Sorry, anyone that enters in the market with a sane mind to speculate IS motivated by money. You say you are motivated by becoming as good as you can in trading - let's measure it in futures market ticks. What does this give you ? MONEY. I do not know of anyone who want to accumulate profitable ticks in the market for reasons other than monetary.
In business it could be different yes like an architect would feel absolute great in having their designs built into reality. Their dream/vision coming into fruition may be greater than their monetary incentive. This is not the same in speculating in the market - you would NOT be trading if there wasn't monetary benefit involved. You yourself said you could think of nothing worse than glued to the screen for hours trading full time - but do this because it supplements your income which basically says you do not just trade for the challenge.
At the end of the day P/L money made is the underlying factor. We trade to make money, not to be right.
Let me ask you one question - which offer would you take ?
1. I will give you $2000 today, but you must take today's trading session off.
2. I will allow you to go into the market and take on the challenge to make as many ticks as possible. But whatever harvested you cannot be paid. Your reward is gaining the satisfaction that you made xx number of ticks.
Unless you can honestly say you would rather offer 2 then you ARE motivated by money to trade.