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Bill Shorten's definition of misogyny

What a load of manure is Macquarie's decision to revise the meaning of the word 'misogyny'.

The origin of the word, according to the Oxford Dictionary which does not suffer from a similar colonial bias, is that it is derived from the Greek words misos or 'hatred' and gunē or 'woman'. Thus the Oxford dictionary still has the meaning of the word 'misogyny' to be 'a hatred of women'. This remains its meaning in my eyes.

A reminder that Gillard used both the words 'sexism' and 'misogynist' to describe Abbott. She was very clear about the context in which she used misogyny; Tony Abbott has a hatred of other successful women. Why else then did they focus on student politics in the 1970s in the lead up? It was a story designed to make Abbott appear like a character from a 'Clockwork Orange'.

The state of Australian political dialogue at the moment is simply unbearable. That is why that canny old fox, K Rudd, has been in the media of late asking both sides of politics to 'tone down the rhetoric'.

From the earlier post

But I agree I have always thought it to be a women hater in fact its a word I personally don't particularly like.
Hi Ifocus, the on-line version of the Oxford Dictionary (if you google Oxford Dictionary) has a single explanation, being 'the hatred of women'?

I must be getting senile but now that he is on the back bench I am actually starting to grow quite fond of K Rudd the man. I wonder what a 'Rudd vs Turnbull' election would have been like? Especially if Tanner had usurped that angry troll Swan as Treasurer.

Guess we will never know.

Sigh, back to 'Dumb and Dumber' throwing mud pies at each other ...
I must be getting senile
Doubtful, imo
but now that he is on the back bench I am actually starting to grow quite fond of K Rudd the man.
Exactly as he plans you should. We've been forced to witness the ugly and vicious name calling by current leaders, and whacko, along comes our Kev, full of gentle criticism and avuncular suggestions that the nation deserves better.

Phil Coorey sums it up very well here

Maybe trawl through some videos of K. Rudd's actual pomposity and egocentricity from when he was PM.
That should cure you of any fond thoughts, Bushman.
To hear Gillard say in her now infamous misogyny speech that she had to endure misogyny and sexism every day from Tony Abbott was just sick making because it's simply not true. Every day? What utter rubbish.
On that, I don't understand why the opposition didn't pull her up with a point of order.
On that, I don't understand why the opposition didn't pull her up with a point of order.
Perhaps the Speaker, having firmly declared herself a supporter of Ms Gillard's views, quickly quashed any such attempt with an order to sit down and be quiet.
Perhaps the Speaker, having firmly declared herself a supporter of Ms Gillard's views, quickly quashed any such attempt with an order to sit down and be quiet.
I watched that particular session of Parliament and I don't recall seeing one then.
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