Is there any clause? Or can they bend the law to accommodate that.
This post is not for scare mongering just want to get a legal prospective on things. Just like the blue print at the end of mortgage document in which you can be thrown away at any time by the bank.
In some countries, governments lease lands for 100 years (at a very cheap price) and they renew it after every 100 years. So they can simple not renew the land lease at its expiry. The tenure is so great that lease expiry generally skips one generation and thus no public upheaval is created.
U.S government has done that with gold in previous century, and no one even remembers that episode and talks about the ramifications of that.
On a separate topic, I think if someone will analyze this credit crunch in 20-30 years time, they might find out that FED might have done that just to seize up most of the property (joke will be by using tax payers money). The signs are already appearing as no court will be able to interfere in this matter as per the Treasury planed proposal. It is a joke and rushing something so important in such a short amount of time (and the exact timing) speaks volumes of the ultimate deception going on. I don't think most of the congress will get hold of what is going on and will be rushed to sign something they don't even understand. Just like the Iraq war resolution, which most people didn't have the time to discuss.
I would have thought that with Internet and all other free information availability, this would be a pretty difficult thing to pull off. But I think the ultimate group stupidity (including mine) of common people should never be underestimated. Hats off to the courage and patritosim of the great American citizens for their tremendous sacrifice (for paying the debt) for their great nation. God Bless America.
/End rant
This post is not for scare mongering just want to get a legal prospective on things. Just like the blue print at the end of mortgage document in which you can be thrown away at any time by the bank.
In some countries, governments lease lands for 100 years (at a very cheap price) and they renew it after every 100 years. So they can simple not renew the land lease at its expiry. The tenure is so great that lease expiry generally skips one generation and thus no public upheaval is created.
U.S government has done that with gold in previous century, and no one even remembers that episode and talks about the ramifications of that.
On a separate topic, I think if someone will analyze this credit crunch in 20-30 years time, they might find out that FED might have done that just to seize up most of the property (joke will be by using tax payers money). The signs are already appearing as no court will be able to interfere in this matter as per the Treasury planed proposal. It is a joke and rushing something so important in such a short amount of time (and the exact timing) speaks volumes of the ultimate deception going on. I don't think most of the congress will get hold of what is going on and will be rushed to sign something they don't even understand. Just like the Iraq war resolution, which most people didn't have the time to discuss.
I would have thought that with Internet and all other free information availability, this would be a pretty difficult thing to pull off. But I think the ultimate group stupidity (including mine) of common people should never be underestimated. Hats off to the courage and patritosim of the great American citizens for their tremendous sacrifice (for paying the debt) for their great nation. God Bless America.
/End rant