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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread

“Coinbase is the first crypto exchange to offer instant cashouts via Real Time Payments (RTP), enabling customers in the U.S. with linked bank accounts to instantly and securely cash out up to $100,000 per transaction.
Yeah Elizabeth Warren was just on the news talking about regulating it, creating a fedcoin digital currency etc etc.

It's abundantly clear that they understand crypto about as well as they understand the internet - not at all.
Altcoin Daily host Aaron Arnold is sharing why he is bullish on Bitcoin and Ethereum heading into the rest of the year, and he’s also highlighting the potential of three altcoins.
With Bitcoin now in the $40,000 - $50,000 trading range and interest rates set low worldwide then Bitcoin and Ethereum should gain traction further. It looks as if the coins are going to be chased up strongly and probably well past $100,000. So the $100,000 - $150,000 range looks set.
There are a few countries that have poor economies that will move to Bitcoin as they see setting up their own Bitcoin mining as a more sure way to get their countries out of trouble.
Mawson is an Australian Bitcoin mining company that only has a market quote presently on the USOTC market that is not easily traded from Australia or indeed domains outside the USA and Canada. Shortly their application to join the NASDAQ is very likely to be accepted. Why they avoid an ASX quote is a mystery or a smack in the face of Aussie investors. The market cap is over half a million US$s so it's not small fry.
Probably some regulatory/reporting requirement they couldn't be assed with.
Bitcoin has the potential to rocket if the el Salvador thing pulls through.
I still think it's a crap way to transact though
According to ABC NEWS, its already happening.
But the thing that stunned me was this
Last year alone remittances to El Salvador amounted to almost $US6 billion, or 23 per cent of its gross domestic product, one of the highest ratios in the world.
No wonder south American countries are happy to facilitate its citizens to enter the USA, either legally or illegally.
Nearly a quarter of its GDP comes form the mostly low paid immigrants.

Good find. US may crack down harder on crypto. Biden seems anti crypto.

Dip buyers swept in like absolute vultures.

I withdraw my mined coin basically daily so only lost like $50ish overnight.
Good find. US may crack down harder on crypto. Biden seems anti crypto.
Reset and so globalist leftists are the big thread to cryptos, but paradoxically,it is this political side which created the push to crypto with their aim at control and plunder via taxation and seizure.
why would i or anyone bother with some crypto if i was trusting governments and fiat currencies
That...was hilariously accurate. That poor, poor guy. What was he thinking. Was he thinking at all?
According to Decentralised legal
The US congress quietly slipped in a bill to allow the US fed to control and manage digital currency.

The US fed, unlike the RBA in OZ, and most of CB's in the rest of the Western World, is not a federal government agency, but a private consortium of US commercial banks.
It would be foolish to believe that the US Fed is anything but a tool to maximise and protect the wealth of the commercial banks of the US.
I guess it really should surprise nobody, but it seems that the CCP have declared all virtual currency transactions to be illegal.
From Zero Hedge
For some people, the banning of cryptos by a country is meaningless as the cryptos are not controlled by any one country.
It paves the way for the PBOC controlled Chinese sanctioned state Digital Currency as the only viable digital currency in China.
And of course, if they then remove the Yuan from circulation, they have even more control over the Chinese people.
On the other hand, it will make it difficult for China to have its currency in a basket of currencies that they want to set yo to replace the USD as the worlds reserve currency.
the CCP have declared all virtual currency transactions to be illegal.
So what now happens to cryptocurrencies already owned by Chinese citizens?

Do they have a viable option to sell that in exchange for Chinese or foreign fiat currency or some other asset or have they simply lost their money outright?
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