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PERSONALLY i dont even think you trade billy.

but kudo,s for being able to spin an awesome fairytale
But Billy ... its not all bad bro ....

In fact i must thank you actually...... you have given me inspiration

now i just gotta knock up a website, put out some flyers, and tell a fairytale .

Then i too can be rollin with da bigshots!

i,ll even throw in a tim tam with coffee
You are so sad. Then again, can't expect too much more from someone who hides behind a misnomer. Why don't you sign your posts with you full real name? I've got nothing to hide...what are you hiding I wonder?
I wonder if all the poor hardworking folk out there that placed there trust in some of the scams and dodgy practises out there ever get any justice?

what ya reckon billy?..they just take the cash and run? or drag it out a bit and maybe score some more?

seems like a good lil number actually.
BRB billy ...... just gotta come up with a fancy name for this project......

"Wealthy One Day"

oh mate im a bloody natural!
One way to shut him up Bill.

Post more proof.

I have looked through the thread, post #105 seems to be the only post with err....proof, although it didn't show any actual P&L numbers, just dots from a weeks worth of trades.

It really amazes me why people like you, whether you're genuine or not, always chuck a wobbly when asked to provide proof/live trades. If your system works wonders, then do it. They shut up. Problem solved, you may win over some new customers(thought that would be a good thing). If not......then you grow a beard and move to Switzerland to open a book store.

It's not that hard. If it really works, then show us. Maybe post what stocks you are about to take a trade in at least. Ideally show more than a months worth of trading statements, then all your tantrums and hissy fits can stop, because people won't pester you and question you about your methods. Simple.

Its no point saying to go to your site for proof, because this thread has been going on for 13 pages now and thats just not going to happen, and its no point raving on about how thick you think people are or how one can day trade options. Just. Post. More. Proof.....problem solvered.

I have.

Isn't slippage alone in ASX ETO's at least 0.05-0.20 depending on the contract [assuming MM's are generous]?
I am amazed how long this thread has run for, especially today alone. I was wondering the same myself if statements were going to be produced. Will keep refreshing the page though.
Isn't slippage in ASX ETO's at least 0.05-0.20 depending on the contract [being generous]?

Not sure but it doesn't matter when day trading options.

Let's say I buy something for $1.00 and I'm happy to sell it for $1.10 and the stock moves a long way and now my option is worth $1.30 that's way more than I need so I don't mind selling it even to the market makers for a "rip off" price of $1.20 (it would be more like $1.27). I still made 27% which will be enough for me to have the rest of the week off.

The big thing is to get a stock move. If it moves a normal amount you will make money. Usually more than enough.

Mate, be realistic.

Can you please post a link or a post number to where this proof may be? As I said, I have only found post #105 to post what some might call "proof". But most people wouldn't. As I said, it can only be beneficial to you if you do and your system works so wonderfully as you say, earning you "a few K/week". Why not prove it to people?? Doesn't make sense, you would rather babble and throw yourself on the ground for 13 pages arguing about it rather than just getting it done. Bizarre.
I am amazed how long this thread has run for, especially today alone. I was wondering the same myself if statements were going to be produced. Will keep refreshing the page though.

I tried to post a month's worth of statements when I was first attacked on this forum but (like I've said a few times now) they were removed and the thread was closed.

I post real results on my forum but even if I provided a real live movie showing a real live actual trade I'm sure that the aboves will accuse me of doctoring that as well. Any statements I produce and I can produce years and years worth will also be accused of being doctored. I know how these types of guys work. The feed of the mysery of others and the reason is that others taking action and getting results makes them all uncomfortable because they clearly think they are better than me and if that's the case then why aren't they day trading options successfully. I show proof and it blows their minds so they have no comeback so they call me a crook and destroy my reputation because that makes them feel better about themselves.

It's very sad and innocent people get harmed at no cost to them. A truely gutless act that should be frowned upon by all good people.
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