Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Business vs. employee - dysfunctional!!

6 June 2007
Kennards Hire have decided that the right thing to do by its employees, who have delivered many a year now of solid profitability, is to the give them all a $3,000 bonus. Now that is a nice little stimulus for its employees.

Compare this to all the MBA business doofuses out there who have sent in the razor gangs to slash headcount and save the 2009 dividend. I am staggered that not one of these hot shots can see the link between the rampant shedding of jobs in the wider-economy and the plummet in consumer sentiment? Err might defer buying that plasma as I will be doing it tough on the soup kitchen lines next year.

So come on corporates - do a Kennards and think about retaining your staff. Short term pain, long term gain! Unless you are about to go broke off course, do your bit for Australia and look after your employees, not just your shareholders.

I can dream can't I :rolleyes:
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!


Companies give bonus payments all the time to their employees.
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!


Companies give bonus payments all the time to their employees.

Yeah and they usually link it to KPIs or restrict it to management. Name another national retail company that has repeatedly paid one-off bonuses because of increased profits to ALL its full time workers, without requiring any productivity improvements.

I can tell you not many check-out assistants get $3000 bonuses.
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!

A bonus usually goes to sales staff or management. The "shop floor" will only see a bonus in rare circumstances.

Seen it in too many companies. The Management would suffer apoplexy if they considered it.
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!

Its not a bonus to managment. This is a $3k 'fiscal stimulus' to its workforce(ie the indebted classes that have stopped spending).

Business pulls the plug on employment when the nation needs it the most. More dysfunctional 'self preservation' when sensible longer-term thinking is needed.

Frustrates the living bejesus out of me what I have witnessed over the last 18 months! Capital preservation indeed. :cautious:

Market behaviour = pathological personality disorder. Ultimately this behaviour is grossly self-destructive ie the relationship between high unemployment and low consumer sentiment.

We need a New World Investment Order...
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!

Henry Ford once wanted to reduce the price of his Model T's and increase benefits to his employees but faced objection from his shareholders. The case went to the courts which decided that, because the purpose of the company was to make profit for its stockholders, so it must first and foremost do just that, and not do other charitable undertaking...

The sad truth about capitalism is that we are essentially forced to look after only self interest.
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!

Read "When Customers think you don't care" by Dr Richard Buchanan. First half is good.

He writes that that a company's biggest enemy is itself, and people are motivated by selfishness. It's not quite as harsh as it sounds but is quite interesting. Makes a few good points.

Interesting article I read about 3 years ago re integrity. Companies rated integrity in the top 3 attributes of the company, yet the survey examination found it to be lip-service.

As a general rule, do companies have "integrity"? What's the view?
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!

Bingo! Keep that divvie intact. I smell a cap raising in the not too distant future.

Merry Chrissie for the 14,000 - poor buggers will miss out on Kruddy's grand as well.

Mmm, smell the confidence. :)

'Global miner Rio Tinto saddled with almost $US40 billion ($60.7 billion) in net debt, has announced plans to cut capital spending, slash 14,000 jobs worldwide and boost asset sales but said it would hold its dividend steady.'
Re: Business vs employee - dysfunctional!!

Henry Ford once wanted to reduce the price of his Model T's and increase benefits to his employees but faced objection from his shareholders. The case went to the courts which decided that, because the purpose of the company was to make profit for its stockholders, so it must first and foremost do just that, and not do other charitable undertaking...

The sad truth about capitalism is that we are essentially forced to look after only self interest.

I might be going :topic here, and I have criticised others for doing this, but it is of some relevance. Henry Ford was a visionary in more than one way and it's a pity there are not more in business like him. But isnt it amazing not, that there are not more like him in business. Now this is where I really go :topic ....... sorry ............. Same people that caused Henry grief.........

Lawyers, judges, and the legal system is truly sand in the wheels of industry, who's own raison d'etre is to line their own pockets and seek control over others to their misguided will. Have a read of this....

It seem like the labour leftie lawyers (the dreaded 3 eL's) are trying to introduce a "legislative charter of rights". Talk about creating a pig trough! Npothing meaningful will ever get done in this country if this gets through.

I really despise these people. Should be taken out and spanked, just before we take off their heads.

Maybe we need a new thread on this topic.