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Best Data for me?

Hi All

Just wanted to know if there is any option of getting EOD data for Aus stocks in Ami format

Also looking for historical data if possible

Looking for zero cost options.

My AB crashed and I'm now missing data from 27-11-2012 to 3-1-2013. So it's the equivalent of about a month of EOD data for ASX. If anyone could help me out with a zip file that would be great, thanks.
Hi guys
I would like to start running backtests on a couple of my fundamental based scripts (designed for us markets)

Can anyone point me to a suitable source? I need the usual balance sheet entries but more = better
Hello friends,

I am about to buy amibroker. I am a bit confused about which data provider to use between Norgate's Premium Data and esignal.
Esignal is 45$ per month and provides 15 min delayes data. You also get the esignal software which looks really good.
In the forums, everyone seems to be buying premium data subscription.
Could someone please tell me which one is better??? Are there any advantages of one over the other??


Both offer one month free trial.

Depending on your trading needs ie. "End of Day" or in future "Realtime".

I would get Amibroker first (preferably professional & Amiquote - slight more costly than Standard) set up your charts and get the hang of it.

Then go for the free trail, cos you got only one month to test them.
I bought Amibroker earlier this year and sort of regret it... I find it quite hard to use. As in its not really for beginners. I use iSignal and find the interface is much more friendly to the beginner. I use version 10.6 of eSignal, the legacy version. Also with charting future spreads, you can use bar charts. As far as I'm aware it's one of the fewer ones left that have this functionality. Hope this helps!

Thanks SuperGlue
I'm persisting with Amibroker. Although I said I slightly regret buying it, there has got to be a good reason lots of traders and investors use it (methinks more people use it for medium-long term trading)...

I recently discovered ASXMarketWatch by Dave McLachlan, some great tutorials on there!
Hi captain black, the persistence is paying off! No pun intended... I'm getting a better feel for the software through the online tutorials (text and video). Thanks for helping!
Hi captain black, the persistence is paying off! No pun intended... I'm getting a better feel for the software through the online tutorials (text and video). Thanks for helping!

No probs at all, great to see you getting a better feel for AB. Feel free to ask any questions over in the Amibroker FAQ thread or send a PM.

Persistence pays
Hello all,

I am new to ASX and was wondering if you can help me with the below:

1. Is there is any way to obtain the number of buyers and sellers and the respective volumes and types (institutional vs individual) for ASX stocks on a daily based in an Excel format? This will help to calculate the buy and sell pressure for stocks and filter out the ones with a great sell pressure.
2. Are you aware of any ASX scanner for CANSLIM fans by any chance? or a way to download the EPS for past few quarter for all ASX stocks?
3. If I buy the Amiquote, is the EOD data for ASX usable and reliable? is it adjusted?
4. Is there any website similar to for ASX?

Thank you very in advance
For Aussie investors, this recently provides nearly real time market data and EOD historical data for daily ( currently update to date and trace back to 1970 or so ) and weekly. They provide financial statement data as well.

They currently supply free data in a rest api format:
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