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I've been day trading options since 2006 and teaching my method since 2007. I have hundreds of satisfied customers and your cheap shot tells us all about you.

So, secret to success, trade for one year then sell courses on "How to make $5000.00 per week trading options".
Brilliant. Set up a web site, host seminars, sign up the willing, take their $5,000 (plus GST?) and make more each year through sprooking a course on Options trading than you probably could ever make actually trading.
Brilliant, particularly when you have failed to demonstrate knowledge of the two most important basics, "Risk Management & Cash Maanagement".
Go live, take the challenge, starting tomorrow post live trades as you buy and sell so the proof of the pudding is there to be seen. Do it for one week. Prove us disbelievers wrong.
Just stunning.

Mods, are we ready to close this thread yet?

Although a myriad of "code of conduct" rules have been broken in this thread (mostly by you), the entertainment value is just too high.

Never before has one shot them self in the foot more often in a single day on a single thread.

Popcorn all round.

Its because i asked for LIVE trades in real time NOT maybe manufactured hindsight statements . geez that statement produced b4 i could doctor to whatever i want within 5 minutes.

Live entrys/exits in real time CANNOT be doctored. The trades can be verified, the results can be seen as it happens... no smoke and mirrors to it. good or bad

Billy wants no part of showing us his genius , ONLY wants to tell us .

gotta love the internet.

now i will stop as my point has been made and my little friend is getting stroppy with me.

oooo "wealthy one day" sure does have a ring to it tho....
Would the critics here settle for any trading videos he has has done in the past? I'd like to see one if you have.

As I said a million posts ago. I have posted heaps of real live trades on my forum (I'm not allowed to post links here). But the jokers are just sticking to their line that I'm a crook and I will doctor everything. Look me up, go to my forum and look for a section called "Trade Examples".

If a moderator allows me I will link and post statements, movies, examples and even a real live movie showing me do a real live option day trade directly from my course but that won't prove anything will it. Even seeing me perform a live trade on video (camtasia) won't convince these types of people. They will always want more and more and more until we all finally figure out that all they wanted to do was waste our time.

If I show a live video will they apologise? I doubt it. So what's the point? I don;t care if anyone believes me really. I know the truth, I've proved it and I can continue proving it but these people don't want proof. They want to believe that what I do is impossible so they can feel better about wasting their years doing nothing.
Oh i Love reading threads like these on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

Hi Bill,

It is hard to take you seriously when you are promoting the Ash Max power system or whatever it is called on the front page of your site. $25 outlay to earn 25k per month, wow! The risk reward ratio is out of this world. Why would i do your course and risk my $20000 capital, i mean margin, er bank? Still a bit confused on that point as you have not got back to TH yet in regards to money management.

On a more serious note though Bill you should have stopped at hello.
My educator provides audited returns for the last seven years up to and including the GFC. Why can you not provide some simple proof? TH has managed to find time to provide results, with broker statements,why can't you?

You say you trade when you need the money? Yet you also say you have been very successfully trading for five years. With the type of returns you are talking about shouldn't your capital base be big enough to just sit in the bank earning more than enough interest to live off? Because you also said you do not like risking your money anymore? What could be more safe than cash in the bank.

I have to say you have great stamina though. You have certainly gone more rounds than most...

God, spare us. Read back and you'll see why I'll never interupt my trades to provide "proof" to people who have spent all day trying to destroy me. It doesn;t work like that. I don't even answer the phone when I day trade. Make of that what you will. You guys will never be happy.

So you are saying slippage of only 3c on an ITM call/put occurs in the ASX bourse?
Typical slippage for something as liquid as SPY options is 0.02-0.05

Who is your educator?....does he wanna go 14 pages in a thread?
Isn't slippage alone in ASX ETO's at least 0.05-0.20 depending on the contract [assuming MM's are generous]?

MM's are never generous, I foolishly directional trading options late 90's into 2003ish you get hammered by the spread / brokerage and containing your stop losses normally leaves around 1/3 of the original position.

There are 1000% ers return wise but yet to see anyone have the psychology to handle it. Its really only the retail with no market knowledge that get drawn into the game or very old hands who sit watching for the correct volatility setup play which funnily enough hasn't been mentioned yet.

Thanks. Do you still have all the money you've earned? I don't. 2-5k a week does not make anyone rich enough to fully retire. It's just a better form of income that being a sad slave.

It would be a large bank indeed if I spent none of it but I live a life and I spend money. I spend way too much on hot rods and old flathead collectibles to get rich off just a couple of grand a week.

Cash in the bank rocks.

AshMax is just a new name fo a affiliate marketing system. Nothing weird going on there. 22k is the MOST you can earn. Most people earn less than that but still, passive income (no matter how small) is still cool and it's worth building. Hopefully no one here has a problem with passive income but I'm sure someone will.

I thought going down to the Richmond local chatting with p!$$ punters was were the entertain was tonight but nah! :drink:

Bill its only been some 70 post since I asked so you may not of had a chance to get to answer the question yet.


How much capital per trade do you advise me to lose before I stop out of the trade?? Of my $20,000 I need to live the dream?

At last! Some decent conversation!

Certainly I agree. Managing your losses is crucial to this (and every) method. Options sometimes move fast but 99% of the time they move slow enough to get out when you see a doji candlestick or a fast rush (exhaustion) candle. I still suffer from "she'll come back" but my "last exit!" signal tells me when it's time to get out of Dodge.

With the way I do it, losses can usually be kept to less than 10%. I get very nervous when my losses go past 10%. I Usually get out before my losses reach 4 figures and if you can do that you will be fine.
Re: Bill Stacy? "Risk Management & Cash Management"

Bill send me $1,500 and I'll teach you the basics in Risk Management and Cash Management. Then you can bump the price of your course up to $6,000 (plus GST). You will recoup 66.66% of your outlay in the first signup at the new improved price and be in profit by 66.66% on your second signup. Hows that for a rate of return?

Answere above again as you posted.
Re: Bill Stacy? "Risk Management & Cash Management"

My course hasn't been 5k for a long time but I do all my money management before I arrive at the stock market. I only ever trade with money I can afford to lose. I'm not saying this is not a high risk strategy at all and it's not for ninnies that's for sure but it does work and I do work it and so do others. They have all been screaming at me to join up here and post in my defence but I'm advising against it because of the "1st post" attacks they will get.

I'm well capable of defending myself anyway. Especially when talking the truth - it's easy.
Didn't he say 10% or 15% max earlier somewhere? Or maybe that was in relation to something else.

One of the more entertaining threads I've come across in a while. I'm only 19 and am embarrassed for Mr Stacy (who i'm assuming is a fully grown man) after reading many of his comments. They are akin to the arguments that take place on a popular gaming forum of which I am a member (arguments between 15yr olds). Hopefully Mr Stacy can present some proper proof so as to quell all of this bickering.
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