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Oh I see: brokerage, margin, slippage - all not important when developing trading systems/models.

As long as the spot moves...

Thank you. At last, someone who reads the posts.

As for how upset I get when someone attacks me it depends on how severe and unfair they are. How upset would you get if someone slapped your mother right in front of you and knocked her to the ground? Pretty upset I bet and I also bet no one would accuse you of being "childish" for flattening the guy on the spot.

I take my reputation VERY seriously. I have worked very hard to build it up and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a couple of loose old bitter cannons destroy all the good I've done over the last 5 years with a couple of fast unthinking comments.
Oh I see: brokerage, margin, slippage - all not important when developing trading systems/models.

As long as the spot moves...

Correct. I'm not in this to make money buying something for 95c and selling it for 96c. I need a decent move. Not massive. Just decent enough so all those things have little effect on the bottom line. A "decent" move will happen several times a day but in my experience most people will rarely catch more than 3 or 4 of them a week. Any one of which could supply more than enough profit to live on.
Re: Bill Stacy? "A man of vague answers?"

Less than you'll make in a month (once I've finished training and debriefing you).

Thats a bit vague Bill, sounds like the sort of answer a salesman would give before launching into a spiel.
I take my reputation VERY seriously. I have worked very hard to build it up and I'll be damned if I'm going to let a couple of loose old bitter cannons destroy all the good I've done over the last 5 years with a couple of fast unthinking comments.

If you dont want to (further) damage your reputation, do as i suggested on Page 2 of this thread and see what damage the Commercial Securities thread did to that brand/reputation.

The best you can do to salvage what sliver of respect you have left (if any) is to walk away and not continually be baited into posting, and then just putting up hyperbole when you do post
Do you mind if I join your program and document it all live on my blog?

written by shaking hand I think.

Why can't we just let you prove your systems worth, & just give an experienced trader a test drive of your course/method.

It could arranged that it be under strict formal agreement, that he doesn't distribute it to anyone else etc.

Then when an experienced person gives it the thumbs-up, well you'll have more clients than you could dream of...Big Bucks!

Beats go'n round after round, with people that wont be bullsh!ted easily.

Again, now's your time to shine!

So how 'bout it Bill, provem' all wrong!

Re: Bill Stacy? "Risk Management & Cash Management"

"they have all been screaming at me to join up here and post in my defence but I'm advising against it because of the "1st post" attacks they will get.

I'm well capable of defending myself anyway. Especially when talking the truth - it's easy"

....I can hear them coming.....


This is why there are many sceptics here.

How often are you on the wrong side of a decent move in percentage terms?

What happens to the bid ask spread during a decent move, get my drift ?

Even if your win loss ratio is running at 60%, slippage will eat you alive.
Prices are on the website. It's not important here.

These guys are not arguing value they are flat out calling me a liar and a crook.

They would never see the value of paying for any information. No information is ever worth paying poor sods

This is why there are many sceptics here.

How often are you on the wrong side of a decent move in percentage terms?

What happens to the bid ask spread during a decent move, get my drift.

Sceptics I can handle and appreciate. Cynics have no place in my life. How often do I get it wrong? Probably at least once a week. Maybe more. Can't remember a profitable week that didn't include at least one loss. Just the same as everywhere else I guess. If you want less losses do all my paper trading exercises and practice hard and have good discipline and your losses will (as long as you're not stupid about it) be over balanced by your wins.

The Bid/Ask spread is in a constant state of flux. It's always moving and that's why I always trade with the crowd. To make sure that we are dealing with real traders and not rip off Market Makers.
I think this thread should be merged with the Michelle Corby thread.

Zack, I mean Bill, is very entertaining.
I think this thread should be merged with the Michelle Corby thread.

Zack, I mean Bill, is very entertaining.

Does Michelle trade options? I guess she has plenty of time on her hands.

So what's your win loss ratio ?

In other words for every ten trades how many are winners averaged over say a year, not a 4 day streak.
Here you go. I better get an apology!

Here is a video directly off my course showing me live making $1,000 in 4 minutes buying an ANZ Put. Normally the only people who see this are those who buy my course.

It shows me performing a real live right before your very eyes option day trade. It reveals my full layouts and shows the "non-existant" software I made to help epopel make super fast decisions.

Mods. you have to leave this link. It's the "proof" everyone has been asking for. But it's only one trade so I know that won't keep them happy. $50 says they will find some smart comment to try to discredit this proof.

I'll wait for the apologies.
It seems our Billy has also been affiliated with "planet Wealth, 21st century academy, universal wealth creation along with some people that have had the spotlights for ALLEGED underhand dealings in the past.
jamie mcintrye
andrew dimitri

just a bit of food for thought

amazing what a bit of digging can bring up .

nice hotrod by the way champ
Here you go. I better get an apology!


what for?

me asking for live trades in real time so we can evaluate it ourselves?

you have the opportunity to do it here in the future and i for one will respect that if you do so.

other than that bud i will keep on having a read up on all the various buiseness names and "market associated" numbers you have been named/involved in.

interesting reading so far

Actually, I think I've seen adds/spam on the net, saying buy your course before it goes up...& up etc.
Could be wrong, but I think I saw 10k as an asking price for your course?

Bill, can all your members even see this thread? [wonder what they really think?]

If they want to post in your defense, let'm.
But I think we'll have to start another thread, to accomadate them all, & not get confused with who's who?..[how many are there?]

Call it "the save Bill's cred" thread.

Anyway, as I mentioned recently, why don't you just let 'shaking hand' test drive your material?
What's to lose?...Your reputation?
Just do it, show'm how it's done!


Thanks man, don't tell me you're into rods.

Jamie...was a top bloke, not so sure now. He did some funky things I'm not really impressed with but I'll defend most of the first part of his seminars but I have issues with the last two days which is a whole other thread.

Andrew Dimitri - top bloke.

There is no "...etc". That's it.
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