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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread

Well it would seem lockdown lunacy is ruling the roost with most cryptos well up.

XRP/ Ripple nicely into double digit % profit now and has got ahead of others for the time being.
Have moved my stop up to 70 in case it doesn't stick and wants to bungee down again...?

4 hour chart as it seems to the fashion of the times...

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3:

I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're not buying these dips & flipping them, you're a fool at this point.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: If you're not buying these dips & flipping them, you're a fool at this point.
Not sure why you're posting this in this thread.
Belongs in international markets or NASDAQ stocks area.

It's akin to posting ASX FFG Blockchain here. They are equities not cryptocurrencies.

It's a bit rough to be reasserting the fool factor... IMO.
High volatility = high risk.
I wouldn't class anyone not trading the area as foolish, rather I think conservative is a better label with no negative connotations. ?
RIOT is literally a bitcoin mining company...

Buying its dips and flipping them has been the easiest money/trades I've ever made. Ignore me if you want but I've made like 170% (I'd have to go & check) in the past couple of months just off buying its dips & flogging them within a day or two at most. There's nothing to it.'s always good to see someone banking coin, how much is only relative to you, what would get you the kudos youre searching for is
posting in real time, or immediately after placing a bet, show us some basic ideas of entry/exit with risk associated and guideline(s) on your thinking about the set-up youre using, yeah, not necessarily specific, sure, protect your edge, keep in mind some eyeballs are on you by players with zip experience, you get all the credit you deserve with promoting a trade regime rather than beating someone over the head in hindsight

and this post is just a series of words on a screen......
I am literally just buying on every double-digit drop, and selling on every double-digit run. That's it. It's seriously no more complex than that.
add one inverted ratio, two broken channels and pinch of too many chiefs n not enough something something

$btc happy feet sellers
xbt/btc buyers had to achieve two things : break the swing structural high, break the weekly down channel

my bet is south even tho i chose not place on the weekend so the risk is wide but it'll be pretty clear very soon
which side of liquidity dominates

fwiw, imho, the simplest 9 day signal (bottom of chart) that frilly bit on the bottom of the wedding cake, yeah, not a good-health signal

really? your RSI indicator is showing oversold territory (though did come back down) and shorter term channel also shows upwards movement. weekly channel thats painted shows slower movement downwards. i would think a break past 46500 would mark a new point of potential support?

curious if i've misread that?

i'm good either way. i'm doing great on ETH shorter term, though BTC is slightly down for me. weekends can be a problem since my broker is an FX broker.

yeah, oversold is usually a good thing but the context is incorrect, then you have a staggered divergence acorss mutliple time frames which is what i neglected to point out, that shows you that it is not local rather structural weakness, too far too fast with no intergrity

i could be wrong, not chained to the set-up of lower lows, just looks a better proposition from the way i am viewing the structure
in that so far the print fits that bulls had rush to the boundary and are now stretched
ah, cool. something i'll keep in mind (i definitely don't put myself as a strong chart reader). the divergence across different timeframes is a good point.
price can both snap the ratios
(those are the 3 step equivalents
at the yellow lines, of the current attempt
to exit the channel)
...and break the channel
we can call that a rotation

close to decision time, keep in mind that not accomplishing the above further adds to and confirmative for futher south's a tight channel so should be easy for the bull crowd to pull off,

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