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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread

price fails to make cursory (relative sized) fractal (at several degrees of trend) ?
observing the levels allows transacting at the levels set, theyre levels of permission based on the structure
but not in a single layer, rather analogous to dynamic print, not so concerned at every move about intent
the auction is going thru "process" ......we need only be on the look out for the obvious trap which is itself difficult to do
while dealing with process

everything works until it doesnt
I've got about 15% cash ready to pull the trigger joules

Not sure how many of you mine as well but my rigs have enjoyed a nice bump in profitability today too

looks like a simple ABC down (B was a triangle) C = A at 100%
that's a guess as i have not seen the confirmation signal yet,
breaking back below 38723 front month would be a good indicator much larger sell game is on
.... a trap was set
Holy Crypto, Batman I've been trapped by a fake out.

Patience Robin, you don't buy out of session break-outs. We'll buy when price gets into the Batzone.

Price structure, Robin. You've got to learn your ABCs.

Golly, Batman price is in the zone now. Can I buy now? Not yet Robin, we go down to a smaller timeframe and wait for a low risk buy setup. This could be a 123BatLow or a Bat Reversal candle.
Batman, there's the Bat Engulfing candle (5m chart). I'm trying to buy but the platform won't let me.

Yes, Robin that's because our setup is so small that we can buy more but the broker margin limits our order. The leverage limits on crypto have been set very low so that the good citizens of Gotham won't get into financial difficulty.

Golly, Batman I forgot about that. Sure was decent of the Gotham City ASIC committee to think of that.

Yes Robin, it's amazing to see what they come up with over tea and scones.

Edited (by Alfred). The broker that Master Robin is using didn't allow him to trade ETHUSD but BTCUSD is OK to trade.
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