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oh yeah ......

Robots isnt trying to sell us anything either .

No courses ... nuffin ..nadda, just telling us how he goes

anyways.thats a different fanclub thread subject

Kudos to the ol Robots. He has stood by his claims. There is no doubt about that. But I refuse to stand by the over-leveraged club myself. Not that they would ever accept me as a member as ol Groucho Marx would put it

Food for thought.

Com'n Bill, Don't flake-out again, just when I thought we were all mak'n some progress.

O.K. fair enough, maybe you're pre-occupied explaining yourself or consoling your clients?....["what. I can get all this stuff free on asf, wtf!"]

Bring some of your students on this forum then.
If they do indeed exist?
Maybe they can explain your strategy more convincingly than you?
You did say some of your students were potentially brighter & pos. better than you!..[your words]

Ask him to do what he encouraged, which was to face a critic & stand proud, reputation intact....????

Well, it appears all's quiete on the western front?

Where's Bill gone?


Relax Vicki, I have a life.

The dude who wants to see my stuff can contact me and I'll send him a link to become a full member.

The rest of you poor sad little people who feel the need to add your drivel need to read the posts before opening your big mouths.

Good on you Bill.
We've now got a fair game of cricket!
Trembling hand, have you contaced Bill yet?


Forever belittling others: e.g. stupid, fools, find a cliff etc, or we simply just don't get it.

That will be my last contribution to this thread.


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Thanks Mazzatelli,
Just looked that those web pages.

Selling yourself as a gun trader is one thing!

But pyramid, telemarketing, avon, amway stuff is just utter tripe, best left to the yanks.
This absolute bullsh!t is all over the web, & honestly I thought you to be a higher class of spin-doctor bullsh!t artist than this!!!!

O.K. Lets be fair & all try it & retire on 25k p/m!

It's like the original planet wealth crap all over again!

Go'n 2 bed......jeez

You forgot to add multi-level marketing.....
Forever belittling others: e.g. stupid, fools, find a cliff etc, or we simply just don't get it.

That will be my last contribution to this thread.

lol, this has opened up a whole new can of worms ... it just gets better and better.

Btw dislike of pyramiding , multi-level marketing and ripping off old grannies and the like, does not equal dislike of entrepreneurship, freedom of markets and not being a communist.

How about honesty, integrity and providing good old fashion value for money.

Instead of finding someone more stupid or naive than you.


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Bill, there are professional option traders on this site (professional to me does not mean formally educated or working for a company doing that, it means, they are experienced and know what the f they are doing, I know Wayne L is in this camp, as well as one or a few others), which have pulled you to pieces, or for some questions you have not answered all their questions because you don't know the answer.

One thing is clear to me based on your web site and answers on this forum, is that you have bought into the same multi-level marketing scheme you are promoting, and are someone's pawn on the multi-level scheme, and you are trying to add a pawn structure below you of your own, which trickles up in revenue.

Your website is not original (based on the ridiculous amount of polished US voice overs), you are obviously at a lower tier to something else, for which you do their bidding, and you are looking for more suckers such as yourself.
How about honesty, integrity and providing good old fashion value for money.

Instead of finding someone more stupid or naive than you.

See this one walks the fine line of the law with the "if we enter and exit here" hindsight videos. The videos surely contravene fair trading practices by way of baiting clients with hypothetical profits.
See this one walks the fine line of the law with the "if we enter and exit here" hindsight videos. The videos surely contravene fair trading practices by way of baiting clients with hypothetical profits.

Oh, thankyou for pointing that out.
Sounds very similar to the original planet wealth e-book "dimitri strategy" crap!


I am a poor sald little people? WOW Bill ...... I really wanna join your club now. LOL


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Bill, your back!
Have you had a chat with trembling hand yet?

Set a date to meet etc.

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