No idea where to post this. Don't want to start another thread.
I've read so many posts about recommended trading books. I'm interested to get people's thoughts on any newish (maybe 2012 and 2013) books worth having a look at (that may not have got the attention on the forum). A couple I've had a look at:
Trades About To Happen - David Weiss
Al Brooks - 3 part series. Trends, Ranges, Reversals.
Al Brooks - I'm no expert, but one of the things I have learnt [read often enough] is that you need to decide on an approach, and refine/make that approach work of you.
That's a Radgism as well I think, one he uses to explain why his 2nd hand 'for sale' book collection is so large - throw all your books away, there is no holy grail, find something, stick with it , make it work.
Al Brook's is stuff is based on Edwards and Magee's material, pre-computers, paper charts and a ruler - no volumes, no indicators, no fibs, no Elliot wave, no VWAP's. no ladders, nothing except candlestick analysis, context, trendlines/channels, support/resistance, traps and maybe a 20 period ema - but it still works, on any timeframe on any liquid instrument.
BUT - its not for the faint hearted, his style is his style and it's not an easy ride.
The good news is there is another site - which is Brooks simplified - offers a daily ES analysis video which is very useful.
Brook's own site also has a daily video of the ES, but man it's heavy, to heavy for me.
Brooks also does a ppt training course, well worth $250 if you want to get into his stuff - this covers everything you would probably ever need to know.