I havent found this site to be too bad. I was having a discussion about mining rights on another site, and they kept deleting the word 'Labor' because contained within it are three letters that are insulting to indigenous people. I can understand those three letters being banned but it does rather complicate other more appropriate discussions.
What would happen if you spelt them backwards,would that be still offensive? Or should we say what it really stands for..........Fornication & Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.
Aaaaah mere trivia.
What would happen if you spelt them backwards,would that be still offensive? Or should we say what it really stands for..........Fornication & Unlawful Carnal Knowledge.
Aaaaah mere trivia.
You know it sounds dumb when I asked so many people where does this word originate from.Then one day last december,I'm driving this guy to work with me and he gets onto the subject of collecting military gear ...........and this car pulls out in from of me , I'm swearing like a trooper ,I mean the ute is skiding sideways motion & the other car takes off as if nothing has happened.The guy calmly replies to me do you know where KCUF word comes from? ...........then he proceeds "WW1.." the soldiers where given this doctrine (if thats the right term) about sex ............now I thought it was about the girls and women in the French villages......... but latter on I thinking he was refering to homsexuality in the trenches!
Obviously I stand to be corrected !