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Bitcoin and cryptocurrency trading thread


I wonder if that means The Communists will not will not allow them to mine in any currency.
All I can say, is well done guys, you have pulled off a blinder.

I'm just from the clunky old brigade, that waddles along with franked dividend shares and term deposits.
I suppose once you're retired, it becomes difficult to gamble, as the recovery is even more difficult. LOL

When you look back on life I’m sure you’ll see that your fear
Will see you miss life changing opportunities.

You don’t have to stake your life on it.
Just make quantified risks to increase your capital base.

Money unfortunately definitely makes MORE money and eradicates
Financial pressure and FEAR of loss.—- you can take the odd one!

Posting endless copy and pastes of argument that supports your view
Just feeds your fear.
All the while opportunities wait for no man.
You keep coming back to this fear thing.
I see it as more of a 'disbelief in the value,' there for it's not something I want to buy or hold.
It's a propensity for bargain hunting or perhaps 'being a cheap person!!'
However, perhaps you see something I do not, so I will take it on board as an insight and see if I can shift on it.
I did buy some Ripple yesterday on a dip but then sold it again after about a 7% rise.
I'm definitely uncomfortable holding it, whilst cryptos are in extreme bubble territory.
Thanks Ducky
Notting I’m glad you recognise my post as an effort to
Switch on the light.
When I see you sold out after a 7% rise when it’s not unusual to
See swings of 50% —— yes I come back to fear.

We are forever looking for volatility that’s where the profit is.
When you find it analyse it and use it.

Which brings me to moXJOs post

While I understand selling off half your holdings for a couple of hundred K
Which if sold at about $2.50 my workings say you must have had about 200000
Of them

What I don’t understand is that we all want to be in the position to change our livers
You were in that position while you have 100000 left which a $1 move = $100,000
My observation is that you left $150,000 on the floor in a few days!
Price has risen about $1.50 on that time.

How often do we get to pull $100,000 + a DAY!
With almost no risk to base capital!
You could still set you and your family up for a few generations
At least your in the position to do so.

But you were in TWICE that position a few days ago,
Plus you’ll lose around a third in tax.

Still 2 in the hand as they say.
I'm flicking some money to a business venture in China and needed quick cash. I got out from $2.90 to $3.10.

"Couple thousand" was my initial investment. Not "couple hundred thousand" profit. Plenty of xrp still in the game.

There was a lot left on the table from then to now. But other opportunities to make bigger money meant grabbing a bit now. Still stings though. Cheers for making it hurt a bit more Ducky with a well laid out summary

Like I said I think xrp has legs till $5. The market caps getting a bit out of control though. Its possible xrp may have overtaken btc today? Have to check.

Theres a lot of btc shills trying to downramp. And also some legitimate questions about ripple labs coming out. I'm a bit half half on it

Ethereum has added a lot of changes to their coin the other day. Its already moved a bit but I think it could run as well.
I have people in the operations part of my office (i work in a supply chain company) talking about how much money they have made (on paper) from this. Quite incredible how far reaching this is now.

Tech I like your thoughts (really like) about the fear - calculated risks are rarely an error. I must admit I have no piece of this so perhaps I'm a little bias but life isn't this easy, you can't just print money - surely something happens in this space that atleast leads to some type of fall??!

Well every now and again at least a few times in life you can print money.
Life doesn’t care that it shouldn’t happen.
That it’s a bubble
That people make money out of thin air
That every expert you can muster tells you it can’t happen.

2009 couldn’t happen the banks were too big to fail.

There might be a fall
There might not be a fall.

For 99% of the population it won’t effect their life in any way shape or form just like every other opportunity they WATCHED —— crippled by fear——pass by.

The choice is simple be one of the 99%
Be one of the 1%

Become an expert in handling losers and youll
Be a long term winner.
Speaking of rich animania -

The parody Keeps on giving
Dogecoin cryptocurrency just broke $2 billion for its market cap

  • Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency created as a parody after a popular internet meme, saw its market cap crack $2 billion on Sunday
  • The rise of Dogecoin and other bitcoin descendants is due to the fact that they're perceived as being "cheap" compared to bitcoin or ether, according to Dave Chapman from Octagon Strategy
  • One of the Dogecoin founders told a cryptocurrency news site that the token's rise makes him worry about market excess

That was a good post CanOz, explained how bitcoins work, in layman's terms really well.

There is starting to be some scam artists, trolling around in the bitcoin market, here is a report of a W.A victim. As everyone on ASF says, "do your own research, be sure you know what you're buying and most of all be careful.

For new visitors to ASF, if you have a question, post it, you will get sensible, honest replies from some pretty experienced people.
It might not be advice, but there will be some knowledgeable input, that I'm sure will help.
Ok time for unsubstantiated rumors.
Crypto is moving pretty fast. Big profits are gone from bitcoin, litecoin and all the other stuff thats run into the thousands and people are moving into ico or initial coin offering. You can pick these up cheap and every now and then you get a 500-1000 bagger in a matter of weeks. You also get a majority that do nothing.
The recent prl ico made people thousands off a low investment.
Selling them will probably be a pain in the ar$e and crash the price, but whatever. You're a millionaire on paper anyway.

Couple of resources to get on the bubble train.

This lets you know of upcoming ico's which you can participate in if you are a subscriber (via email).
Then to find out what the latest ramp is simply check what reddit is currently pumping (shilling). It's everything you wish stocks could be.
Yep, sounds like a legit way to make a million.

This c.rap could blow up at anytime. Only play with money you can lose. And don't go sending coins out to addresses like you just fell off the turnip truck.
IMPORTANT #AIRDROP RULES: 1. Never give your private key to anyone! 2. Avoid entering real names into signup forms! 3. Do not send $ETH or $BTC to any airdrop! 4. Use virtual machines for custom wallets!
Airdrops are free coins into your wallet. Sorry, my post was all over the shop.
an interesting article about a joke now valued at 2billions USd; while I do believe in blockchain and also believe bitcoin has as much value as any fiat currency if not more, this illustrates both the FOMO and the sad state of these quantitative easing and actual devaluation of money all around the world: too much free cash available, yet it seems not so much in people wallets but more in the big banks and funds
anyway have fun:

That's your take on it.....ignore that fact that any coins intrinsic value is ZERO as it should be, Ignore the fact that this is showing all of the signs of a CLASSIC bubble....the people "investing" in this likely could not even spell Quantitative Easing......
I'll try without looking Quantative easing Whoooops
Thank the Lord I'm not investing in it. Some kind of miracle one imagines
I heard today on Twitter that the new phase of this craze was to sell the registered crypto trading accounts...apparently they're getting harder to come by....i'll try and find the tweet....

Jeez, if that ain't signs of a bubble then shoot me...
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