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Can Malcolm Turnbull rise from the ashes?

WHEN it came to Malcolm Turnbull's self-inflicted wounds last week, it was one of John Howard's former advisers who offered the analogy of the hunter and the fox, Kevin Rudd being the fox.

The way hunters normally proceed, said the former adviser, was to approach the thicket where the fox is hiding and send in the faithful hound. What follows is an almighty racket as fur and flesh fly.

The experienced hunter does not move, he waits patiently for the fox to stick its head out and then "boom!", he pulls the trigger. "Malcolm," the former adviser drily observed "dispensed with the hound and went into the bushes himself."

What we now know is it's not the fox that's emerged ripped and wounded, but Turnbull, the putative hunter. It's been a bloody mess for the Liberals.

So Turnbull, the political neophyte, was done over by a superior Labor machine which proved itself ruthless in its pursuit of an Opposition leader it now judges to have fatal character flaws.

Put a fork in him .... he is DONE !

I don't dispute what your saying and its great that the Libs do get private enterprise involved - why put the taxpayer in debt at a time of plenty. Many countries did this to their detriment.

Now, the Libs would have used stimulus in the event of the financial crises, I don't think there's any doubt here. And they would have spent it on infrastructure to improve productivity just as they always did.

So how can I be pulling any leg?


Excellant analogy trianspotter, that's another lesson for Turnbull to write in his diary, but don't forget he is still alive and while he is still breathing he will live to fight another day.
*thanks very much noco* Malcolm Turnbull is on the same level as John Hewson. Self made, merchant banker, economist blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. Look what happened to him ----------> LOST the unlosable election.
What we now know is it's not the fox that's emerged ripped and wounded, but Turnbull, the putative hunter. It's been a bloody mess for the Liberals.
Yep, you'd have to say it's been downhill for the libs - and pretty steep downhill - certainly since the Lindsay pamphlet episode, if not before


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Its time for Tony Abbott to step up to the leadership of the Libs.

Watching Rudd and the unions at the Labor Conference made me physically sick.

Its time for Tony Abbott to step up to the leadership of the Libs.

Watching Rudd and the unions at the Labor Conference made me physically sick.


Not sure on that double g - he'd have us singing out of hymn books before you could say Garpal Gumnut.

Nice guy with high moral standards, but maybe a little too high for most of us.

Now that the truth about utegate is!

Oh well, he has himself to blame..

He should have realised that no one else in his party agreed with him, but he became so obsessed with the stupid thing, boring us to tears in the meantime..

...Now, the Libs would have used stimulus in the event of the financial crises, I don't think there's any doubt here. And they would have spent it on infrastructure to improve productivity just as they always did.

I think that it behooves you Bucky my boy to at the very least give us lesser mortals some historical example of this Liberal instigated infrastructure spending. To my knowledge, I can't think of a single example that backs up your extraordinary claims.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Noooooooooooooooooo not this old chestnut again. The Libs did not spend a single cent on infrastructure which is why the establishment is falling down around our ears. Deary, deary me QLD55 ... google rummage some facts before making outlandish critiques in future.

Well example please?
The Liberal / Howard Government were probably too busy paying off 96 BILLION DOLARS of debt left by ... you guessed correctly .. LABOR / KEATING YEARS.

Did the Liberals set up the Regional Development Infrastructure Fund?

Do some research then we can "chat".
Malcom Turnbull has hit his lowest at 16% approval rating. It is the same level that saw the demise of Brendan Nelson.
Is there really anybody else in the Liberal Party that can fill his shoes.
How about Wilson Tuckey?????????

At first, I didn't think so. But Howard did well didn't he? And that was after what? Three attempts at it? I realise it's a different situation, but I don't think one can discount a lazarus impersonation by Turnbull.

He screwed up royal with his impatient and unresearched email debacle, but it wasn't as if he messed up important economic factors was it?

No need for self righteous false indignation my friend, simple question...simple answer, thank you.
MORE than half the "nation-building infrastructure" spending that made up the budget's self-proclaimed "centrepiece" initiative was, in fact, money set aside by the Howard government.

Despite Wayne Swan's budget sales pitch about having to take hard decisions because the Coalition squandered the proceeds of the decade-long commodity boom, $9 billion of the infrastructure funding he announced last night came from the Howard government's $6.5 billion higher education fund and the $2.5billion communications fund the Coalition set up to win the Nationals' support for the sale of the final tranche of Telstra.

Under the Howard Government, infrastructure increased from - spending across the nation - increased from 3% of GDP to 5.3% of GDP, and GDP doubled over the 11 years of Liberal Government.

$10 billion Murray Darling rescue plan was designed to tackle long-term issues.
The Liberal / Howard Government were probably too busy paying off 96 BILLION DOLARS of debt left by ... you guessed correctly .. LABOR / KEATING YEARS.

If you are going to be pedantic - a lot of that debt was actually left over from the FRASER/HOWARD years...... in the 80s the Hawke Keating government ran the first commonwealth budget surpluses seen since the 50s, and paid off about half the debt that THEY inherited from the previous mob, but the 90s recession hit before the job could be completed.

But don't let facts get in the way of your one-eyed views!


True Beej there was some of the debt leftover from Little Johnny and cohorts.

Howard as treasurer left a deficit/black hole/gross debt of over 6 billion, does that prove he's a bad economic manager.. not necessarily, it proves that he's an economic realist.

And this is how it happened.

Fraser's negotiations with the ACTU saw him lose control of a wages explosion in 1982 just as the mining boom had ended. The economic crisis of the early 1980s brought Howard into conflict with the economically conservative Fraser. As the economy headed towards the worst recession since the 1930s, Keynesian Fraser pushed an expansionary fiscal position much to Howard's and Treasury's horror. The 1982 wages explosion—wages rose 16 per cent across the country—resulted in stagflation; unemployment touched double-digits and inflation peaked at 12.5% (official interest rates peaked at 21%)

Just the facts Maam, just the facts.
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