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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread


My bank took years to get our business
One of the reasons I liked Ripple was that NAB are involved and CBA
are also investigation participation.

In my mind another fear tactic.
From a banks point of view NON participation will be a bad move.
There is a lot to fear from a banks viewpoint.
I'll try and get a screen shot from one of the trading exchanges that I use that were having problems.
Who's that?

We are with BTC
Who are in Aust. So far no issues.
We have just recently purchased a wallet and have most in it.
This to me is the safest thing to do.
Who's that?

We are with BTC
Who are in Aust. So far no issues.
We have just recently purchased a wallet and have most in it.
This to me is the safest thing to do.
Thats with coinspot.
I have a few other accounts where the major banks dropped out from sending money to cryptocoin accounts.
Possibly fear of anti-laundering laws?
My worry is our $hitty current govt interfering with access on the sly. Wouldn't surprise me if the govt gets into bed once again with the banks to stop competition.
We Bought more through CBA a week ago in the “Crash “

So since then?

Have you called them directly to see where they stand?
Be interested in any response
Which bank?
We Bought more through CBA a week ago in the “Crash “

So since then?

Have you called them directly to see where they stand?
Be interested in any response
Which bank?
One of my other accounts had problems with nab.
I think they linked up with newsagents, so you can deposit money from their now. Can still bpay though.
Ripple at $1.97 after a fall back to $1.02 Last week.

Still like it.
Ill put together what I like when I have a little more time
Should expand a little on each.
What is the intrinsic value of a $100

Hoarding paper money is not a good idea either, I think you will find most super wealthy do not hoard currency beyond a limited amount needed for emergencies and living expenses.

$100 notes have gone down in value, and so people who know what they are doing generally try to exchange them for real assets as fast as they can.
"It's bad people, crazy bubble, bad idea, luring people into easy wealth, people who feel like victims, crooks, crazy's, ego maniacs, people full of resentment avoid them like the plague."
Here's one - But of course he is the exception -

President Nicolas Maduro

Venezuela's cryptocurrency will launch within days and be backed by 5.3 billion barrels of oil worth $267 billion, in a bid to offset a deep financial crisis, the socialist government said on Thursday.

It's not like their going to sell the oil regardless

I dunno It kind of looks like the time Charlie Manson stepped onto center stage as the final act of the sixties. All the free love, legal acid and hippie movement all came to a rather sad and sudden end.

Which around the time of the Altomont free concert, when the youth had all convinced themselves that the cops and establishment were the bad guys and the Rolling Stones decided to hire Hells Angels to provide security at their free concert. You know motor bikes were really cool then too.....

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Munger says nothing
He plays to the crowed with the “Expected Response”

Demonstrates no understanding of the ideology
Let alone the coin and it’s developement
In fact cryptocurrency eleminates a great deal of the smoke and mirrors
He advocates against. Those people who develop things like Credit Default Swaps.
Mind you I certainly agree with his philosophy of holding a concerntrated portfolio of stock that you know and working it.

He Just came across as a babbling old guy.
Albeit a rich one
In my mind another fear tactic.
From a banks point of view NON participation will be a bad move.
There is a lot to fear from a banks viewpoint.

It seems to me that crypto currency, is trying to get ahead of the cashless society curve, which the Government and Banks want.
It is a bit like Elon Musk, trying to jump ahead of mainstream manufacturers, and dictate the direction of electric vehicle development.
I doubt very much, that the Banks are fearfull, as governments are lazy and use banks to regulate the money supply for them.
My guess is, this will bring about the change over to cashless, much quicker than otherwise would have been achieved.
Somewhat like Musk and Tesla, being the advertising medium, bringing the acceptance of electric vehicles to the masses.
I'm assuming the Government, will roll out a crypto currency for large denominations, and leave small notes circulating.
A lot of the heavy lifting, to sway public acceptance for change, is being done for them.IMO
Basically you have a plethora of contenders offering up the blockchain technology and as far as I can see Ripple has the best product.
All the hoopla is just market madness.
You can rightly argue that the winner, who nets the biggest players or gets the biggest chunk of the game, will be like a new VISA or Master Card for bank to bank and other transactions without the currency ticket clipping on international transactions.
The best Block-chain will get a small percentage per transaction so will be a valid business. Not a store of wealth, I suppose as tradable as any stock.
However, if they can't fix the volatility of the coin as it travels from one place to another, this is not the model.
So the fun at the moment is actually the risk for even one potential winner!
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I should add that unless they are pegged to the entire basket of world currencies or they select a basket and make it only tradable in and between set countries, the volatility will not be able to be contained(because it's a free floating currency based on nothing at all even if it is limited in number) so it will only ever be a fringe thing, if it survives at all, and hence the values of the main ones today are insane.
None of them are pegged. So their all screwed.
PS Probably why Munger says it's a hoax.
Banks are trialing ripple technology. Not the actual xrp, so I am told.
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Im sure Bitcoin will trade lower than it is today well lower.
But Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology is here to stay.

My view is to keep your eyes out for emerging technologies and
Currencies that take up the Challenge to fill the holes the FIAT
monetary system has.

There is a real chance that Bitcoin could trade more as a commodity
than a currency.
Wouldn't be surprised to see a spike toward 10,000-11,000 USD. Around the 38.2% retracement from the the November leg higher.

He Just came across as a babbling old guy.
Albeit a rich one

One that made he way in life by being abnormally rational and correct in his views, and who along the way was generally told he was wrong by the crowd, until he was proved right and walked away with their money.
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