true impetus of your waffle after all. Wasn't it?

Maaaaaaaaaaate ... that's only the half of it you are getting. LOL I think there is an old thread in here called "the rich guys" or something similar? I am so far up there I can see my back teeth. Pfffffffffftttttt !!
ok - here's (another) chance to explain your position...
if you don't mind me saying so, you have an admirable defence - namely happy hour...

like between posts #110 and #112 you arguably do a 180degree u-turn ...
only explainable by ??? a few beers ??

trainspotter said:
auditor-general's report.. has cleared Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Treasurer Wayne Swan of any wrongdoing...
trainspotter post #112 said:
Ummmm .... still reckon Rudd and Swan misled paliament.
I will indulge you this one last go 2020. This topic has been discussed and it is finished. Go and dig up the old thread that got shutdown for my point of view on this matter. You will see clear and concise reasoning behind my logical reckoning. As for the beer swilling crack ... HEY ... I resemble that remark ... but not tonight my little adulatory proctor.

Malcolm Turnbull has burnt the clutch out on this one trying to gain traction from the tar baby he landed himself in.
Malcolm Turnbull has burnt the clutch out on this one trying to gain traction from the tar baby he landed himself in.
PS born and bred in the briar patch brer rabbit

PS I think my references to happy hour might have been equally plausible btw. Don't be ashamed to say you have a beer now and then grasshopper ...
PS - just thinking on that Tar Baby story

I'm guessing that that's a bit relevant on a couple of levels
1. Malcolm found hisself stuck to the tar baby by his fists, (as you say ts) viz...

2. but, sadly for him, he was not born and bred in the political briar patch he ended up in.

Hats off to Mal for having a go. I know he was great as a barrister in the spycatcher case but he seems to have been a gullible moron with regard to Gordon Grech!

Maybe he needed a GOOD Brief! As all lawyers do!

Get out Mal while you can, you are not made for the obvious 'n' tumble. :
Yep agree gumby -
and don't bark if you've got dogs to bark for you.
We should have a poll on how long we reckon he'll stay in politics.

PS but I have to hand it to ts - best description of Mal's predicament I've heard yet

... burnt the clutch out on this one trying to gain traction from the tar baby he landed himself in.
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