I agree with the Sensis problem. No choice there. We have several different physical map companies, surely the technology is transferable. You have to pay $300 for a new 'electronic' map set, but only $30 for a physical book. Sensis' maps for regional WA are useless.
Bunnings doesn't even stock fuses!!! Or oil for the 'tools' that they sell.
I've found this awesome fish monger who only sells WA fish just down the road from my house (at Farrington Fair in Leeming for anyone from Perth). Sure, it costs a bit more, but hell, it's better than eating nile perch dressed up as barramundi! There's also a great butcher right outside our local Coles. Guess where I'm now buying my red meat from.
As for QA/QC, whatever you want to call it.....
Don't for a second believe that having a certificate saying that they meet certain standards means that their poo is pure white. Significant pressure can be put on auditors to pass them (ie pass us, or you wont keep the contract, for example Main Roads WA) and not all auditors are made from the same cast. All QA/QC means is that they have a management system in place. It's not really a true measure about the quality of their end product. And lastly, not every company goes through the process. It costs thousands of dollars and plenty of time to go through it. Time much better spent in delivering their end product I reckon. Let the consumer be the judge of quality.
End rant..... and at the end of the day, quality is quite often the enemy of the bottom line, so not everyone is interested.