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A mod who couldn't be bothered reading a response. Interesting. Quality move.

Think of those questions as from a prospective student. I have 4 simple questions i want to ask to see if i should go ahead with your course. I just want some simple answers so i can compare against various educators.

It's fine if you cant provide it, it just means that if i were a prospective student i would take my business elesewhere.
You surprise me with your assumptions. I go short all the time. In fact I don't care if I go long or short. It's all the same to me. Asumptions...tsk tsk.

Bill in this thread you have repeatedly shown any curious onlookers that you possess little or no understanding of terminology which any trader worth should speak as their first language.

You don't understand margin, you don't understand leverage, you don't understand risk/reward, you don't understand options greeks, you don't understand how to quote returns in a non misleading manner or even why someone might do that...and top it all show that final little piece of ignorance by mixing up the difference between being long an option, and being long the underlying.

Bill Stacy, you are not a trader.


1) It varies (as I have explained many times). There is no set R:R - sorry I can't fit into your little box. You take as much as it gives and risk as much as you want. I'm not your boss. all I do is explain how I trade and give you the layouts and tools to do as I do.
2) As much as I'm comfortable with (as I have explained many times).
3) It is illegal for me to personally advise anyone - you should know that...tsk, tsk.
4) Yes, and I have done so (as I have explained but you were too busy to read it)

Happy? Of course not. Why? Because I don't fit into your little boxes. I'm an educator with something new and that must scare the bejeesus out of you. Why? I have no idea. Actually, that's not true, I have a pretty good idea.

Sorry if my first answer was too long for you to read. Sometimes the facts take more time to explain that you have time for - I can't really help that.
I'm an educator with something new

I admit it Bill, I have never seen any of the options spruik--err educators come up with such convoluted methods to get stomped on by the options market. Often they just run a spiel about covered calls and how you can trade them for income. Usually, claims of 20% in one week are left to the forex spruik--err educators.

OK that's a start, thankyou. Further to those points can you please succinctly answer the following?

1. What is your total R:R over your entire trading history then?
2. What % is the most you have risked per trade? And what is the least?
3. If you are an educator I assume you would be RG146 compliant/qualified which means it isn't illegal for you to give personal advice, providing you are appropriately qualified and operating under an AFSL.
4. If you provide authentic broker staments to myself i am happy to assess them

and one new question
5. What is your AFSL license number?

Lol, that is funny so are you. Not a trader? OMG! What should I do with all this profit? Should I return it back to the ASX? I'm not a trader eh? So when I buy something and then sell it back to the market thousands of times over many years what does that make me? A truck driver? Chef? Welder? Dole bludger? Of course I'm a freaking trader moron! What a stupid thing to say.

You see what you did to yourself there? With that one stupid statement you proved how angry and threatened you must feel. With arms flailing in the air you panic at the mere mention of something new and just want to kill it because that will make everything better. Aaaah, now we can go back to living in our own little boxes where only what WE do is right and new things are wrong,

You pathetic losers, I spit on your worthless judgments of something you clearly have no intention of ever understanding. And you know the funniest thing? It's SOOOOOO simple! You are what is wrong with most "educators" and "gurus". You stand there and throw stones and find new ways to trick newbies into being so scared that no one should ever trade anything unless you are guiding them down your "super complicated" roadway filled with all your spooky dangerous mathematical warnings designed to make you look like all knowing gods of everything. Grow a freaking spine! Open your tiny minds and inquire instead of destroying every new thing you come across. You are stock market vandals. No better than anyone.

Pathetic, just pathetic. Seriously sad individuals.
Have you backtested your Moving average system/indicators which you are using?

If so can you provide some stats e.g. win%, loss%, peak to trough drawdown etc?

OMFG! You will never be pleased no matter what I say.

1) Never added it up. Why on earth would I bother? Besides, I do all sorts of trading. To be worth anything to you I'd have to add up all the day trades that I did that followed my method exactly. Hope that answer wasn't too long for you.
2) Not sure, probably about 50k max, 2k min
3) Yes and no I'm not qualified to give personal advice (without a questionnaire). I (when I'm teaching) am licensed for general advice only and have no intention of getting involved personally in anyone's trades.
4) Fine, I have a whole month's worth waiting. Will any period from 2004 to now be ok?
5) I don't own an AFSL. Very few advisers do. I haven't actually taught for a few months but when I did I was under an AR under an AFSL. I presume that's what you meant to ask. But...

Give me one reason to have faith in you after all your personal attacks? What will it achieve if I give you my statements? Do you actually think it will keep these animals happy? I would need to be convinced that I'm dealing with a fair minded individual and I have seen no evidence of that on this forum yet. Only barking dogs, snakes in the grass and disgusting vermin. I have defended myself to the best of my ability and answered all questions put to me - some many times over.

I have wasted days and days and weeks and months and years arguing with these mindless fools who refuse to accept any proof if it flies in the face of what they think they already know. All minds in here are shut firm so even when I do provide proof of trading they will attack it and find something to poke at. In the end it matters diddly squat what any of you think. This thread is not for you guys anyway. I'm just having fun laughing at your weak attacks. I know what I know, I know what I do and I know how to do what I do very well. That's all I need to know. If you guys can't accept new things then you have your own severe mental issues to deal with. You've made it very clear that there is nothing I can say that will convince you that I am not a ghost.

The only real question remaining is "why are you all so scared of me?" lol, it's hilarious to see you all scrambling to find something new to attack me with. The emails of support I am getting all point to you being pathetic little losers with nothing better to do than protect your own little turf. I came on here to defend the lies and crap that was being said about me and I've done exactly that to the best of my ability. I'm proud of what I do and who I am and nothing you little grubs will say or do will change that.

Get over yourselves!
Have you backtested your Moving average system/indicators which you are using?

If so can you provide some stats e.g. win%, loss%, peak to trough drawdown etc?

No, it's virtually impossible to back test live options day trading. Experience is gained via real live paper trading. I haven't changed my MAs for over 4 years. They have stood the test of time. I've never bothered calculating win%, loss% or peak to trough drawdown. never needed to. I only do what works and has worked for me over the years. Some play with stats while others just get down to trading. I'm the latter. I've got a life.
Stand back folks, it's about to blow!

As a fellow ASF member we generally all try to help each other out. You may find the following link of use Bill.

Regards ColB

"...Schizophrenia is classified as a “psychotic disorder” in the DSM-IV, which is the diagnostic manual used by mental health professionals. When a person is “psychotic,” it means he is unable to distinguish between what is real and what is imagined.

In more clinical terms, his “reality testing” is severely impaired. An individual with schizophrenia is not necessarily always psychotic, but may have periods of psychosis which are often referred to as “psychotic episodes.” These episodes make it impossible to function normally while they are occurring.

Psychotic symptoms primarily involve hallucinations or delusions,...."

1. OK thanks. Personally i wouldnt go with an 'educator' who doesnt know their own statistics. Others may be different

2. Maybe i wasn't clear. I was meaning to ask risk as a % of account size, not dollar value. Can you please provide this?

3. The bits i have bolded in the quotes are quite concerning imo. If you are charging people a large amount of money to teach them, and you can only give general advice, how can you help them with any specific questions they might have?

4. Provided they are audited broker statements any month is fine, but preferably more recent.

5. As per point 3 i dont see why anyone would choose an educator who isnt qualified to give personal advice and who doesnt have an AFSL.

Thanks for helping me understand you. Why would you admit to such health issues on a public forum though? Is that part of your illness?

I didn't ask for back-testing ops, just the indicator system, which sounds like from your posts a MA crossover.
Wait.... so let me get this straight.... This poster is trying to highlight his success/drum up busines by attacking pretty much every top poster on ASF.

If I was a potential client and I saw this thread I would run a mile.
2) Not sure, probably about 50k max, 2k min

The original question actually asked what % you risk on a trade. $50k or $2k is NOT a percentage.

You could have been trading a $100,000 position on the first example, meaning you risked 50% or you could have been trading a $500,000 position meaning you only risked 10%.

So I will put the same question to you. What is the minimum and maximum % of your account balance that you would risk on any one trade?

Edit: Sorry I just saw prawn has put this Q to you again already.

Generally I've never asked anyone I bought a home study course from for their personal financial papers. I'd assume it was none of my business and I can't imagine anyone giving them out nor anyone really caring. No one has ever asked me. Besides, how I do or have done has very little bearing on how they will do in the future. As you well know, past performance is no guarantee of future performance. I guarantee only to show them exactly how I lay out my charts, all my indicators, to give them all my tools and help them get started with paper trading exercises. This is usually much more than any other educators offer - I've been told. This is also my own personal experience.

2. "If" people ask, I say that on average they should trade no more than about 20% of their total investment portfolio on this style of high risk trading and take no more than a 10% loss. This equates down to a overall risk of about 2% on their entire portfolio. Most of my clients have portfolios of over 200k so to risk 10% of a 20k trade is nothing to them. If they use more than that on a trade it's on their heads not mine.

3. Because my course deals with "how I do what I do" not "when they should do what I do". If I get a question I answer it in a non targeted manner and it's usually about how "I" trade, not how they should trade. I've been advised this is appropriate for an AR.

5. Most educators are not qualified to give personal advice and none I have ever seen take a personal interest in their member's trades. Brokers are the obvious exception but the last time I listened to a broker was about 2005. Generally I just trade online.

One last point. Very few people who sell financial advice (general or personal) have their own AFSL - I would have thought you'd know that. Unless you're a bit confused and mean AR under AFSL. I presume you do and I ALWAYS operate under one when I'm teaching. They are expensive though (usually about $1,300 - $2,500 a month) so I only get one when I need it. I presume all you guys are the same with all the advice you hand out you would also have to be an AR under an AFSL or you are all talking and posting illegally when you give advice - even general advice.
Wait.... so let me get this straight.... This poster is trying to highlight his success/drum up busines by attacking pretty much every top poster on ASF.

If I was a potential client and I saw this thread I would run a mile.

I have NEVER claimed to be trying to drum up business. I don't even sell this course any more. I'm just here defending myself against the dogs of fear and war.

Very well.
If I was a potential client and I saw this thread I would run a mile.

+1, I was thinking the same thing.

2. What % is the most you have risked per trade? And what is the least?

2) Not sure, probably about 50k max, 2k min

If i was a client asking a simple question like the % risked on a trade and got a dodgy reply like the one given here.....i be a little frustrated.
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