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Bottled Water and Other Scams

2 July 2008
Every time we have a disaster like a bushfire or a flood, and there is a shortage of drinkable water, we see on the news, crate loads of commercially bottled "spring" water flown or trucked in. No doubt the bottlers have a vested interest in this. They may even donate some of the water. It is good advertising.

As anybody with a brain knows bottled water is no better for you than tap water, why is this done? I am sure that there would be no shortage of volunteers prepared, on short notice, to fill bottles and other containers from their kitchen taps, and deliver them to the dispatch points.

I will save the other scams for later. This one has plenty of legs.

And its got no fluoride in it, that's why the anti fluoridation mob's teeth all fall out.

Tap water is best.

I take it neither of you have drunk Adelaide's tap water.


Hygiene is the most likely reason this practice is not undertaken.No guarantee that the bottles have been sterilised.
Hygiene is the most likely reason this practice is not undertaken.No guarantee that the bottles have been sterilised.

Why didn't I think of this? I suppose it's because I have drunk out of thousands of assorted containers in my lifetime without enquiring whether they had been sterilised. But perhaps the people up at the Gulf are more careful.
Tap water tastes like tap water

Bottled water tastes like bottled water

2 very different things.
Depends on the tap water. It's not all the same, obviously.
I suppose it's because I have drunk out of thousands of assorted containers in my lifetime without enquiring whether they had been sterilised. But perhaps the people up at the Gulf are more careful.

We are talking about disaster situations are we not?Try another comparison.
Why didn't I think of this? I suppose it's because I have drunk out of thousands of assorted containers in my lifetime without enquiring whether they had been sterilised. But perhaps the people up at the Gulf are more careful.

My understanding was that the pipe that delivered drinkable water to the Gulf was broken and could not be fixed until floodwaters receded because there were too many crocodiles hanging around. So there ws no drinkable water. That's why the army? has just delivered a water purification plant. In the meantime bottled water. Probably much easier to pack and organise than using an asstortment of recycled containers.
Also as one who reuses drinking water bottles to take out and about with me (dehydration is a real health risk up here) they are saying that these can only be used a few times before toxins in the plastic begin to break down.
I don't know about this or whether it is just another scam to stop all of us who do this and make us buy more water.

Yeah, I have heard this a few times ... once from a person (smoking) warning me of the dangers of reusing these bottles because doing so would give me cancer ...... go figure...

Anyway, I reckon there is no danger, if there was a danger then the bottle would have a health warning to that effect.
Anyone who is bagging out on bottled water is showing their sheltered existence, and has no real idea about the state of world drinking water supplies and the important role reverse osmosis water systems (and the plastic bottles which store the result) now play in keeping people alive.

I suggest you go check out what it's like in Mexico.

Sooner or later, it will be like that here too.

As for cancerous plastic, the responsible compound is bisphenol A are released from polycarbonate plastics under warm/hot temps. You can check the underside of your bottle to see if it is labelled #7.

Am yet to see a polycarbonate "spring water" bottle in Australia. We are all about Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which AFAIK is labelled with a resin identification code of #1.
From Choice Magazine
Go to a night-club and ask for water, they will always give you a bottle. If you tell them you don't want a bottle, they will look at you like your some creature and will reluctantly pour you a cup of the normal stuff.


Try drinking tap water at a music festival...its not going to happen
Go to a night-club and ask for water, they will always give you a bottle. If you tell them you don't want a bottle, they will look at you like your some creature and will reluctantly pour you a cup of the normal stuff.

It's like that in Sydney too, but not in Melbourne.
Tip - (for vic anyway) get a water filter, the lower the dams get the murkier it becomes.

I sometimes buy bottled water but only to replace an old bottle, I refill it from the filtered water tap until it looks a bit sus.
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