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British backpacker found: who's a lucky boy then?

I think the police will sort him out fairly soon, $200,000 ?????????????? gee I think I'm gunna get lost in the bush fairly soon.......
Thats reeks of a scam.

I bet 60 minutes have a clause in there to get their money back if he 's lying.
I have no doubt this guy is for real. I watched an interview with him this morning. Fair dinkum this guy belongs on one of those bright yellow buses with "SPECIAL SCHOOL" written down the side of it. He should be in the second seat from the front with his tongue firmly pressed against the glass trying to lick his way out. Unless he is a direct descendant of an epic love triangle between Harry Butler, Steve Irwin and Major Les Hiddins there is no way this knuckle dragging, frontal lobotomy of a human being could have survived on seeds and "rocket looking" plants. This guy could not find his @rse in three grabs let alone tie his shoelaces.

Total faker who will be exposed in the fullness of time.

Tell us what you really think TS.:
More fuel to the fire. Sceptics of the world UNITE ~

Sun security expert McNab said: "This boy was supposed to be out in the freezing cold for two weeks dressed in jogging bottoms and thin top layers.

"I'd expect hypothermia to kill him in a few days.

"I know of an SAS lad who died from hypothermia within 36 hours on the Brecon Beacons - and he was in the proper kit.

"It doesn't seem to stack up. It's a popular tourist destination so how can he get lost? There are cable cars, paths and signposts. If he was trying to find his way out you'd expect him to have lots of scratches."

Sun doctor Carol Cooper looked at photos of Jamie before and after, and said: "I'd expect someone who had gone through that ordeal to have lost at least 8lb. He doesn't look like he's lost enough weight and there aren't many scratches on him. If I didn't know otherwise I'd guess he'd been out camping for a night."

Ex-special forces officer Ken Hames said: "About 40 per cent of berries in that region are edible, the rest will make you ill. He's inexperienced enough to get lost in an area with signposts and footpaths, but he knows all about these berries. I find that really hard to accept. And how did he not eventually stumble across a trail?"

Ooops .. the wheels are beginning to fall off.
He should pay back the money spent looking for him. Did he have travel insurance?

His dad initially said all money earned off this story will be given back to the rescue teams etc, then, changes this to a percentage, which is probably 0%.

What a joke...

Perhaps laws should be made that the proceeds of selling stories should go towards the search and rescue teams that found them in the first place.
Not even nostradamus could have seen that one coming?

The story is getting better. The father looks like he is about to dish some dirt out. Nothing like a money dispute to get the dirty laundry out in the air.

He's probably disappeared or decided to stay low for a while... whilst happily spending that money
a little off topic , but in the west yesterday there was an article about a guy who wandered into the desert about decade ago (for religious purposes -robert boglaski i think his name is) and looking at his photo when found, he really did look the real deal-that was a true survival story-not sure if he had a 60 minutes deal, but he now lives in alaska in the wilderness-what happened to the mars bar guy who got stranded in the himalayas
That should just about cover it!

Only registered because of this thread.

I have spent 30 yrs walking in this area.

A blind man could find the track.
You go south you hit the Cox river follow it west you meet the road to Medlow Gap(just after the Kowmung River)
You go West you will hit the road to Narrow neck or narrow neck itself and if you go south here once you hit it you will hit the road. If you go north you will hit the track(as you must have crossed it already)
If you go east you will hit another road although it may take longer than a day.

"surviving on Bush Tucker?" what absolute crap!!! From MT Solitary you can SEE Katoomba and I have yet to find easy edibles, yabbies excepted anywhere in the bush and I have 40yrs bushwalking experience. Rocket like plant??

This guy is an absolute liar and another reason to ignore 60 minutes and current affair.

But it is the media and the "deleted" journalists who have the ethics of rabid dogs who are at fault here.

Wont bother you lot again
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