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An all to familiar gaff!

As I think pfoffessor said & others have recently said,
"silence the critics with proof"

And what a great platform to do just that, right here!

Ask for us to agree upon/nominate a trader who's opinion we respect, after which, GIVE HIM A SCHOLARSHIP!!!

a ONCE-OFF, thing where this person could join your program, &/or even get the top-end service you provide, such as when you fly in to their home city, & offer your undivided attention for as long is needed to impart your knowledge!

Then when this 'elected' well known person [on this forum] has completed the training, he can then be 'qualified' to report back to asf, for all to read about!

What a FANTASTIC opportunity Bill!!!!!

Silence critics & promote good business, all in one!

How 'bout it?



I think if Bill was going to provide any kind of concrete proof then it would have arrived by now, there's really no point continually asking IMO.

Perhaps it's time to treat this is as a lesson learned. The unfortunate reality is that most beginners have no place trying to participate in the derivatives markets without extensive knowledge, preparation and training. A lot of people shouldn't even be trying to trade the market at all, in any timeframe.

Perhaps next time you hear someone telling you that anyone can make <<insert outlandish claim here>> by simply doing a short course and then having a computer, internet connection and broker(with the obvious implication that you can just click a couple of buttons from your soon to be purchased yacht and watch the cash roll in), then you'll react with a slightly healthier level of skepticism, and do a bit more due dilligence before forking over your hard earned.

Sorry to sound harsh here, but pretty well everything to do with learning how to trade and invest(in anything, not just shares and derivatives) is going to have you swimming with sharks whilst you figure things out for yourself. Get educated, do your due diligence and you'll have more success in the future!

That's a very good insight Professor!
Thats precisely why we should at least keep the sharks out of the "kiddies" pool!

I have answered every single one of their specifics!

You have not answered my questions. How much is the max loss per capital you recommend to live the dream Bill in percentage terms of capital, or in your words "bank".

Whats your win rate long term. You have been asked many times but give nothing of note in reply.

I will meet you.
Bill you are in Adelaide? I'm unfortunately there often.
I will happily pick the **** out of your lies in person if you allow me to record the conversation.

a great way to learn is back testing...are you guys against back testing? - surely not
You know nothing of back testing Bill nothing!!!!!! have a look at this little collection and either admit you know nothing of system design/backtesting and haven't back tested the concept let alone kept metrics on an ongoing basis or address the points repeatedly raised showing that you have a grasp of your system and its expected performance or even some answers that show basic trading knowlage.

Oh I see: brokerage, margin, slippage - all not important when developing trading systems/models.
your answer, amazingly,
So what's your win loss ratio ?
In other words for every ten trades how many are winners averaged over say a year, not a 4 day streak.
We get nothing,

so I ask,
Whats the average loss per trade in dollar terms your clients would take on a $20,000 account. And whats a reasonable win rate buddy?
You give something about 15%-10% but will not say if thats of capital or option price.

Then you give this absolute rolled gold confused rubbish.

Massive warning to anyone buying this "system". Clearly he hasn't tested it in fact would seem he doesn't even know how to test a system.
That's a very good insight Professor!
Thats precisely why we should at least keep the sharks out of the "kiddies" pool!


Vicki, unfortunately when it comes to making money, there is no kiddies pool. When it comes to trading any kind of financial instrument, the closest thing to a kiddies pool is simulation/paper trading and back testing. Even then there are no guarantees, and there are still costs - as you are well aware of now, a lot of courses aren't cheap, and come with no guarantees that you are getting a good education. The cost of things like books can add up quite quickly, and a lot of those are pretty well rubbish as well.

There are really only a couple of points I'd make to help you on your way:

Read through as much of the forum as you can. You'll find that most major topics are covered here in one way or another, take notes whilst you do so. If you find posts that you like, and the person that made them is still active on the forum, then send them a message if you have questions. Most people here are here not just to game others for information and ideas, they are generally going to be happy to help beginners if you ask nicely.

The only other thing I'd add is that if something can be tested, then it should be. Test and question everything and you'll be well on your way to developing some kind of skill.
Great point and good to see more normal posts creeping in to this thread.

I myself have spent at least 30k on courses and books and seminars...etc. I don't use most of what I learnt (I reckon) but use bits of what I learnt from every course to get a "feeling" that is hard to put into words about a stock. Does that make all the people who sold me courses I didn't use or didn't find I could relate to sharks? No, of course not. That would be childish as we all know. I have no ill feelings toward any of the people who sold me courses and I NEVER blame anyone else for my trading losses - that's loser talk. I take what I learn and apply it to what I know and do the best I can. Just like everyone else.
I will meet you. Bill you are in Adelaide? I'm unfortunately there often. I will happily pick the **** out of your lies in person if you allow me to record the conversation.

I'm not even going to attempt to answer your other drivel but bring it! I have never lied once about anything on here and I would LOVE to confront anyone who wants to call me names.

The tone of some of the posts in here may have changed Bill, but the message is still the same.

If someone rang me tomorrow and asked me what I thought of your course, I'd tell them to stay away.

But don't be upset, I'd say that about almost any course aimed at beginners that costs thousands of dollars - if it costs a lot of money, and a person isn't in a position to be able to tell if there is value in it, then it's not going to be worth doing IMO.

I agree. I wouldn't do a course either unless I had a very good idea what I was going to get. I would expect you to put people off buying a course you yourself knew nothing about. That's just sensible advice.
The only other thing I'd add is that if something can be tested, then it should be. Test and question everything and you'll be well on your way to developing some kind of skill.

Point taken.

I'm not even going to attempt to answer your other drivel but bring it! I have never lied once about anything on here and I would LOVE to confront anyone who wants to call me names.

I will let you know when I'm in Adelaide next. Looking forward to it.

And of course you will not address the points. Because they will just dig a huge hole for you.

As in have you back tested this "system"? No answer.
If so whats the win rate and how does that compare to you trading of the system on a live basis? No answer.
Whats the max loss to stop out at as a % of account? No answer.
Why have you not replied to one question about money management? No answer.
Why would you day trade something that has a large spread? No answer.
Why would you day trade something that hasn't a delta of 1? No answer.
How is it at all possible to live off a $20,000 account considering the smallest drawdown & a month or so living expenses would put you in a drawdown that would half your account? No answer.
Why don't you understand the simplest concept of Derivatives margins, LOL? No answer.

As it stands you will follow the normal internet for snake oilers 101 rules. Thats is point out as much stuff as you can without addressing specific questions. Thats a common tactic.
I agree. I wouldn't do a course either unless I had a very good idea what I was going to get. I would expect you to put people off buying a course you yourself knew nothing about. That's just sensible advice.

I'm glad you saw my post in the way it was intended Bill, and not as an out and out personal attack.

Having said that, you've been posting here constantly for the better part of 2 days, and haven't managed to actually win anyone over(not that I think that was ever your intention).

There has been many, many chances for you to directly and indirectly demonstrate that you have a sound knowledge of the options market and trading in general, and you've pretty well failed miserably in my opinion.

My comment that I would tell someone not to do your course isn't just based on the fact that I don't know much about your course, but mainly on the fact that after seeing all of your posts here over the past couple of days, I have serious doubts as to the level of knowledge you possess, and don't think that you could possibly provide anything that would be valuable enough to charge thousands of dollars for.

I think I've had my rant now. I'll head off into the sunset and leave this thread alone, it's beginning to go around in circles a bit.


So we finally have a "sit-down"!

Trembling hand is the man Bill, our nomanee by proxy, if you will.
The guy who volanteered to find out if you're the next "shane warne"
i.e. "SPIN KING" or, a bloody genius, worthy of our attention!


p.s.I can hardly wait!

Listen smart mouth I have stood and faired your abuse for 24 hours and hundreds of replies and if you think I "fear" your questions I laugh in your face bercause I've been drilled on this by people much better than you and I used to take calls on this daily. Go and search the posts for all your answers above. I will answer any questions you put to me but I was going to invite you into my house and have you sit with me while I give you the full personal explanation but if you're going to be aggressive and confrontational then forget it. I've got better things to do than entertain fools. If you want to act civil and ask your questions (most of which I've already answered SEVERAL TIMES) like a curious person then you are welcome but I'm not in the habit of inviting idiots into my house.

But first...let's start with some common courtesies...what's your real full name? Yes, out here in the forum where everyone can see who you are.

I've been recorded heaps of times but I'll have my video cameras for my own verification and even to use as an excellent marketing tool should I ever decide to continue selling my course.
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